We bloody love Assassin's Creed Origins here at Push Square, but those modern day segments were, in a word, awful -- and they're returning in Assassin's Creed Odyssey.
Okay, so the modern day story stuff made up about two per cent of the whole game, but they've always felt so unnecessary. One minute you're exploring this huge, lush world and absorbing all the historical context -- the next you're having to faff about as some supremely boring nobody. Even if it's brief, we reckon it's an annoyance.
"Assassin's Creed Odyssey is a continuation of the modern day story from Layla, so players will pick-up right after Assassin's Creed Origins," creative director Jonathan Dumont confirms, much to our disappointment.
Just please let it be brief, Ubisoft. Or better yet, make it entirely optional.
[source assassinscreed.ubisoft.com]
Comments 25
hope we get a better interpretation of modern day character this time, in origins she was dull as hell
in fact let us make our own modern day character, that would be better
or they should have just kept Desmond ( i can't believe i said that)
@FullbringIchigo Yeah Layla was terrible. I barely remember a thing about her.
I quite liked the modern day segments in Black Flag which had you scurrying around plush hipster offices trying to uncover a conspiracy or some such.
I didn't mind the 'Modern Day' in AC: Origins. Granted they were 'unnecessary' but it does give it that AC thing. I was never a fan of the 'Desmond' sequences either but it is a reminder that its an AC game and does allow for some good Easter Eggs - even in game as the modern day does link very well with the old too in setting.
It was such a small part of Origins though if you take the whole game into consideration and whilst it wasn't particularly great, it wasn't game-breakingly bad either. As long as Odyssey doesn't 'expand' on the modern day component, then I am OK with it...
@ApostateMage All I remember of the Black Flag modern day stuff was standing in an office listening to some guy ramble on and on about... something. And I was just desperate to get back to being a pirate.
I want to type sigh but pushsquare already write it lol
I have played all the assassins creeds but always thought the modern day levels were unnecessary and boring and couldn't wait to getting back into the animus and playing the main character.
I enjoyed the modern segments with Desmond in the original Assassin's Creed, back before it was clear they didn't have a plan. I remember specifically thinking that the modern segments had a lot of potential. I really liked how they used it as an in universe explanation for HUD elements and gamey bits. I kept waiting for it to turn out that he wasn't just experiencing his ancestor's genetic memory, he was actually changing the past, but then things got weird and the segments felt more and more tacked on, and I honestly don't remember a single one from any of the other games at this point.
Haven't completed Origins yet, but how about Ubi let us see what it was like in the First Civilisation, perhaps letting us be Adam or Eve and escaping with an Apple as per the lore.
I would love for Ubi to drop these annoying modern day sections. Absolute waste of time imo...
I kinda wish Desmond hadn't died. I was actually really invested in his story.
I wish they didn't go back to churning these games out every year. I've never liked the modern story post-Desmond.
They need to stop the modern day outside of maybe 5-10 minutes tops in AC. They need to stop and think about it. Take what Unity did and use a brief intro and outtro. You got rid of Desmond to cut back on Modern day. So just get rid of it until you want to retcon Desmond and do a proper story like back when it was interesting. I’d be interested in it as I play AC2 if I didn’t know that it fell off the map completely.
Sigh, let the modern settings to Watch Dogs.
I really liked Origins, but I really don't like annual releases, it's always good to give the series a break.
personally I'm so ready for more beautiful Origins
Not a fan. All it does is suck me out of the experience.
Just platinum'd origins and still don't really understand the story 🤔 great game though. Modern sections sucked
I never understood the whole point to the modern day stuff with AC it always seemed like it was forced in.
No way, are they still doing this? I haven't played an Assassin's Creed game since Black Flag, but even by that point the modern day stuff was absolute guff. The dual story thing sucked ever since Ubisoft decided that instead of making a trilogy with a coherent plot, they'd just keep releasing games every year, forever and ever amen, whether they had a story to tell or not.
Finally playing the first game now, this sounds the same as with Desmond segments, and those certainly don't feel unnecessary to me. The fandom didn't restrain its rants much about satellites like movies focusing on the modern day situation instead either.
@Futureshark well they have been either retconning or completely ignoring the lore for the past few games anyway so they probably wont
@DASchenk Thanks for the Desmond spoiler...not everyone is caught up with the series when they read these articles.
@ToddlerNaruto I agree. I don’t know who Desmond is but now I won’t forget his fate if I ever get round to playing this entire series.
As JB said, the modern day bits were the "Brussels sprouts of the Xmas dinner"- essential but mostly detestable. I really hated the complete switch of gameplay in some parts of the Desmond saga... and in Black flag the Abstergo stuff was pretty superfluous. (Loads of emails to read IRL is bad enough!)
... I agree with RR, please Ubisoft, keep the backstory really minimal with no boring, difficult bits to get you stuck and prevent getting back to the meat and potatoes of the game ASAP.
@Kienda Agreed, I wish people wouldn't assume that we've played all of the earlier games etc...
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