Noct and the gang just can't catch a break, can they? Hot on the heels of questionable downloadable content plans for Final Fantasy XV, director Hajime Tabata has spilled some details on the title's overall structure - and the internet is already awash in knee-jerk reactions.
Translated by Siliconera, Tabata tells Famitsu that "The entire game structure for Final Fantasy XV consists of both open-world and linear parts. The first half keeps going as an open-world, but the story in the second half's is led by a linear path." Now, while it's difficult to truly discern what Tabata means from this statement alone, it certainly sounds like he's saying that only the first half of the game will feature open world design, while the latter half will adopt a more traditional, linear structure.
However, the wording also makes it seem like Tabata could be talking purely about the title's story; he may just be saying that the plot tightens up in the second half of the game as you head towards the ending. Either way, it's a quote that's got forum dwellers and social media junkies going apesh*t all over the web.
What do you make of this? Would you be happy with Final Fantasy XV abandoning an open world in the latter half of Noctis' adventure? Pray that the game doesn't turn out to be a bit of a mess in the comments section below.
[source famitsu.com, via siliconera.com]
Comments 43
not bothered how much is open world
am i the ONLY person who plays a Final Fantasy game for it's story, characters and gameplay, i don't care if it linear or open world, as long as it's fun
For me that;s bad. Explorations was always a big thing at FFs, well at least before X. Traveling around searching for secrets like Gold chocobo, ultimates, job crystals etc was a big part fo the charm.
The more I hear about XV, the less I want it, but at least World of Final Fantasy is coming soon(er).
Sounds ideal really...open worlds can get a bit tiresome. If it makes sense for the story to go more linear then that's fine
Uh-oh, I can already hear the backlash from this.
Just like how Final Fantasy XIII received a lot of negativity because of how most of the game put you on a linear path. I liked it, especially when you beat the game and have all of those side missions to do in that huge environment. It gave the game much more longevity.
I'm part of the minority that loved XIII and it's sequels.
@FullbringIchigo Tend to agree. Although I like a good open world game - many of my favourite titles are open world - I certainly don't think it's a requirement to make a good game. Final Fantasy as an open world game is definitely a cool concept, but as long as the story and characters are good, it's not the most important thing.
At this point, though, I'm just kind of hoping that FFXV turns out okay. After all this time, I just want it to be enjoyable and not a mess that's clearly been pieced together over the last decade.
This game has been proper Sean Murrayed
Any news on the ff7 remake.
15 is not even out and already meh
I don't think the concern here is whether Final Fantasy XV is open world or linear — it's just quotes like this threaten to spotlight just how messy this development cycle has been.
That said, I'm going to assume that Tabata just means the final quests may be instanced, separate from the open world.
I don't think either one is much of a problem, but whenever a game changes abruptly in the middle you have to wonder if 1 half of that game is going to play poorly compared to the other half, that maybe the game engine or story writers are only capable in one of those formats, not both, and not in the same game.
I'm at least waiting for reviews on this one now. I'm a huge FF fan from way back when 7 released, but X-2 is one of the worst games I ever played, FF:CC:TCB might just be the worst game I ever played, and 13 was just meh.
I still hold out hope that this game will be good, but my hope is dwindling. Season pass, non-season pass DLC, delays, I just don't know anymore.
@Bhattiboy Yeah, I was already expressing concern for 7 in the other article. They've already said it would be episodic, but now I'm worried just how episodic it will be.
I come here, spread the word and get gazumped. It's not on, I tell ya!
X-2 and Crystal chronicles oh my they were poor
Do they actually want to sell it? XD
I mean, no info is bad info as long as it is delivered right, but things like "The full editions and complete passes don't contain everything" and "It's an open World game that become linear" are crazy oxymoron useful only if they want to confuse their customers ^_^;
@BakaKnight Totally. Back to the King of jump rope mini game!
Xenogears came to mind, for some reason.
@Shellcore lol that's a verb now?
@FullbringIchigo I wasnt bothered by FF XIII so this should be just fine. People obsesse over 'open world' too much these days. Open world is the Online Multiplayer of this gen, EVERY GAME should be Completly open world or its not good enough apparently.
