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Last week we had our look at Call of Duty: Black Ops 4, and earlier this week, we got our first glimpse of Battlefield V during an admittedly terrible live reveal event. If you missed it, you can find our coverage by clicking through here.

As was heavily rumoured, Battlefield V throws players into World War II. We only got a short look at some "gameplay", but the developers talked at length about what we can expect. The question is, are you up for it?

Once again, we want to know what you think. Are you a big Battlefield fan? Do you like the World War II setting? Let us know in our polls, and then feed us your opinions in the comments section below.

Are you sold on Battlefield V yet? (145 votes)

  1. Yes, I'll be there day one14%
  2. Mostly, I like what I see12%
  3. Maybe, but I need to see more17%
  4. I'm honestly not sure12%
  5. Nah, I'm certainly not convinced yet14%
  6. No, I couldn't care less31%

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Are you a fan of Battlefield as a series? (142 votes)

  1. Yes, I'm a huge fan of Battlefield15%
  2. I'm not a mega fan, but I do enjoy the series27%
  3. Kind of, I've played Battlefield here and there23%
  4. Nah, I'm not really into Battlefield15%
  5. No, I don't give a damn about Battlefield20%

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What do you think of Battlefield V's World War II setting? (143 votes)

  1. Love it13%
  2. I like it27%
  3. I'm indifferent, I'll take any setting as long as the game's good28%
  4. Not a fan, to be honest9%
  5. I don't like it, I'd rather have a more modern or futuristic setting11%
  6. I don't care one bit about Battlefield13%

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