The saga of Rise of the Tomb Raider continues – well, sort of. Despite not being mentioned at E3 2016 last month, Square Enix has reiterated in a Q&A that the game is still on track for release later this year on the PlayStation 4. According to Crystal Dynamics via an admin on the publisher's official forums, Lara Croft's latest is very much slated for Sony's system this Holiday 2016.
It's going to be really interesting to see how the organisation handles this. Firstly, when's it going to show the PS4 version off? And secondly, how's it going to price the game? The Xbox One edition can be purchased for less than $35 these days, with much of the summer still left to run until we hit the end of year rush. Surely the firm's going to have to price this port pretty darn low?
[source forums.eu.square-enix.com]
Comments 63
As much as I'd prefer to plat this on PS4, you can pick it up on Xbox One for about £17 atm so I'll probably end up getting it for that
Couldn't care less, Xbox One can keep it.
Would have thought we'd have a release date by now, but at least we're still getting it.
When nobody will give a crap. StupidEnix being StupidEnix. I wouldn't be surprised if after the PS4 version fails we find out there won't be a sequel or there will be one but it'll be fully funded by MS or maybe Nintendo.
I'm willing to pay 40.00 for it but only if it comes with all DLC
It really is a great game. I don't regret picking it up day one a bit.
Yup, a great game that deserved to have the discussion about that and solely that. Unfortunately because SE is run by morons (only morons would choose to advertise their latest big RPG at the American company's E3 press conference to an audience that couldn't care less) this game's rep will always be tarnished by that idiotic deal with MS.
Loved the first one. I've considered buying this on pc, but I've got a lot to play, and I prefer gaming on ps4.
I'll buy it on day one, it may be a year old, but Tomb Raider 2013 was one of my favs from this decade.
Microsoft really needs to stop this year long exclusive stuff though........either make it a true exclusive, or don't.
Wasn't there supposed to be "big" Tomb Raider news at E3?
I played about half way through the game on Xbox One, but I want to 100% it on PS4.
Gah, gives us a date. I need something for my year end calendar.
@Gamer83 Whose E3 presentation should Square Enix have shown what game? Whilst I wasn't impressed with the timed exclusivity deal for Lara's latest gruesome deaths, if it meant the game got funded then so be it.
This game is like Street Fighter V now, by the time it comes to PS4 I will have other games to play, they missed the boat for me. I wouldn't be surprised though if they give the full game free with PS+ it would be honestly the smartest thing they could do to all the PS4 fans Square and MS upsetted.
No worries then, because if it is funded by MS or Nintendo, it won't be very good because neither will fund it adequately due to low sales from the small user base.
PS4 was the cash cow but Square Enix shot themselves in the foot due to short term greed.
Just give it $40 price with all dlc.
Lara > Drake
Yep. I buy it too. Seems to be a good game.
$40 max, preferably with the DLC included.
SE should make it a PS+ game or at least a massive discount to PS+ when it launches, that way they can mend burnt bridges in the PS community
It will be full price.
I won't be getting this on PS4, cause I already have it on Xbox One. Great game, still hoping a 3rd game in this series gets made.
30 euro tops.
Doesn't matter that it was on Xbone before, it's the fact that the game is a year old that matters.
But, SE being SE, it will more likely be full price, maybe 10 euro below that.
But that's not enough imo.
Plus would really, really be a very wise decision, but being that, I doubt it will happen.
It'll be full price. But then when nobody buys it at full price the price will drop and come January/February it'll be about 20 quid and I'll get a copy.
First one was awesome. Really looking forward to it.
Sadly Dead Rising 4 is going to be the same story.
Not intrested i'm not TR's greatest fan to start with and the year long exclusive with Xbox has put me right off, anyone who pay's full price for the base game without the DLC will be supporting one year exclusive's and be playing straight into the pocket's of the greedy suit's. I hope this game bomb's on PS4 and bomb's bad. If it sell's well then expect more one year exclusive's from SE in the future (even if PS4 get the deal I still don't agree with one year ex's).
@xMEADx I really don't understand people complaining about one-year exclusives. You get the game eventually if you want it, so who cares? I'd rather play it later than have to buy another console just for one game. This perception by the general gaming public that games publishers are suit-wearing execs rubbing their hands together over pictures of our wallets is a bit sad.
