Sony may want to make some more PlayStation VR pre-orders available, as Koei Tecmo has confirmed that Dead or Alive Xtreme 3 – the sexy holiday simulator – will support the headset from launch. A free update will be made available from 13th October for existing owners, as well as those who have downloaded the free-to-play version.
There'll be a hands-on event in Japan prior to the Tokyo Game Show, where 100 fans will be able to get… Ahem, up close and personal with the gals on Zack Island. And that's not all: a Keijo!!!!!!!! collaboration will see new swimsuits from the manga added to the release, while a photo mode is coming in September. Phwoar!
Comments 22
So much for "no pornography on PS VR"
(or at least xtreme fan service)
Now I wish I had pre-ordered PSVR.
Ecchi and horror are the two genres I'm really looking forward to experiencing in VR, and both seem to be getting this kind of support close to launch.
Don't make me get this thing, Sony.
Didn't you know? Bathing suits and non-nudity equals porn in North America.
@Gamer83 You are joking right? Maybe the ultra conservative 5 percent would consider this pornography but I like to believe we Americans have come a long way in our acceptance of the human body.
That PlayStation VR pre-order was totally worth it now!
Anyways, on a serious note, I hope Doom comes to PSVR in the future and not a HTC Vive/Oculus exclusive.
You may like to believe it, I'd like to believe it too but if the ultra conservative didn't make up more than 5% you wouldn't see all these whiney pansies concerned about nude females in God of War, The Witcher 3, GTA etc. Of course in GTA IV when a guy was naked for absolutely zero reason it's no big deal. If America had really come a long way from being an overly sensitive overly politically correct nation you wouldn't see all these worshippers of that scam artist Anita Sarkeesian. There's also a reason a lot of Japanese developers are afraid to bring these games West or will seriously tone down the content (to be fair, I do think it's justified to change things in some cases if we're talking about underage characters for example) and that's because people are still overly ridiculous. You saw what is common thinking in the West right in the opening comments of this article. Unfortunate but true. I'm with you on the thinking though. It's crazy that blowing people up, torture and other stuff is no big deal. But if there's a scantily clad female she's being objectified and is just there so 'male gamers can jerk off.' I'm really tired of this stupid ass way of thinking. If you don't like the content in a game, fine, don't buy it, it's that freaking simple. For people to have such big egos and act like something so harmless shouldn't exist just because they don't like it really annoys the hell out of me. Of course when I say that I'm a privileged white male who lacks empathy hates women and wants to keep them oppressed.
As with the internet, the vocal minority is always heard the most. If we as Americans really were as conservative as you describe, wouldn't those types of entertainment be banned? We do have access to unlimited pornography and nudity is becoming more and more acceptable in movies and even television.There will always be those stuck in the past but their way of thinking hasn't stopped the rest of us from enjoying what we want. Such is the way of America, they can scream and cry that these forms of entertainment are bad and we can watch it anyways. Everyone has their own opinion.
I think thou dost protest too much
For the record, (a) I'm a Liberal Canadian not Conservative America, (b) I was just being funny (though there is no doubt there is a large element of Fan Service, Gratuitousness, and objectification in this game...), and (c) I have no problems with pornography in general** I just don't try to call a shovel a spade.
** I do object to people being abducted trafficked and its connection to the porn industry, but that is a larger discussion.
Hey Guys!... or am I just missing the input of women in the comment stream. The anticensorship crowd is not the only ones playing video games. In fact, the industry was kept alive and made into what it is today because of some of us "old timers". You are welcome. As a Christian, I do not need to subject myself to constant violence, gratuitous nudity or almost nudity either. I really enjoy video games just like this group here. Try to see it from my perspective. Amazing experiences like God of War, The Witcher, etc. become closed to people like myself as I seek to find good gaming experiences without those things. It is simple for some gamers to say, "If you don't like it don't buy it." Over the years, I have actually watched production swing in the direction you guys are calling it to. For me and gamers like me we get jumped all over for having a view that is different and we feel increasingly like the gaming world is more difficult for us to access, so it is not all well living on this side either. I also find it interesting how often gamers complain about not having gender equality in character creation or censorship but at the same time speak poorly of those who hold a different viewpoint than them. I am glad Rockstar makes amazing games, but I felt the sex scene in Red Dead Redemption as a cut scene was absolutely unneeded. The open world do anything of Grand Theft Auto also so creative and talented work but I miss out because of the sex and violence. I know, I know, there's always Nintendo. I am just suggesting maybe if devs could have an option to turn off those elements without missing out on story content that would be good. I am glad to see so many gamers with different backgrounds playing now. We all just have to remember that it is not always about just making games for our own view point and personal tastes.
