God of War has become the fastest selling PlayStation 4 exclusive to date, shifting a dizzying 3.1 million copies worldwide in just three days. The data tracks the period spanning 20th April through 22nd April, and includes physical and digital sales. We already know that the soft-reboot enjoyed the brand’s best ever launch in the UK, and it looks like that’s a trend that’s being mirrored around the globe.
Sony Santa Monica’s Shannon Studstill had the following message for fans:
I would like to personally thank the millions of fans around the world who decided to embark on Kratos’ latest adventure with us. Your support is truly inspiring, and it’s a reason why we push ourselves every day to go beyond the boundaries of play. I’d also like to thank our Creative Director, Cory Barlog, and Director of Product Development, Yumi Yang, and our entire amazing team at Santa Monica Studio. The belief in the game’s vision and the passion for storytelling across the team is undeniable. We look forward to hearing more about how fans are creating new memories of their favorite God of War gameplay moments that will be remembered for a long time.
We awarded Kratos’ latest a 10/10 in our review, and it’s clearly already a front-runner for Game of the Year. Looks like it's going to be one of the best selling games of the year, too.
Update: Industry analyst Daniel Ahmad has put this result into context by comparing God of War's launch sales to some of the PS4's other big exclusives:
Very, very impressive.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 52
Well deserved! Long may its success continue!
That's a lotta BOY am I right lads
Amazing figure!
God of sales
@ShogunRok Silence, head.
Dayum. That's impressive stuff. Next target, surpass Mario Odyssey's 2 month sales at 9m.
It'd be interesting to know how much other ps4 or ps games sold in their first week to get a better idea how impressive this is.
Incredible! I knew it would sell well, but to outsell even Uncharted 4 (at launch) is remarkable!
Long live Single Player games.
Word up, Boy!
Boy oh boy...that's a lot of money
As for GOW outstanding numbers. It's crazy 4 and a half years in and the ps4 is still going as strong as ever!
@YummyHappyPills edit: nevermind found the info
@Fight_Teza_Fight I think that the genius move of having GoW being a pack-in game with the supercharged SKU of the PS4 at the game's launch contributed a lot to that. Imagine how much more it would be if there was also a special edition GoW PS4 Slim, even though I think Sony's marketing focus has moved on from that model.
God (of war) i love this game
Single player is dead. We all need micros. Always online is a must. We can only get 700p graphics at 30fps.
Upstep Sony and Nintendo over the last 2 years and the rest is history. Great going by both companies and I know the console wars are fun, but thank god Sony and Nintendo are around. Amazing exclusives. GoW, HZD, Mario Odyssey and Arms. Amazing.
@naruball Added that information in.
Wow. Super impressive figures. It's amazing how consistently Sony is churning out these mega-hits.
I bought uncharted 4 three months after its release. I've yet to buy horizon zero Dawn but planning to get the complete edition. I bought God of War 3 days after it launched. Can't stop playing. It is truly a masterpiece.
@ShogunRok I do not know.
@themcnoisy "GoW, HZD, Mario Odyssey and Arms."
I think you mistyped Z:BotW as Arms. 😉
Not surprised it did better than new IP H:ZD, that's a new IP and sometimes those need time for word to spread, but beating U4, which was also sold as a pack-in, well that's impressive even for Kratos.
@Neolit Its the fastest selling PS4 exclusive. It now means the next point of reference is top selling exclusives on other systems.
@naruball well Uc 4 sold 2.7 in its first week and horizon zero dawn sold 2.6 million in its first two weeks so this is very impressive that it out did both their launches in three days
@YummyHappyPills Mario has a much bigger target audience. He is beloved by people of all ages.
It's a shame games can't be successful as single player experiences without multiplayer, loot boxes, day one DLC, microtransactions, season passes and whatever industry bull***t we have to wade through these days 🤔. Just make a great complete game, release it in a nice playable state and market it well and its like a whole new world or at least one which existed for a quite a long time until about 5 to 10 years ago
@Turismo4GT Yep, it looks like they’ve moved on from special edition slims.
Sony’s marketing has been top notch. Every third/fourth bus in my town still has GOW plastered all over it & the billboards are still up almost 2 weeks from launch. Not to mention the Dog of War ad...😂.
It’s ridiculous how good the PS4 has been to Sony. They’ve cemented themselves as the top dog & in many ways the PS4 has been the making of Sony’s First Party Studios.