@3Above i know right, it's like some people can't enjoy anything that's different now-a-days
it's like unless it's the same as everything else then it's no good and where's the fun in that, i want games to be diverse and different not a copy of another game
what is this, a world where everyone only follows the masses like a bunch of sheep
@FullbringIchigo @3Above As I said before, I don't think people care whether this is open world or linear. But as @rjejr pointed out, when a game's structure changes abruptly midway through, one can't help but wonder whether each half will be of an equality quality.
@Bhattiboy @get2sammyb don't know how to report this but this username is actually allowed??.. lovely bit of homophobia right there.
Benefit of the doubt, I think it might mean narratively, like once you get past a certain point, the narrative is tighter and you aren't as free as you were. This is a common problem in open world games. That said, if they are forewarning people of this change, it must be quite noticeable to gameplay.
@get2sammyb But I didn't mean to.. oh, wait what, I was right? Thanks.
Linear or open world doesn't matter to me as long as the story and gameplay are good! BUT after playing that terrible demo I feel like this game will be a disappointment...so I'll get it when it's cheap only
Solocapers if you think being a Pro Evolution Soccer fan is Homophobic thats your choice
get2sammy is actually spot on in regards to "structure changes"
tart that up as much as you please that's homophobic slang and you know it. Either way it's of terrible taste.
Gotta love edgy characters on the internet.
I love this tune
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d0LeL9BUPtA and this 1
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p3j2NYZ8FKs a classic
Anyhow back to Square Enix
One sad little man...
@solocapers report this sad little man.
"Open world" is kind of a negative term in my eyes...companies like Ubisoft have made me associate it with "aimless wandering and pointless side-quests in a vast, mostly uninteresting world."
Honestly, with my work schedule, I prefer shorter, linear, narrative-driven RPGs anyway (Mass Effect, Dragon Age 2, FFXIII), so this sounds good to me!
@Bhattiboy remind me of this https://youtu.be/XjJUJimMv4I
@get2sammyb oh that's true, there is always the chance it could affect quality but it might also be able to focus the story better and build the characters more.
@Drawfull Respect
@Shellcore It would've been if the game didn't turn out as advertised or promised, but SE is going out of their way to do the opposite. They're making sure our expectations are at their lowest.
@FullbringIchigo with you on this. So long as story is good and there are opportunities for some exploration. 7 to 12 all had linear sections so i dont really see the issue. I am not interested in open wprld for the sake of it. If they are shoe horning it in to be the witcher or skyrim or fallout, i am not interested. I just want a good final fantasy game again. Great characters, story, soundtrack with fun, tactical gameplay.
Also the internet is far too quick to jump on stuff. For all we know it could be a poor translation. If concerned, people should wait for previews or reviews before making up their mind. Why the need for rage. I go back to what i said this morning though, square need to stop talking and get the game out to do the talking for them.
I think the structure of it changing is obviously just for the story. Besides im pretty sure they said before you can keep playing after the story is complete so basically the new structure shall be open world>linear kinda sorta>open world till you get bored and restart. Everybody wins !
Sounds great to me. I tend to get way bored of open world games toward the end. Knowing there is a section of strong narrative to look forward to at the back end will keep me going!
@kupo This is EXACTLY where I am with the whole 'Open World' thing. Couldn't agree more mate!
Going from open-world to a much more linear path will be incredibly hard to pull off. The game and story can get really disjointed.
Along with the DLC news.....this game is sounding like a mess.
I thought ff did it best when it went linear to open world like every final fantasy ever made - even ff13 although it took for bloody ever. The reverse could be interesting.
That's what I like about open world games, lots to do. Although I also sometimes enjoy the more straightforward approach. I think the new Tomb Raider games strike a perfect balance and is a structure I'd like to see more games follow.
I think Tabata really knows his stuff and if the story justifies the change of pace, I am on board!
I am going to hold off on the day 1 purchase and wait to see how others make from this. probably wait a few weeks before buying it. There are some developers out there that have definitely "cucumbered" gamers. In this case and for as big as the game is, saying that just the first half is open world. Yep, I won't pre-order this game and I'll wait a few weeks to see and hear what others make of it after they've played through the game. I don't care who developed the game or who was part of the game development, every developer has and will create failures and they will also cause people to live up the hype and then crush it. In this case and in cases before from other developers, I'm playing this one smart, just like I do with games that other developers make.
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