Word on the retail grapevine is that Rise of the Tomb Raider's not trending well, but Microsoft and Square Enix still have a couple of weeks to turn that around. This launch trailer for the temporary Xbox exclusive may help, as we see Lara Croft coming face to face with a group named Trinity, who are in search of MacGuffin artefacts and what not.
There's no denying it: the game looks absolutely drop-dead gorgeous – though we're yet to be convinced by Camilla Luddington's performance as the well-endowed archaeologist or her new face. Remember, the game's due out on the PlayStation 4 this time next year. We feel for Crystal Dynamics, though, because we think that it's going to struggle on all systems.
[source youtube.com]
Comments 61
Lol... what a butt hurt article. Too funny.
Well, at least there is someone heading to Syria for a chance. This game is a PS game, just like Sunset Overdrive was, I can't believe we still see these practices. Same goes for Sony and Capcom btw; it makes no sense to deny Xbox owner a game as popular as SF, especially if Xbox has been your game's competitive go to console for years.
When I used to hear Tomb Raider I used to think Playstation, now when I hear Tomb Raider I think Fallout 4.
@mitcHELLspawn Sure, get back to me when it's out and we'll look at how it fared. It's currently 72nd on Amazon.com's best sellers list. Fallout 4, which is out on the same day, is 3rd.
Releases same day as Fallout 4, and comes out in between Call of Duty and Battlefront. It'll do okay at best.
I fully expect sales to be weak but that's only because of SE's dumb decision-making. As for the game itself it looks awesome so I hope it surprises people and ends up doing well.
Do we want to get ready though?
More hyped for this than Uncharted 4
I agree I'm not sold, the actress has the look of Lara Craft in this one! Lovely looking trailer though, but it does nothing to me compared with the likes of Uncharted 4 or Fallout 4!
@ShogunRok to be honest it will probably sell better next year, unless there are some other big releases at this time next year
Im happy that Fallout 4 is releasing on the same day otherwise I may have given a damn. While I REALLY enjoyed Lara's last outing I can happily wait for the better version of Rise of the Tomb Raider as we have plenty of amazing games to keep us occupied in the mean time.
We quite literally have a list as long as your arm where AAA's are concerned.
Karen o sounding as good as ever...really love the song
This better be $30/$40 next year or no buy.
I pre ordered this! Can't wait!
I'm looking forward to this game. I don't like how it's whipped up this hostility but there we go. The focus has been taken almost entirely off the game itself which is a shame. This paid exclusivity has backfired horribly and the game isn't even out yet.
@Boerewors Sony are funding the development of SFV. It wouldn't be happening without them. They didn't just drop a briefcase full of 100 dollar bills on the table and wink creepily. Besides, the split of SF players across PS4 and Xbox One is much more in favour of PS4. It's the opposite with Tomb Raider; even PC and Xbox combined are still 100,000s of sales behind PS3/PS4 for the last game and its definitive version.
@Kidfried The timing is presumably for when UC4 would have originally released. Let's say there was no such thing as UC4, there wouldn't be all that much in this deal for Crystal Dynamics. They get to put about 70% of their potential customers out of the picture for a fixed sum of money from MS.That would be a terrible idea.
However, if UC4 came out when it was originally supposed to then RotTR would be going against it and would probably lose a crapload of sales. So, MS said "why not delay it into next year on PS4 - avoid UC4 - and we'll pay you on top of that as well". Great deal! But then UC4 gets delayed and the whole thing becomes a terrible idea again, plus it's garnered quite a lot of bad publicity and really detracted from the game.
@FullbringIchigo A year old game that will be $15 on the other system and will be up against a bunch of heavy hitters again? There's no way this entry grows the brand in any way.
It's going to need to get 10/10s across the board and be heavily discounted over Christmas to have any shot at success. And even then...
keeley hawes really needs to return to TR
@get2sammyb It will be thrown into Black Friday bundles - I cannot wait to get my hands on this is a few weeks
@Boerewors Without Sony Street Fighter V wouldn't have exsited. Capcom isn't doing to well fianically as people seem to think they are. It's just like how Bayonetta 2 is a Wii U exclusive.
Street Fighter V would have definitely got funding from any external source that specializes in investments like these and also co- funding would have been a possibility. Bayonetta was a commercial flop and therefore 2 wouldn't have existed without Nintendo, all iterations of SFIV together have been one of the better selling games last gen (8 - 9 million in total).
Same could be said for Tomb Raider btw, where they sold way less of their original target and it just broke even after the definitive edition. A high risk/ low reward game wouldn't have seen the light of day without external money, not because Squeenix doens't have it, but because they wouldn't have wanted it. But they shouldn't have gone behind Sony's back, because I'm positive that arrangements could be made with the right intention.
@Boerewors Honestly with Capcom nowadays I am not sure if Sony didn't put the money up for it it would have been made. If Sony didn't they probably would throw it in the closet like they have done with Mega Man. Fans have been clamoring for a new Mega Man for years and Capcom has pretty much buried the franchise.
Capcom doesn't have the money to make a game that big out of their own pockets, that's for sure, but when you buy a house, do you usually pay in cash? What I mean is that with an IP this big, with over 8 million units sold last gen, it isn't hard to get external financing for a project like this. Sony is in fact doing the same and without knowing the exact terms, the likes of Sony usually don't get worse from deals like these.
I just think it's a shame we don't get to play TR next month, but it's just as bad as One players not getting to play SF. You never know what the future holds and skipping millions of gamers now could potentially mean that you damage your IP really bad.
