The curtain has just closed on Sony's big PSX 2016 press conference, where some of the standout reveals included Marvel vs Capcom: Infinite, WipEout Omega Collection, and PaRappa the Rapper. But it was the reveal of The Last of Us: Part II that really stole the show, while Uncharted: The Lost Legacy and Windjammers also impressed, too.
But what did you think of the presser? Did it live up to your expectations? What were the highlights and lowlights for you? And what are you now desperate to see more of? Rate the conference in the comments section below, and remember to stay tuned to the site all weekend for tons more news and impressions straight from the show floor.
How would you rate Sony's PSX 2016 press conference? (154 votes)
- Very good
- Good
- Meh
- Poor
- Very poor
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Comments 48
Well the last of us really said it all
it was good,sad, there was no FFVII Remake news
No Shenmue or FF 7..... but Crash, GT and Ace Combat more than made up for it!
As I have said, I said most of these things wouldn't happen for one reason or another. Shut me up.
Come on Jan 13th, I want @get2sammyb to laugh in my face about that one. I'm getting really masochistic and hopeless about that event. Let's just get it over with. Poor purchase choices, Sony is only company you should buy from, future of gaming, etc. etc.
There are times when I'm hopeful someone will come and help spice things up only to be curbstomped by Sony. Here is the future of the industry folks. One company. And ive probably lost my job given I'm developing for what will be a failure.
Well done Sony. You proved me wrong. Now don't screw up. I want to be able to move over from the soon released Nintendo Failure as a developer.
9/10 - if it had FFVII gameplay I would give it a 10/10.
Marvel vs Capcom Infinite was the sealing of the deal for me, but I also got tLoU2, RE7, and tons of other goodies.
There was also a live-action fighting game with a guy fighting a ... werewolf? Caught a glimpse for 3 seconds. I want to see more of that.
It was very, very good. I've watched a few of these now, and that was one of the better ones.
Is that even a question? It should be "How insanely awesome was the crazy presser of miracles?"
The Last of Us Part 2 smashed this conference for Sony, absolutely brilliant!
Outstanding. Can't believe they showed Danganronpa at PSX, but other than that, I liked the games there more than those at E3 if I'm honest.
I mean, Uncharted AND TLOU2.. Can't say I'm disappointed.
Good conference. Sony back on track?
Amazing, short but sweet. Just full of content and all of it was somewhat interesting. They actually bothered to show Gravity Rush and TLOU2 of course. Completely surpassed last years.
Excellent. I lost a little interest towards the end but TLOU reveal at the end absolutely stole the show
Very good, lack of FF7 was a bummer but who cares really, we'll see more of that soon. Some great announcements, I will likely be picking up Mother Russia later, hope it is good
no FFVII, but LOU2 so thats cool
it was good in the sense that it had something for everybody. but i don't like fighting games, and i never owned a PS1 or PS2, so have zero attachment to its old franchises, and although GT sport looks visually incredible, i'm not big on racers either. personally, if it wasn't for naughty dog bookending both parts of the show, and the new horizon trailer (which visually seems to get more incredible with each one), this would have been a bit of a waste of time for me. did anybody really want a knack sequel?.
It was pretty good. There were a lot of announcements, but not many that got me really excited for upcoming games.
So glad sony havent wasted knack, the first one was a damn good ps4 release game...pretty fantastic conference
I never watched it due to work but Wipeout Omega, TLOU 2, Parappa the Rapper and a bunch of games released today including a free one...
Sony have nailed this game studio business. Class.
Incredible. I'm still digesting it.
Games, after games, after games.
That's what we were here for.
Don't know why people were expecting FFVII, there was no way Square would want to take attention from FFXV. Remake will be there at E3.
TLOU2 & WipEout
@get2sammyb Why is the highest choice only "very good" and not "Excellent" or "OMFG"? Did you make those choices before you watched it?
Pacing got a little slow near the end, and 2/3 of the VR games are RIGS clones, but still, Naughty Dog. Twice. Vita lives. Knack 2 for the kiddies. Crash and Wipeout for the elderly. Indies so they have something to give away with PS+. Free games and free GR2 DLC. TLG. No KH3 or FFVII but NNK2 fills that role. And Level 5 > Sque nix anyway.
Yeah, I'm good. More than good.
It was very good. The Last of Us Part II, Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy, Marvel vs Capcom Infinite, Uncharted The Lost Legacy, and WipEout Omega Collection were the highlights.