Oh my GOD thats impressive!
"How was that, Father? The game did good, right?"
Word up, boy!
Kratos had to remind Drake who the real King is.
Very impressive! Especially for a game that didn't launch in the holiday period. From what I've seen and heard, the second week sales didn't see the usual big drop off. Word of mouth is doing this game a lot of good it seems.
I just finished it yesterday, well deserved!
@carlos82 While I agree, it's worth pointing out that platform holders like Sony, Microsoft, and Nintendo can afford to make these kind of games because they essentially serve as system sellers. And if you get someone to buy your system, then they're probably going to buy more games, subscriptions, and accessories, which allows them to make more money.
If you're an Activision or an EA, the money you make from the game is the money you make. Different business model.
well deserved the best game I have played in a long time really looking forward to where they go next with it!
@get2sammyb whilst I get that, there is clearly money to be made from these types of game still without the obligatory always online or live services. I'm pretty certain EA could have made a big single player Star Wars game and made millions from it, Activision have had success with Crash and likely will with Spyro. Sega seem to be doing alright with the likes of Persona and Yakuza series whilst Bethesda aren't about to go out of business, then of course there is CD Projekt Red. These single player games don't even have to cost silly money to make as Ninja Theory have proven with Hellblade, which looks and plays as good, if not better than many AAA games, was made on a relatively small budget and has made the developer a profit.
There's a lot of excuses in the industry and many examples which prove most of it is nonsense, whilst games are only expensive to make because they choose to make them expensive. With smaller, smarter teams they could make these games if they wanted to.
Sorry for the rant and thanks for the response 😁
I'm so gonna have to get this game as soon as possible.
Wow and I still have to buy 1 copy!
Everything about God of war is epic, including sales seriously this game deserves it
Can we have at least one tag line of Get your BOY out please.
@carlos82 This was what Jim Sterling was getting at the other day asking where the mid tier games have gone?
Most likely cos they want all the money, not some of the money. To my knowledge only Sony, Nintendo, Bethesda and Sega have consistently delivered high quality SP games without resorting to shady business practices.
Great to finally get some numbers. The game is awesome (on track to be my favorite this year and possibly of the generation) and deserves any success it gets. More importantly, there's definitely going to be a future for the series.
@carlos82 @get2sammyb Third parties have the advantage of selling games on all consoles though. That's why the best selling games every year are always dominated by third party games. I agree with @carlos82, if Uncharted can do 10 million on PlayStation, a single player Star Wars game could certainly sell 10 million across consoles and PC. And if you still can't make a profit from 10 million sales, you're clearly doing something wrong!
@carlos82 You're right and I am playing devil's advocate a bit, but if you're bringing down the budget then it's not going to look as good as a God of War or Uncharted, so there's that to keep in mind as well.
Also, I would imagine that developing for more systems increases the cost of development. Although obviously, yes, you're marketing at more people that way.
I've started something now 😆 @Octane my point exactly and I've always wondered what the sales potential of the likes of Mario Kart and Mario Odyssey could be if available on all consoles and GTA V was a smash hit with or without GTA online
@adf86 gonna have to check that video out, he can talk a lot of sense when he chooses to
@get2sammyb that's true but not every game needs to look as good them either and once again Hellblade has deflated that argument a little too. I'm not sure about the multiplatform costs these days as both PS4 and Xbox are basically the same from a component standpoint and not too different from PC's
One thing we have done is prove there is a conversation to be had regarding such games (perhaps a future soapbox?) and if they do start making these games again then they'll sell at least 3 copies 😆
God of war. Best franchises ever.that doesn't surprise me.this game sells a lot of copies.people were thirsty for a legendary single player campaign.word up son
Wow that's impressive numbers! Thoroughly deserved though.
@Enuo 😱😱😱😱 word up son
@David187 wor up son .i agree.
In the words of Mickey Mouse:
"Oh boy
And a word from Kratos:
That's awesome news, this masterpiece really deserves it.
"I will stop talking, before I get sentimental." Sindri
I was wrong... this will beat 7m sales!
Such a damn satisfying game especially if you've played the previous trilogy before. There were moments where I screamed like a Fanboy while playing and I've never done that haha
I think it can easily achieve 15 mil lifetime sales.
Congrats to God of War on selling 3 million in just 3 days !
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