No Man's Sky is finished! We're nearing our 50th article on the game since it was announced all the way back in December 2013. In case you can't remember those halcyon days: the PlayStation 4 had only just released, Geoff Keighley still produced award ceremonies for Spike TV, and Britain was still in the EU. Too soon?
Anyway, the point is that it's been a long time coming – but on 9th August, we'll finally have the intergalactic outing in our hands. There's only one question left to ask, then: will it live up to the hype? Hello Games knows that it's got something big on its hands, but expectations have got a little out of hand, so where do you stand on this debate?
Being one of the few people on the planet that's actually played this game – not bragging, honest – this author still can't answer that question. It's definitely as vast and seamless as trailers have suggested, but it appears even more free-form than many may be expecting; this is the kind of title where you may need to make your own fun.
But it's not like these non-linear experiences are unpopular – Minecraft is the biggest game on the planet right now, and it more or less leaves you to get on with it. Perhaps the developer and platform holder could have done a better job calibrating expectations, but gamers are equally guilty for letting their enthusiasm get the better of them.
It's going to be really interesting to see how things shake out. Given that the development cycle has been so long and so public, a lot of our interest here at Push Square Towers is purely academic: how will the game be received? Will it have staying power? And what's the next step for Hello Games? If nothing else, it's going to be a fascinating few weeks.
Do you think that No Man's Sky will live up to the hype? What kind of review scores are you expecting? Have you pre-ordered the title, or are you sitting tight for the time being? Enter a different solar system in the comments section below.
Will No Man's Sky live up to the hype? (126 votes)
- Of course it bloody will
- I have no idea
- It has no chance at all
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Comments 61
Is this recommended for those that couldn't get into minecraft, if so, I might cancel my pre-order.
@Sonicfan11589 What didn't you like about Minecraft? I feel like that's important.
I have a feeling (and have for a while) that No Man's Sky will be a bit of a disappointment. I hope I'm wrong, but I can't see this game living up to all of its ambition – there's just too much of it.
I pre-ordered based on the first showing then ignored most of the hype. At least that way it can't fail to meet my expectations unless it randomly crashes every 30 minutes.
If it only does what Murray has said it will then it will have lived up to my expectations. Of course, he has made it clear he hasn't shown us everything so it can only get better for me.
It can't live up to the extreme hype, but I think it may be a good game, just hope it doesn't struggle performance wise. I'll probably give it a try!
No it won't.
I just couldn't get into minecraft, i bought it to see what all the fuss was about, maybe I will get no man's sky when it is cheaper.
Sure it will. I believe it will be exactly what they've been promising: an infinitely big, procedurally generated world with more of an emphasis on the spectacle of expansiveness than on actual things to do. I don't think they'll have any problem meeting that expectation. The problem is, that doesn't sound all that interesting to me.
I'm just gonna try and enjoy it for what it is and hopefully get about 20-30 hours or so before it starts to wear off on me. I can already see the posts and reddits and etc etc about what a huge let down it is once it's been out.
Hopefully... if its make your own fun GTA style well thats good because I never play the GTA missons due to the fact I'm mucking about too much.
I think that it won't live up to a lot of people's expectations, but only because they've built it up to be something far beyond what they're actually getting. I absolutely can't wait, but I have no delusions as to what No Man's Sky is offering - that is, a single player survival/adventure game set in a practically infinite, intergalactic sandbox. It'll certainly live up to my hype, but I don't know about anyone else's.
In short no.There's no way it can possibly live up to how much its been hyped.Surley its Sony thats responsible for the over hyping? and yet everyone will be negging Hello Games.In any case,i reckon it'll be a bug-ridden but great game -and i'm increasingly annoyed with buggy games,the fact being they are smoothed out after a few patches showing that wern't finnished to begin with.still,better that scenario than ip being broken and totally ignored patch-wise after release (i.e Chivalry )
Of course it will... It's basically the game I've been dreaming about since I started playing games!