It was great to get another look at upcoming games like The Last Guardian, Horizon Zero Dawn, and GT Sport.
Windjammers, Knack 2, and the Parappa the Rapper remaster were very nice surprises
Im buying a PS4 so it got me to jump in.
@Lolzified Totally forget that one. Also Ni no kuni 2 and Ys <3
It was a corker. Loved it. Can't believe we got a brief glimpse of The Last of Us Part II; Crash Bandicoot looks great; WIPEOUT IS COMING TO PS4; PaRappa, LocoRoco and Patapon remasters; Horizon continues to look great... So much good stuff.
I'm a very happy gamer right now.
Okay, help me out:
Anyone recognizes the game shown in 55:28 - 55:32? (it's right after Hellblade and Chasm)
I think Sony did a great job. There were a lot of games that fans love which are coming to the console. I was not really looking forward to 2017 there were only afew games that were on my radar. Now the list is brimming with games old and new which I will get. Sony really does know its fans and I think they are delivering on a lot of different levels.
Wipeout Omega,Crash Trilogy Remaster, Marvel vs Capom Infinite and Ultimate 3, Let it Die, Parapa remaster, GT, Horizon, Ni No Kuni 2, Yakuza...Sony please, mercy!
My wallet is crying and dying
PSX presser is 11/10 IMHO, they blew my mind!!
There's just so much fanservice! Sony is really building upon its legacy and it's incredible to see them play the nostalgia card just as good as Nintendo does. But it's more than just that: they cater to all sorts of gamers in general, not just the ones that once fell in love with the likes of Parappa. MvC and Windjammers are great examples, but so are Gravity Rush and the Yakuza localizations of which I'm pretty sure they just cost them bags of money.
I honestly never thought we'd see a new MvC, especially after 3 got taken down from the storefront, and to finally be able to play Windjammers on an actual console again is something I wouldn't even have dreamt about because of the minimal chance of it actually happening.
Well done Sony!
@leucocyte OH YES KNACK
to be fair Knack was my first ps4 game and i thoroughly enjoyed it but I love action platform games so yeah a Knack sequel is great for me, also TLOU2 thats gonna be another goty once it appears
Ok I havent watched the presser YET, however what I can say is ff7 im not overly fussed over I dont think it was the best ff of the psx era i prefer either 8 or 9 thats my opinion, I am excited about crash but im in my mid 30's so remember the games of my teens, TLOU2 just looks incredible if they are using the same game engine that was used in u4 then well its going to look amazing. Knack2 is my game of the presser that has been announced so far it might not be everyone's cup of tea but it looks lots of fun lets hope its a longer game and enhance on its good story line.
Ni No Kuni 2, Last of Us 2, Uncharted DLC, Pyre, and Housemarque's new project. Exciting future!
For me, overall it was poor! Yes it had Uncharted, Horizon and Last of Us but (almost) everything in between had little to no appeal! When the highlights are Remakes/remasters of OLD games (Crash, Wipeout etc) and people are impressed, something is wrong! I have no issue with them bringing these games back but when game(s) I have and/or could play are the 'highlights' for the future releases, I think something is wrong!
I don't like Japanese, baseball, indie or fighting games so the majority of the presser was boring for me - E3 was so much more exciting and despite showing fewer projects, had a lot more that appealed to me. I knew Spider-Man, God of War and expected that Days Gone would not make an appearance but expected more from Sony - Hellblade? Detroit? What are Suckerpunch working on?
This was really good, better than their E3's IMO.
It was incredible. Much better than E3, for my tastes.
For me much better than E3, some amazing announcements in this one.
A very good conference. Not raving about it, but it had a lot of good things.
Excellent. Extremely well-paced, with something for everybody.
Seemed great. Super excited for mvc, horizon, uc, and wipeout.
@Michaelkirk02 yes..... also i love this
I just watched it and WOW!
legendary performance.PlayStation best console of all time
Outstanding event. Really. They can cancel E3 and go along with the presser from the companies instead. Would've loved a X-Wing VR showin, though.
But those final minutes are nothing but outstanding to close a show like this.
ND are bloody powerhouses!
Very good event, way better than last year. Parappa the rapper and crash remakes is my favorite game of the show. I hope there's jumping flash remaster next year
Allmost flawless
Very good. There's a ton of stuff I'm looking forward to buying and if I didn't already have a PS4, I'd be getting one after this event.
@Nickolaidas That would be Omen of Sorrow, I think.
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