The launch trailer for Battleborn is in. The game's due out on the PlayStation 4 next week.
The launch trailer for Battleborn is in. The game's due out on the PlayStation 4 next week.
About Sammy Barker
As the Editor of Push Square, Sammy has over 15 years of experience analysing the world of PlayStation, from PS3 through PS5 and everything in between. He’s an expert on PS Studios and industry matters, as well as sports games and simulators. He also enjoys RPGs when he has the time to dedicate to them, and is a bit of a gacha whale.
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Comments 51
"The launch trailer for Battleborn is in. The game's due out on the PlayStation 4 next week"
Straight to the point, love it
Doesn't appeal to me either, more looking forward to Overwatch. Just got FFXIV though so I'm guessing all my gaming time will be in that for the foreseeable future.
Not sure why the need for an annoying gif in this post, Battleborn looks the sh*t (note the "the").
Language - get2sammyb
@Yaster If you say so.
@get2sammyb So is this a hint that the game is getting a poor review on PS ahead of launch next Tuesday? Played the beta solidly the other week and I couldn't be more excited to play the full thing.
@get2sammyb Or is it just "cool" all of a sudden to be down on Battleborn because Overwatch is also coming out within a few weeks too?
Wow someone is salty over Sammy's comments
This game is not going to do well....its already a snore.
@AyeHaley If you say so
@Yaster I don't care about Battleborn or Overwatch. We don't have Battleborn yet because they haven't sent it us. It will get a proper and thorough review from @AlexStinton who's excited for it.
Looks like it's going to be this years Evolve, it's be a wasteland online in a couple of months.
@Yaster To be fair, I've yet to meet anyone who is excited for Battleborn (and I mean people who are planning to buy it on release). As I've said before, I kept getting this game confused with Overwatch as both have very generic titles. It wasn't until I watched some videos that Overwatch caught my eye (or to be more precise, I went to Video Games Live in Manchester last month and they played a song from it alongside a CGI video which led me to delve deeper) and I'm quite interested. As for Battleborn, the first trailer I saw for that was just a load of characters shouting and appearing to be...edgy? Cool? Likeable? Not sure how I'd describe it. So yeah, I'm in the same boat as many others and it's not really "cool all of a sudden to be down on Battleborn", it's been like that from the start as far as I can tell.
Gaming journalist "must" hate Battleborn, it's in the contract.
That trailer was like a parody... but it wasn't. lol GearBox
I'll be honest, this was the first video I've seen of any kind of Battleborn gameplay, and it looks really slow. I was expecting fast paced, blood pumping action, but it felt like everything was going through The Matrix's bullet time.
Maybe I'm just too used to watching Doom gameplay for the last couple of days.
Hopefully people that are looking forward to the game enjoy it.
Is Felly a playable character?
@Grawlog You can question our opinions but please don't question our legitimacy.
@get2sammyb @ShogunRok
To be honest, Push Square is a great site, but look at NintendoLife,.....leave the personal feeling towards games to opinion related articles, not general news threads. Yeah you can put in a sentence saying that Battleborn will have a tough time against the likes of Overwatch, etc, no doubt about that.......but to openly mock a game that others may like? Leave it to opinion pieces and not news threads.
Of course I'm just a user and it's in your right to tell me to f off, it's your site, but I think it's a point.
Gotta love the error at 1:08 in the video...I'd hate to be the guy responsible for proofing that...
@sub12 THIS is what I am getting back. I mean, opinions are what writing is all about and I'm not saying there's not a place for it on gaming websites, but keep it to specific opinion pieces and blogs, places where it is stated that the views are that of the author. Reviews can be applied here too, but personally I have always preferred the style of a review that is a shared opinion of that site/publication. Of course it's hard to do this nowadays as many contributes are contractors working outside of an office, often in their own homes so it's hard to communicate, especially when games have embargoes.