I've had it on pre-order for a couple of months if that, having been sucked in, and while I don't plan on cancelling that pre-order, the more I see of it, the more I feel that it hasn't really moved on from what we first saw.
I'm bothered about the file size - 6Gb - because there's only so much procedural generation can do. Surely you need textures for the creatures you encounter and so on? Maybe they're RNGd too. Sounds the creatures make, both from they're mouths and movement etc . Just seems a bit lightweight to me.
As I'm typing, sham8nix's post appeared. Can you elaborate on what the game you've been waiting for since you started playing? Elite seemed to have more depth than this, and it's probably over 30 years old (I think it was 85, 6) but I've slept since...
No, it won't.
And Sammy, The Last Guardian won't either
For me, yes it will. That's because I have done my homework and know exactly what I am getting into and it sounds perfect for ME. Seems like so many people are quick to judge this game without reading up on any of the plethora of articles that give detailed information about it. And for those worried about the file size, Google NMS procedural generation and it explains it very well. It will not be "samey" as some have suggested because they entered so much art for the computer to pull from. And it isn't completely random in the first place, they have created very strict rules for the game to follow. This game offers more things to do and more ways to play than almost every other game ever made, yet people keep saying they are worried there won't be anything to do, smdh.
I feel so sorry for Hello Games: the hype has reached an insane level that no game could EVER live up to. Without the hype, it would probably be a fantastic game, but unfortunately I have this feeling that it's all going to be rather a let down. Not due to the fault of Hello Games. But the fault of all of us boarding the hype train far too soon
I think some people have unrealistic expectations for it being a revolutionary experience. But for most people with reasonable expectations, I do believe that it will be a game of the year worthy contender. Everything they've shown itches that sci-fi explorer sweet spot. It will be a game that I will get lost inside and lose track of time. That escape into fantasy is what motivates a lot of people to play games and this looks like a portal to fantastic worlds.
That poll is massively split. Wow.
For me No Mans Sky is one of two games I've always wanted (the other been an open world Blade Runner style game) a Sci-fi adventure where you can travel to planet from planet with no loading screens. People mention Elite but that game's graphics only allow you to suspend your disbelief so far due to how old the game is. The new one while I'm sure is a fine game but as far as I'm aware it doesn't have the travelling to different planets without breaking immersion, plus it's simulation style gameplay could be a big bugbear for many people who just want to jump in.
The file size has caused concern for some too but that's due to nearly everything been procedural generated, even the music. A guy on another forum was saying that his research he did, he reckons that the 6GB is broken down into 3GB for audio, 2GB for text and 1GB for graphics.
The guy went on to say that "the bible is about 4MB and under 800,000 words and 100,000 words is half a MB. 1 million is 5MB which means NMS's text probably has nearly a billion words of text or a 1000 bibles".
So what's in the text? My guess... pure mathematics and algorithms that shape how each planet, plant and animal is created.
The thing that people will discover at just how unique the title is when we hit launch week and YouTubers and games media put out their "First hour" videos and every single one is different.
Nope, it'll be pretty good though, for what it is.
You knew this was going to happen!!
You knew the people on the site will split sides!!
And you just sitting there watching us turn on each other!
Or just curious on peoples thoughts
Has any game that's got a lot of press and hype every went above of what it actually is. For example GTA online, for months everyone was saying how amazing it was going to be and then it got delayed and basically fell off the face of the earth same with uncharted hype hype hype now no one talks about it being amazing.
I really think it's a going to be a love it or hate it kinda game. I'm expecting to love it. I'm diving in day one.
@Pink_Floyd Many, many people play GTA Online - but I get what you're saying.
I know I will love it even if it doesn't turn out to be a great game. But it will. Probably.
It won't live up to all the unrealistic expectations people have set for it. But it will work as the developers intended it to, as an infinite space exploration/survival game, and that's all I've ever wanted this game to be. I for one, am extremely excited for this game. If I get even a portion of what I've seen in the gameplay demos, I will be satisfied.