A hands-on event, you say?
It's not going to happen most likely, it was easy to implement such options in 16 bit titles and what not, but if you asked the developers of GTA 5 to erase material which may be deemed offensive, you may as well not release the game whatsoever.
I'm all for religious liberties no matter what the belief (as long as it's peaceful in nature), but I'm not for watering down a product to appease a certain segment of the population which may have a few moral questions on the subject.
I hear you. I feel constantly conflicted every time I hear the Lord Jesus' name taken in vein which is CONSTANTLY now in pop culture and thus video games. Like developers don't have a clue how offensive that is to hear. I mean, I try to ignore a lot of stuff- otherwise I probably wouldn't be playing any games at all. But I do wish they'd at least TRY to not offend Christians. Not even asking them to cut out violence or sex. Is it too much to ask to not take the name of my Lord in vein every 5 seconds?
They bend over backwards to appease SJW and every other known demographic but when it comes to Christians, they can't even not do that. It baffles me.
Not going off my own experience here because I have no interest in the DoA Xtreme games but according to my one friend who plays anything with the DoA name, this subseries is essentiallty a photography simulator. Throw in the obvious stuff and this doesn't surprise me that it's happening and if it makes some people happy good for them. I actually think if you just take the main concept on its own, a photography sim, those types of games could be very neat with VR. Just imagine Nintendo entering VR with a sequel to Pokemon Snap.
Women in Bikinis is fine men in budgie smugglers is fine also. Not sure why people have issue with this. Apparently Tekken 7 will not have binki options for characters either when it is launched in the west. Looking forward to VR so much immersive gaming is finally here.
I hadn't heard that about Tekken 7 but not surprising if true. Won't lose sales and a certain youtube channel won't be putting it under a microscope in a negative light. Be lying if I said it doesn't annoy me when devs cave into the overly sensitive crowd but I can't say I blame them either. Hell it extends beyond stuff like bikinis too though. Nintendo got taken to task because you can't create a female Link in the upcoming Zelda game. There's certain people who claim this movement is all about making things 'better.' All I see is more division than ever and this stupid 'if I don't like it, nobody should be allowed to have it' attitude. I've also seen male gamers who claim they'd rather play as male characters and not females because it's easier to relate to a character of the same sex (makes sense) get called everything from close minded to sexist to woman haters to an extremely offensive f word. Yet these same people want you to 'understand' them. I've mostly stayed out of these topics, kept quiet because if you object to the thinking of some of these people you have people on the internet who know nothing about you act like you're the scum of the Earth and should be wiped out of existence. That's if you aren't shut down by the people who run the website first (of course if you're a Sarkeesian worshipper, type whatever the hell you want). I'm not keeping quiet on it anymore though. If it gets me banned from places, so be it. I'm sick of the double standards, hypocrisy and stupidity over what is a really ridiculous first-world issue and is one that I would love to see certain people go to a woman in a third world country and say 'I can relate to your problems because Grand Theft Auto gives male players the option to visit a strip club in a video game.' The last straw for me was at E3 when we saw the new Kojima game. Nobody said a damn thing about the unnecessary nude male butt (rightly so because the truth is, it's his game he can put what he wants in it and we shouldn't care), however, Nintendo tells you 'no female Link' and the world is coming to an end. After the Sony conference the woman who co-hosts those shows, Meredith I believe her name is- and for the record, I like her, she's good at her job and is easier to listen to than the easily pleased, overly excited male co-host - said she needed to 'have a minute' over the nude Norman Reedus and nobody said anything. It was harmless and is something that shouldn't have bothered me and back even as late as 2012 wouldn't have bothered me but you know in 2016 if Kojima had put a popular female actress in the game with some rear nudity he'd be called a woman-objectifying scumbag and if the male co-host 'needed a minute' he'd be a perverted, demented lonely neckbeard who only wants to have one hand on the controller and one hand on something else when playing videogames. It's the same double standard as with a real life issue that has always bothered me, at least since I've been old enough to think about it objectively. When myself and a bunch of friends are hanging out and one is talking about his escapades with a bunch of women we're high fiving him and back slapping him, 'you're the man.' If one of our female friends told us about how many guys she's been with she's a sl*t who should be avoided at all costs (not my way of thinking but I know most of my other male and even female friends would think that way of her). Really, not right. We're all people, we all think and act in different ways but if you're not hurting anybody then what's the problem? We all should be worrying about real issues not silly bs like what people choose to put in video games, movies, songs or tv shows they create because in the end you can choose what you do and don't pay attention to, it really is that simple.