But when my RSS pops up with an article from PS which really only needs to be "here's the Battleborn Launch Trailer, it;s out on this date" but also includes a "sigh" and a gif of the mother from Arrested Development rolling her eyes, it gives me the impression that that's the opinion of not just PS, but Gamer Network in general.
i know that BB won't be everyone's cup of tea, in fact I can see from Sammy's Twitter that he has the knives out for it, that's the place for it. And the review if the full game does turn out to be pants.
@sub12 I really love this site but I have to agree with you here.
That gif is out of place amd it is really bad taste.
@Grawlog Just to be clear the positivity about SMITE on Push Square has been completely driven by me.
This is nothing new, I've been banging on about it since I started playing SMITE on Xbox One last year, and I've been dying for it to come to PS4 ever since. In fact if you read any of our weekend pieces there are numerous instances where I talk about playing it.
My guide and live streams on SMITE come purely from my enjoyment of the game, not any promotional activity on the site. There's no faking here, and Sammy's view on Battleborn - whether you agree with them or not - are just another example of that.
As @get2sammyb said, I'll be reviewing Battleborn, and you can be assured that I will be giving you my honest opinion whether good or bad, even if the site's plastered with ads, and I've been issued with Battleborn branded Y-fronts.
@Worlock_ed The Battleborn Reddit is one place where many people are excited for it. But my feelings about this particular post has more to do with the thoughts of comment #18 and #21. It seems that personal opinion is seeping more and more into places where it doesn't really need to be.
But I've said my bit in reply to #18, just how I feel. If you don't like a game, or the look of a game (let's not forget that BB isn't even out yet) or you think the game is gonna bomb, then express it as a personal opinion.
@AlexStinton I'm looking forward to your review. You mention the fact that the site has been plastered in ads (i know the Y-fronts bit is a joke), you might not know the answer to this, but I wonder if this post itself is an ad? I mean, it's purpose seems to have just to been to post the launch trailer which is in itself and advert.
I don't want to be the person who speculates that it was posted to appease the publisher to maintain a relationship, but if you ignore that, it looks like its purpose is to just slag off the game/trailer.
My opinions of course, but this is in the comments section.
Sigh. What is going on in here?
Many of you are regular posters and you should be familiar with the site's style now. Trust me: you really, really don't want us to start doing vanilla reporting — you'll miss the old site if we did.
Ever since Push Square started it's been my goal to break away from the bland games coverage that permeates the rest of the web. At the end of the day, it's just video games. If you like Battleborn, then that's awesome - I'm glad you're looking forward to it.
The article's just a joke pointed at the fact that I've been dissing this game for months. Maybe it wasn't very funny - oh well, you can't knock a coconut down every time.
It made me laugh, though.
@Yaster We never have (and hopefully never will) post an article in order to appease any outside company - you have my word on that.
The only time we'll ever work with publishers or developers is when we hold competitions and the like, and I can safely say that they don't have any bearing on the other content that we produce.
And even if we ever did any kind of promoted article, we would clearly state it. Hope that makes things a bit clearer.
@get2sammyb Sammy I wasn t aware of your personal "story" with this game, and that's maybe why I find it not such a great joke. It looks you are just mocking this game out of nowhere, and this is not happening in such fashion for many other games...
Ps: Pushsquare is great as it is, and a more educated place to discuss about our common passion than, i.e., Nlife...
@ShogunRok I'm glad to hear that. I can assume now that the trailer was posted for the sake of showing the trailer. But it still looks like the author is having a go at it, it just seems out of place.
It's not just PS, I'm seeing it in a lot of other places. I used to hate it on Kotaku and Destructoid, but I've been told that those sites are actually blogs? If that's the case then it's fine, though they seem like pretty well connected blogs, but fair enough. But at the moment I receive updates from PS for my daily news fix and I really only expect to hear opinions in the reviews.
@Yaster If you think this news post was specifically designed to appease 2K/Gearbox, or is purely a stealth ad, then it's doing a pretty poor job as either.
Besides, any video content that comes from a publisher is an advert of some kind at the end of the day, even if it's our choice alone if it's posted or not, but lets not open up that can of worms.