I think this game will crush under the weight of its own hype
I want this to be great. I really want this to work, only time will tell. Dreamt about a Sci fi game like this as a kid. No man's sky has so much potential, I really don't want it to bomb.
Some people don't even know this is a survival game just like Don't Starve, meaning you have to mine for things too help you survive on the different worlds. There is quite a lot of people that don't even like these sorts of games, so yes there is going to be disappointment.
@Neolit Agreed - My expectation is a console version of Elite where you make your own adventure rather than have stories handed to you by the game. I am ok with that. Whether the general gaming population will is something I don't know.
I expected to see many so call review on this game gonna start or end with "It's a good game, not live up to the hype"...
I hope there are more people knowing what this game will be, and not to judge the game base on whether it lives up to the hype...
No idea, I feel that part of the fun will be finding out. Regardless of how it turns out, I absolutely love the ideas and what the developers are trying to achieve here and I am keen to support that.
Games can be so many things and yet most of the big ones stick to the same tired and safe templates, never really taking risks or trying something different. This game does and it's exciting.
After all the hype for The Order and it being about 3 hours long, I'm not really worried about this at all. At least it will deliver a huge game, as promised. I've been playing Destiny since release, so I'm ok with a bit of repetition, that won't kill it for me at all.
Collector's Edition pre-ordered since May, so you bet I'm biased!
Edit: Also, Sean an team look like the kind of people that would spend a good while tweaking the game to get the experience just right. This is their masterpiece, they know that, they have their heart and soul on it, and I honestly believe they will support this game for a good while before moving on to something else.
It will be great, but much more freeform than people expect - prepare to plan your own an avid reader of Sci-fi this game let's me live any number of fantasy's I've had since being a child.
The internet, of course, as usual will get bored after a few hours and write the whole thing off, but that's the way of the world these days.
Anyway, I'm looking forward to this immensely.
Exactly, it's a labour of love for the studio
Could go either, I think a lot will like it and a lot won't be so keen.
For those who like sci-fi exploration and walking simulators, I'm sure it'll meet the hype requirements
For the rest of us, probably just another mildly entertaining release. Either way, it'll sell really well.
Pretty much exactly how I feel. The programmer and inner astro physics nerd in me is actually excited by the mathematics and procedual generation itself. The tiny chance of discovering life on a planet, being a pioneer, or bumping into another human explorer is what's exciting to me.
Finding geographically interesting places and looking at them for no other reason than be astounded by the terrain!
It's a chance to realise the dreams and wonder of looking at the stars and imagining. That's what I'm buying my ticket for, the chance to explore in the hope of finding something interesting, and reading and seeing screenshots from people who do.
It might not turn out to be a good game by objective standards, but given that the trend is I am getting more enjoyment out of Indie and quirky games these days than the "quaterly revenue forecast" driven AAA blockbusters and given my interest in space, subjectively I am sure I will personally gain more pleasure an interest out of this than the latest Call Of Duty, which will probably be a fine game in terms of mechanics, presentation and multiplayer, just not something that strongly appeals to me these days.
Yes, yes it will.
For the most part. Those who are disappointed will only be so because of what they've projected onto the game. I have a feeling a lot of other critics are going to want to tear it apart because of the ridiculous expectations they've placed upon it, ending a self-fulfilling prophecy.
But I'm sure the likes of Push Square and Easy Allies will give it a balanced review. Either way, I'm going to have a f*cking blast!
What is this? All you do is fly around? Poo-poo.
I have no doubt that this game will meet all of my hype and then some. While it may not appeal to alot of gamers, this is right up my alley. I'm looking forward to just getting lost in the exploration aspects. This will be my go to chill game for a long time to come. Limited Edition pre-order here and no regrets whatsoever.
@Splat I agree. I'm also curious about the possible leveling up, that may or may not be happening.