Sorry for the long rant, I really didn't want to do it but it is something that has been building and just like a little thing at E3 got to me, a little comment I saw here today that really shouldn't bother me (and years ago wouldn't have bothered me) just struck a nerve. I'll leave things alone now since it has gotten really off topic.
Killer app more like Killer F**p. Oh yeah I went there.
Yeah, VR is going to be a really tough sell, like it always has, and no amount of take pics of women simulators is going to help it move the needle. What they need to do is get more games like RE 7 and Gran Turismo Sport fully playable with it and hope that's enough. The problem there too though is if you want those games to sell well you can't make them exclusive to VR because you don't want to cut out the large segment of people who would rather just play a game regularly for whatever reason. For me, it's mainly because out of the blue, at 33 years old, I've suddenly become more sensitive to motion sickness. Don't know why and it bothers me but until I can get some good evidence that it won't effect me when using VR headsets, it's 100% out of the question. For other people they simply just want to kick back, relax and don't want any headsets or motion controls getting in the way of that. There's also pricing and other things. I think Sony might have the edge at least with being able to price it but if you want the best performance you're also sacrificing things by not going with one of the other more powerful, expensive options. It's going to be a challenge for all these companies. VR is interesting technology and can succeed in other areas for sure, just don't know if gaming will ever be one of those.
Seems pretty cool. I like DOA, but the Xtreme games I never got into though. Xtreme 3 still isn't released outside of Japan, so I guess I won't be trying this out anytime soon.
well a lot of horny teans are going to have to make sure their door is locked before booting this up
because it's not like you can see if anyone walks in
@MadAussieBloke i know right especially when there is lot's more sexually suggestive content in TV, Film, Music Videos etc that they choose to ignore
Let's just get one thing clear and out of the way.
Developers (or any creator of any media or art form) have ABSOLUTELY NO OBLIGATION to please neither YOU or me or anyone out there.
It is within their full rights to create whatever content they want (as long as it's not illegal by law).
Likewise, it is YOUR and MY full rights to AVOID and NOT purchase such content if you do not like it.
Stop being so goddamn entitled, so goddamn spoiled, and so goddamn on a high horse, so goddamn tyranically correct.
Why do people think that media/game creators are 'obligated' to respect/obey to their personal opinions/beliefs? To put it bluntly, there is no legal binding obligation for them to create a female character, nor to censor/change certain phrases (regardless of how offensive it is, as long as it is within the boundaries of the law) to suit anyone.
Consumers these days have become too exceedingly self-entitled and demanding, that some are believing they can demand whatever they want and if the creators don't comply with, immediately flame them or attack them.
Art (of any form), which is expression of their creativity, is a basic freedom in Democracy. Out of all countries, United States (not America, because America is a f*cking continent) should KNOW that freedom of expression and creativity better than anyone else.
Stop being a fully-grown 4 year old child throwing tantrum. You don't like it, you don't buy it. Downvote with your wallet, be civilized and move on. Afterall, this is the democracy and capitalism you all chose and voted to create and live in.
On a personal note, it pisses me off to NO ENDS when I read 'self righteous' posts like some above. It's like listening to a completely illogical, flawed, irrational rant written eloquently without any common sense. I'm all for empowering women, against objectification of women, gender equality. But some people are abusing these ideas to exaggerate and go beyond what they are allowed to ask for.
If I go to a Death Metal band concert, and tell the performers that they should start singing romantic ballades without any screaming and headbanging just because I (and I justify that with the excuse "there are many others like me") find them 'immoral' or 'offensive' on my highly subjective and personal standards, would that make ANY SENSE at all? This is the same thing as me going to a neighbour and demanding them to stop cooking beef because I'm a vegan and I find it offensive eating meat. Also this is the same as me going to a random stranger's wedding party and tell them to stop everything because my parent passed away that day.
Seriously, people need to grow up. And mind no business to what others are doing. It is NOT your game, it is NOT your right to say how a game should be made or what kind of philosophical/religious choices it should follow. Because if it does, it would be your game, not the developers. If a game offends you, very very simple. STOP playing it, and look for a different one. You're not being 'denied' the entertainment that particular game is offering. You have a conflicting moral/religious choice and that's your problem, not the game's.
TL;DR : What you 'want' and what devs 'must do' are two different things. Ignore the games you don't like and move on. It's not your say. Too many people are self-entitled these days. You are NOT.
I'm against the objectification of women portrayed which reinforces stereotypes when young kids/boy/young adult males feel it's the status quo to do this to woman. Because of games like this, it perpetuates the ongoing culture that women are less than men. My 12 y/o nephew made a video with his pals calling girls sluts and whores with lewd comments. He's an avid gamer. I wonder where he gets his viewpoint?
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