I'll quite happily play this game when it's at a price I deem fair for the amount of entertainment I get from it. There's no other way to make a purchasing decision, it's as simple as that. For me £35-40 ish including DLC would be just fine. Don't really care if Xbox players have already played it or not.
@SegaBlueSky Why else other than greed would company's make one year exclusive's though? It's obvious MS offered them a significant amount of cash to make it exclusive to Xbox and SE accepted and that's where people get the impression that these kind of dev's are money grabbing suit's rubbing their hand's together. Why should we wait a year to play it so the dev's can make more money from it than they would without the exclusive. These people make enough money as it is.
If the price new is lower I will buy at release - if full PS4 price then I will wait for the inevitable price drop.
With so many big hitters this Holiday, I think a lower price point could really help the game sell well on PS4.
@Rudy_Manchego i'd pay £30 for it no more.
@xMEADx Why else other than greed would you be a games company in the first place? I don't deny it's a money-making exercise, of course it is. Why should we wait a year? You don't have to. Either buy an Xbox or yeah, wait a year. Or just don't play it.
The idea of a company is to make as much money is possible - and that's as much a result of us as it is them. They make enough money? There is no such thing as 'enough money' to a large corporation. We demand ever more impressive games with huge budgets and massive teams working on them. That means higher prices and companies figuring out ways to make more money. That's how capitalism works and our entire society is based on it. No one has a 'right' to play a game. You look at each one objectively as a form of entertainment and decide whether you want to spend the requisite amount of money for that entertainment.
The trouble is that fandom and enthusiasm come into things, which means we start to feel like we're left out or 'need' to buy something. A basic principle of brand loyalty. But I see that as a responsibility on my part - it's up to me whether I 'need' to play a certain game series. I really wanted to play the new Project Zero game for one example. So I bought a Wii U. I didn't have to, and I certainly could have got by just as well by sticking to my PS4 and forgetting about it, but I decided the purchase was worth it to me.
At the end of the day, I absolutely agree with you if you decide not to buy Tomb Raider on PS4, that's completely up to you and the best way any of us can have a say in the actions of these companies is to vote with our wallets. Personally? I still want to play the game, so I'm gonna pay for it when it's available, if the price meets my expectations. If not, I'll wait, easy.
Wow, that was a bit long. Not having a rant at you by the way, I just think people need to think a bit more clearly sometimes about these kinds of things and put them in perspective.
I wonder if SquareEnix came out well with the MS deal or if they shot themselves in the foot in the end.
Hopefully this'll have all extra content and a low price on PS4. Looking forward to it though...
I'll give the money to gamestop not square
Releasing on PS4 shows that it wasn't worth it for square
@itshoggie true. At least 2013 Lara.
@wiiware $40 plus 20% off with gamers club from Best Buy in the US would be perfect at $32 plus taxes.
Looks way more interesting than any of the Uncharted games. I'll probably buy it new.
Seen it as low as £12 on Xbox, so will play it there.
I'll probably be one of the few people that buy it then it will flop and make the franchise formatted. Lara gonna have to be rebooted again.
Not sure if I want to pick this up if it's $60. It's a one year old game, but I really liked the first. I think I'll wait a bit.
The butthurt comments. SMH. I'll get it on the PS4 or the NX (if).
I'll probably end up getting it for Christmas anyway so no worries there.Absolutely loved the first game and was very upset when I first thought it was a full exclusive to Xbox but once It was announced it was only timed I got over it..plenty of games to play in the meantime.
I am loving Uncharted 4 which I have yet to finish but looking forward to a `solo` adventure with Lara rather than all the constant chatter,chatter,chatter with Nate and co..
I fully expect this game to be full price its a new release so they have no reason to discount the game. It is irrelevant what price it is being sold at on Xboxone. Just because its cheaper on there does not mean it should be cheap on the PS4. If a game come sout on PC then years later comes out on PS4 you would never expect it to be the same price as on the PC. This game pretty much only got put on console because Microsoft stumped up some money the last game although popular took a long time to turn a profit. Me i will not be buying the game the hype has passed now but sure it will be popular when it gets released.
I want this. The problem is i really like the look of Titanfall 2 now. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
@wiiware that will probably be the price and content, it makes the most sense.
I'm pretty sure all the people saying they won't get this game will probably end up buying it sometime down the line and maybe even enjoy it.
