Activision's really been playing up the fact that Call of Duty: Black Ops III consists of three games in one, but there's actually a fourth title stashed inside Treyarch's first-person shooter. Dead Ops II: Cyber Revengening is an isometric shooter which can be unlocked by poking around on an in-game computer terminal – and it's much more than your average minigame.
With multiple levels, Punch Out-inspired retro cut-scenes, and tons of power-ups, the developer's really gone above and beyond with this added extra. We've avoided embedding the video because of spoilers, but you can catch a full 15 minute playthrough courtesy of this link. Will you be painting your PlayStation 4 black later this week? Gun us down in the comments section below.
[source vg247.com]
Comments 11
That's kinda cool. Also, is that the Arrow in the screenshot?
Used to love playing dead ops coop and this looks even better, wont spoil it by saying whats in the vid
I'm definitely buying this Thursday night. Wow, Treyarch is really pushing the new systems now. That's what's up!
@Spirit_Psalm91 It does seem like a very 'complete' game. If you're into Call of Duty, it's quite impressive how much they're cramming into this one.
This is just a 'sequel' to Black Ops - Zombies Dead Ops Arcade - a hidden Zombie map in CoD:BO. Dead Ops 2 was known about but this is the first time I have seen footage. It was never considered an 'extra' mode though, more just a part of the Zombies experience despite the fact its quite different to those
There is an unconfirmed report (i.e no official confirmation) that once you eat the campaign, you unlock a 'Nightmare' mode which substitutes all the enemies in the campaign with Zombies. Some people that have the game early have unlocked it and leaked it too.
Treyarch have often put hidden gems in their games - Zombies itself started off this way in W@W and not only did Black Ops have the original Dead Ops - it also had 'Zork' a 30+ yr old ext based adventure game too. Black Ops 2 had 'Pitfall' and other Atari classics in Nuketown 2025
It's a no from me I played the last one and was very underwhelmed by it, never been a huge FPS fan and if I ever fancy a quick match or 2 I'll play Destiny
@BAMozzy seems they added a first person perspective pick up to it though, looks rather good and makes quite the difference!
I've never actually bought a cod (played plenty with friends), somehow this edition is the closest I may come, however, with so many massive games coming my way, I don't think I'll give much time to a multiplayer shooter.
We can talk game modes, guns, special abilities, 'pick 25' systems, zombies and nuketown for hours, while all you have to really say is: the CE comes with a fridge that makes sounds! A fridge people!
Btw: the man or woman who came up with the name "Black Hops" for the CoD branded beer, needs to get an award asap!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Doom will be the one.
Treyarch is the only dev I buy call of duty from, surprising considering how bad COD 3 was.
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