Finally, the "plastered in ads" bit of my post was also part of the joke about a nightmare situation where I'm parading around in sponsored underwear. Believe me, no one here wants that. .
As long as the opinions aren't nasty and vindictive or whatever, then I'm perfectly fine with writers having opinions and expressing them. I'm generous like that.
But seriously, I can see why it would rub some people up the wrong way but it's really not that bad - if you want to see much worse examples of 'opinionated' journalism then just check out Kotaku, a website with about as much integrity as a tabloid newspaper.
Honestly I'm not sure people nowadays would cope with some of the old gaming magazines that used to routinely mock anything that came into their line of sight, whether it was a game, an advertiser or a reader! Sega Saturn Magazine and CVG were friggin' brutal at times, and it was hilarious!
This is nothing. Just wait for Borderlands 3 to come out. Sammy will be drinking all kinds of Haterade.
I love Borderlands, and while what Gearbox did with Aliens; Colonial Marines should never be forgotten, I still believe in them as a studio, but this does absolutely nothing for me.
Looks like someone slowed the trailer down to half speed. Does it not play faster than that?
@Batman Certainly seems like it's been slowed down in parts to me. If only there was a lengthy live stream where you could see just how fast it actually plays.
Best thing about that trailer was the music because it had a Streets Of Rage 1 vibe about it i thought.
Came for the Lucile Bluth gif. Stayed for the comments.
This site is my favourite due to the fact that the writers are ok with voicing opinions.
If i wanted to have everyone agree then id head over to Kotaku and open a tumblr blog about crying over anime.
How does this site get away with being so unprofessional sometimes. I enjoy it here but seriously can you leave your personal bias out of articles and save it for whoever reviews the game.
@Neurotic_Biotic Depends what your idea of professionalism is, though. As far as we're concerned, we're here to write about games and share our opinions on them - we're not here to regurgitate press releases and state nothing but the cold hard facts. As Sammy's said above, we don't want to do that and we don't think it'd make the site any better if we did.
So serious about a game that hasn't been released yet... and it's still just a game. I actually saw the GIF as a silly play on the silliness of Battleborn's style. I'll just go back to sipping my coffee.
@get2sammyb @sub12
First of all, I'll (kind of) introduce myself since chances people know me in here are practically zero. I've been reading NL and PS daily for more than a year but I'm more of a lurker; I think I've posted 3-4 times here and a little more than a dozen times on NL, and part of this is I always end up spewing out undigestible walls of text.
I've wanted to point this out for a lot of time but never actually bothered enough to, and now that the discussion has started I feel it's time to express my critique.
There are things I love about this site, such as the "comment invites" at the end of the pieces; they make me laugh out loud almost always.
I'll admit though that I'm not the fondest fan of Sammy's writing style; of course that's not meant to question you or your job, it's simply a matter of tastes.
I often sense some kind of self-righteousness in his/your (depends on who reads lol) articles and you comments as well, and that's where things begin to stink. I am absolutely noone to teach you your job so I won't, but I think it's pretty obvious that this piece is not journalism.
Journalism should be about spreading information as unbiased and unadultered as possible so that people can be informed of a fact and then decide whether that fact will be positive or negative for them, if it has an impact on them at all.
So, to summarize:
Journalism: Battleborn launch trailer is out ahead of its realease next week. Take a look and let us know whether you're excited or not.
Non-Journalism: Ugh, the launch trailer for BB is out, did we even need one? (Insert sarcastic GIF here)
Mind that I've got nothing against Sammy nor anything in favor of this game, I'm only tired of seeing Sammy bash games he apparently doesn't like for the sake of it, blurring the line between his tastes as a gamer and his duty as a journalist.
Uff, that was painful to write 😅
@clvr Thanks for commenting, I do listen to the feedback. However, I don't consider myself a journalist, so perhaps there's a disconnect in expectations here.
I'm writing about a game called Battleborn which has penguins in mech suits and typos in its trailer; I'm not reporting on a war in the Middle East.