I agree. Games that take a long time to see the light of day (FFXV being another one) have a hard time living up to the hype.
Excellently put, it hasn't been until now that this sort of game was possible with this level of immersion, so it's going to be a trip.😉
I am excited not because of hype but because of what I have seen in game footage. I love Space games I was around when 75% of games seems like they were space games on PC. Much like FPS games seem today I play Elite today on my PC. No Mans Sky will have me logging many hours on my PS4 exploring to find new things in the No Mans Sky world.
Eve Valkyrie and Elite Dangerous will also be day one buys for me! Thrustmaster also has a new HOTAS X flight stick for PS4 couple that with VR for some real cockpit flight fun. Hello Games looks to have put a lot more action into No Mans Sky. Space is big, really big and can be boring in some space games I still love them.
I'm just playing the game for relaxation, the thought of exploring and investigating at my own pace at whatever catches my eye, whether it be a new creature, mountain, or planet and then claiming the in game credit to upgrade my suit and ship is what I wish to get out of it.... On top of that there's the challenge to learn alien languages and cultures....bliss............ !!!!CANT WAIT, BRING IT ON!!!!!! AAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHH
@sinalefa @booshy89
Duke Nukem : Forever and Aliens : Colonial Marines are surely the gold standard?
The sad thing is that most "hype" these days in anything is created by the people themselves, and especially people who try and turn it into some proxy war for something else.
There are people that hate these so called "arty farty" games and just want them to be reviewed as "crap" or literally be "crap" to make them feel better about their own personal view so they get really rabid.
Equally people who want to push these kinds of games get really rabid in their defence for exactly the opposite reasons, there's lots of talk and anticipation, when nobody is going to change their preconception anyway, and in the end, the release itself is almost a non event as everyone has already moved onto the next battleground/up coming release.
Predictably the people that were always going to hate it, hate it, the people that were always going to love it, love it, and somewhere between the "dirge" and "best ever" lies the actual quality of the release, and there is very little constructive or open minded discussion.
See also: Ghostbusters, 2016 edition.
I'm getting it but i'm expecting dissapointment for many, people just don't learn and buy a ticket for that hype train everytime it come's in. I'm sick of hearing about the game and don't even bother reading article's on it anymore, the next piece of writing I wanna see about this game is the review tyvm
Nope, just like The Last Guardian, it'll be a good game that falls short of its unfair expectations.
Hopefully it will, of course; but I couldn't say. A lot of heavily delayed games have been disappointing in the past, like recently Mighty No. 9 and arguably Star Fox Zero, but it's not a general rule. I think No Man's Sky might feel slightly empty in its hugeness, at the worst. Let's just hope they haven't screwed up, I guess.
@get2sammyb How did it "feel" when you played it Sammy? Is it something you will buy from your limited hands on experience?
@sinalefa NMS has taken around 4 years to develop, that seems pretty normal for a new AAA IP imo, and make no mistake, they are treating this like a AAA game.
@Speedy67 this wasn't heavily delayed, and has only been in development for around 4 years, not exactly FF15 levels.
Hype in video games is like the hype in number 1 NFL qb draft picks. Some great, some only become backups, some just fail, and unfortunately there are the epic failures.
@Majic12 It controlled nicely, but like I say in the video, I need to play a lot more before I can have any real firm opinion on it.
That comment alone means alot though. A game where you will spend ALOT of time exploring damn well better control nicely. If it was off putting or "jerky", would be a HUGE turn off. I am also glad Hello Games decided to go with arcade style controls for the space flight. IMO that works really well with jumping in and out of flight and not getting overly complicated everytime you want to leave a planet, which could be often in theory. I read a post from Sean Murray saying that some people will probably play the game without ever leaving the first planet, they are that massive. Awesome.
Overall I expect NMS to have more than its fair share of detractors. But personally I'm still expecting to love it. Can't wait to get lost in this game.
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