This is my personal favorite game of last generation and it's such a shame to see its fate. The time-exclusivity really destroyed the reputation (and sales) of what possibly is the definitive action-adventure game of this generation. I recommend everyone with a good enough PC to check this out now, and if you have a PS4, definitely pick it up this holiday season... as long as it is priced fairly.
It's a very good game, not the best. Uncharted 4 was better in nearly every way. That said I hope it sells well enough overall to warrant a sequel, the devs deserve it.
@itshoggie Drake >Lara sales this gen I love lara but I would not trade the Uncharted series for it.
@SegaBlueSky Good for you i rather not play it then get a Xbox One. I think it is a waste of money for one game. Personally I would rather wait and see plus safe €300. Thats 3 CE games i rather have.
My excitement for it has died down a bit since it's been so long but still wanna check it out since I enjoyed the first reboot. I'll still buy it but it better be below $40 when it hits PS4
It's a great game. But my money is low, i rarely bought console games (or PS4 games for that matter cuz it's the only current-gen console i own) and i already got Uncharted 4.
Square Enix did nothing wrong, partnership is just a natural business decision.
Let's not insult others for their different tastes in gaming.. Thanks -Tasuki-
I knew this awhile ago that this was not only going to bite Microsoft in the butt, but more so on square enix. While it may be a partnership, The title was the wrong title to do this partnership and the only reason it even took place wasn't just because of square enix, but also Microsoft in hoping it would sell more units, which it really didn't have any effect on it and in turn it created more of a negative effect on square enix. They would have probably made more money just coming out with it on both systems.
There is no perfect company and this was just a "booboo" made by SqareEnix, I doubt they will do that again. Even after they did the deal, the company in general I do believe wish they could have undone what they did. Either way, it's a company first and foremost, a game developing company that relies heavily, in fact relies 100% on profit, just like any other company. The person that made the decision just used really bad judgement, that's all it is.
I remember playing Tomb Raider on the PS One and the PC. So why did PS4 players have to wait so long for this game to release on their console? I'm not going to pay Square Enix so they can keep doing this to us. I'm tired of the way businessman--who praise the almighty dollar--are getting in the way of my play time.
All this hate because of the Xbox 1 year exclusive. I have both machines but for those that don't and only have PS4 look on the bright side at least you are getting it. For Xbox only gamers what about Street Fighter. Before anyone says BUT BUT BUT that's different. Hell no its not, not at all.
@RustyBullet Funny seeing as Xbox fans have made it clear that they don't want SFV
@DaveIsAnAceGamer LMFAO. I must have not paid too much attention when Capcom was asking that question. Ohhhhhhh Maybe someone answered on my behalf. You do know that statement makes you out to be a complete clown don't you. ahhhhh but not to worry I do have a PS4 as well.
@DaveIsAnAceGamer ahhh yea, and to quote yourself "Couldn't care less, Xbox One can keep it." So now who sounds like a but hurt fan boy. You see that's the difference, I have both consoles and a PC rig and a collection of Classic Consoles. Yes the Xbox is my main console but variety is the spice of life and all that.
@RustyBullet I use to own every system (sold my Xbox cause I hated it) so nice try.
@DaveIsAnAceGamer Nice try....?? You respond to my post by saying, and I quote..."Funny seeing as Xbox fans have made it clear that they don't want SFV" which was a totally made up response to a valid point that I was making.
You yourself said, and again I quote "Couldn't care less, Xbox One can keep it.".
You sound like a child so I wont be too harsh on you. But my original point, was to all that are complaining about the 1 year exclusive deal, as opposed to the PS4 (console) exclusivity of street fighter.
I think you need to change your Gamer Tag mate.....Oh sorry, forgot Sony still haven't worked out a way in which to do that,.
So as in your words..."Nice try"
@RustyBullet Nope I've yet to see an Xbox fan praise SFV.
I don't want to change my PSN so yeah, nice try Xbox fanboy
@DaveIsAnAceGamer I take it that you are unable to take in things that are there in front of you in black and white. I own a PS4, I own an Xbox One, I am a PC gamer, how can I be an Xbox Fan Boy. You obviously have the intellect of a 10 year old. If anything you are the Fan Boy. As you are unable to understand the first point I was making I will just leave it at that. Trot on, and goodbye.
@RustyBullet I own a PC, PS4, WiiU and more yet it doesn't stop the Xbox fanboys from thinking I'm a PS4 fanboy.
Also lol so what if you own a PC and play games on it, still seem like an Xbox apologist to me.
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