This is ridiculous. It's perfectly fine to disagree with someone but the amount of punditry going on over their writing style is a bit over the top. Push has always been a light-hearted site and it seems I'm only just realising that people actually come here for boring old releases. Surely there are sites for that.This isn't BBC News Games We don't just come to be informed of the news, but of what everyone else in our community thinks of it. Sammy's opinion does nothing to take away from the news. Everything you wanted to know is there, but you get his opinion too. They're not competing for some prize in journalistic standards or heavily misrepresenting figures from some new drone strike. It would be nice if people didn't take this so seriously.
@ShogunRok This entire article is an attack on the game that is unwarranted and rude. There is no respect shown for any of the work people have put into the game, it's fine not to like it or to highlight flaws but this is not how it should be done. This is not a blog.
Well, actually I don't think it's all about whether or not you are a journalist in any sense of the term. Hearing that you don't consider yourself a journalist obviously puts your style in a different perspective, but I don't think it should be the focal point of the debate.
If you are spreading information, no matter the subject nor your personal interpretaion of journalism, you should attain to the information itself without edulcorating it in any way. This is what I wanted to address.
It doesn't matter if you have a degree in journalism or not; it doesn't matter if you're writing about a videogame with penguins in mech suits or a Middle East war; if your goal is to spread information and you do that with a passion, I think you should do it in an almost "impersonal" way. There are moments when opinions are needed, like Talking Points; this ain't one of them.
I don't wanna be the "politically correct advocate" in any way, though I sound a bit like that; I just think it isn't fair to bash a yet to be released game based on personal bias. It isn't fair towards those who made it and, most importantly, towards your audience. What if people came here with high expectations and see you bashing it? They'll probably think this game isn't worth it and lose out on a game they could have potentially loved.
However, thank you for reading my post and acknowledging the feedback from us readers, it really means a lot.
@get2sammyb I like the gif and the humour and I think the game looks good. Of course I also liked it when you ended every other sentence with "yo" so I might not be the best judge.
I did notice that you included the gif in the article this time rather than first post where the TS gif usually pops up, and then I comment on how creepy it is that you have first post on the article you just wrote, like you are stalking yourself, so if you decided to include the odd gif in the article rather than first post due to my past good natured ribbing, well I apologize for creating yet another off topic malestrom.
@Neurotic_Biotic I'd like to say that people don't really know how to take a joke but I assume you wouldn't agree. Let's just say we share a different opinion and leave it at that. Thanks for the feedback, anyway.
Battleborn is viciously mediorce .
@clvr " "edulcorating" lol only prententios people use that word. And those who "google" it beforehand ,in a shameless way to appear naturally intelligent , and clever of course. =) clvr rasta
Keep doing what you do @get2sammyb and @shogunrok
@DominicanGlory push square is "edulcorating" according to certain people . I think the writing and differing opinions of different staff members is like a breath of air. Push square= No nodding dogs.
Randy Pitchford will never get any money from me. Not after duke nukem and colonial marines.
I'm all for humorous reporting, but I've got to say, if you can't write more than 2 sentences + a gif, then you need to either leave it, or save it for your Twitter or Facebook. It's completely inadequate. I'm aware of the authors dislike for this game, and that's fine, but 2 sentences + a gif is something anyone can do.
Btw, I couldn't care less about Gearbox or Battleborn either.
Hey lets join the Sammy hate train, like hes working for the daily mail or something.
I for one couldn't care less about Battleborn. Pushsquare is a free quality website - in fact its Sammys free quality website site and he can do what he likes! We are talking about games here guys get a grip, Theres no such thing as bad publicity and if Sammy didn't want to highlight the game - he wouldn't write an article.
Sammy, your gif made me laugh and pretty much summed up how I felt when I saw the trailer!
I love this site. Reminds me of what SegaBlueSky mentioned - Some of the magazines I grew up with were brutal, but hilarious. This is lighthearted in comparison.
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