In hindsight this has to look like a bad idea to MS. If the game was multiplat on PS4 (no Wii U obviously) Sony would have marketed it, and people who own an X1 would have purchased it, and it would have cost MS nothing in advertising or rights fees. Yes, they will sell more as an exclsuive, but I don't think they'll sell enough more to justify the cost of the timed rights. And I doubt naybody buys an X1 just or this game. Halo yes. GoW yes. But not TR.
If MS didn't pay for it, or they were actually paid to take it, then I'm ok w/ it, but I'm betting they paid, and it will turn out to be a waste of money,or net loss.
Tomb Raider reboot is one of the best games I've ever played. Beyond hyped for this one. It's really disappointing that this timed release and bad release window will sully an otherwise fantastic title. Let's just try not to act too butt hurt when the game releases and just enjoy it.
@Sonic10122 You are right. I love the last game and can't wait to play this one. I get that people are putt off about the timed exclusive bs but the game looks great. What's all this about a new face though? Did they change Lara from the last game?
@Boerewors I get what you are saying, but you usually use credit when buying a house. Of course no one is going to give you credit if you have bad credit. Look at it as Sony giving the money to Capcom to buy the house to use your words. I am noting saying it wouldn't be profitable the game but, obviously Capcom didn't want to put out the money for it for whatever reason.
I am (was?) incredibly excited for this but I don't have an Xbox, and I do not plan on getting one, so I don't know how I'll feel in a year. Either way it seems like this move is going to backfire on them.
@get2sammyb it can't compare to fallout. Fallout is love.
@get2sammyb true but with the money Square got from MS i'm sure it will still make it's money back at the end of the day but it won't make anywhere near what they want it to
besides did you hear that Square said the third game will NEVER be a timed exclusive to any system, guess they already know they effed it up, i mean it was stupid to make it exclusive for a year to a system that hasn't even sold a third of what the PS4 has in the first place
i can see Square pushing up the PS4 release to as early as they possibly can
They have messed up badly with this and coming out with that line of it was to grow the brand was frankly ridiculous. How do you grow a brand by making it unavailable to 60-70% of you potential customer base. As for me buying the game, I doubt I'll care by then with the games lined up for PS4, hopefully Horizon would be on the horizon by then (sorry)
@SonyInfinity I'm just glad I'll get to enjoy both rather than just hating it for what console it's available on.
@Tcufrog Agreed, but I think we can all agree they made a colossal mistake with this, especially since it was more than likely originally predicated on the idea that it would go up against UC4 at the same time, something that didn't even happen. Now it has to battle the likes of Fallout, Halo, and Battlefront, and that's a battle it won't win. Still though, I am sure it will be a great game and hope you enjoy it.
@SonyInfinity I'm sure I will, I'm not really the type of gamer who plays sales, just games. It could sell 10 copies but if it's fun I can't complain
this game looks great too bad the timing is just horribly placed they should have delayed it and make it release at a better time because November if my fallout and star wars time
@tenderbeefcake I think they're more talking about Lara's "new" look from the reboot and this one, and Camilla Luddington's performance. I personally think she's an excellent Lara though, and I like Lara's character in the reboot more in general.
I will buy Tomb Raider in November and pick up Fallout 4 sometime next year after Bethesda have fixed a lot of the launch issues and the game releases have dried up a bit. I really can't see F4 occupying much of my time this side of Christmas with all the other releases due out. I like to sit down and get stuck in to an RPG as thy are not really the type of game you can play in short half hour or so bursts.
Tomb Raider is looking great and I really enjoyed the reboot so this is high on my wanted list. Its not that surprising to see it lower down on Amazon's lists as its only available on XB1 (unlike F4) and also releasing in the same month as CoD:BO3 and SW:BF too
I want to play it but not enough to buy a X-Box One. I'll get it on the cheap down the line on PS4. I would have bought it day one had it been on PS4.
I think it was a huge mistake to release this exclusively on xbox for a year before playstation ppl get too. All I know it's when it comes to ps4, it better come with the dlc for free with the game , or the game at a cheaper retail price to interest me.
You can't say Street Fighter V wouldn't be happening without Sony. That's just not true. This was not a case like Bayonetta where Capcom had a niche franchise that even THEY didn't want to publish, and hero Sony came to save the day for the fans.
Street Fighter is Capcom's biggest cash cow and you can bet that not even hell itself could have stopped Street Fighter V.
Let's not pretend it's something it's not. Street Fighter V was always coming. Sony or no Sony. Sony's just paying for exclusivity. The marketing toward fans is "they're helping speed it along". Sure they are. With all that $$$ they paid for exclusivity.
I'll be buying this day one.
Frankly I don't really care how well it sells or doesn't sell. My concern has never been AAA profits. Leave that to the publishers. I just play games. And I will most definitely be playing this game in one week's time.
Camilla Luddington is fine as Lara Croft that's just Sammy hating for no reason. You can also tell he's rooting for this game to fail. I don't usually get on the PushSquare writers the way others do, but I can certainly see why some would take issue with the tone of this article.
I'm just avoiding all the trailers and hopefully will remain spoiler-free for next year...
The last game in the series was phenomenal, the year-long wait is that much worse because I was looking forward to the sequel so much. Luckily there are lots of other games coming out and I'd have struggled to play it anyway.
Looking forward to this next year!
I have both the ps4 and xbone but will get tombraider on ps4 next year. I will be playing fallout till uncharted arrives. I hope the deal with ms doesnt kill the tombraider franchise altogether as I fear if the sales are to poor ( after the ps4 release) it could be difficult to jusify another one.
@viciousarcanum Indeed, she was an excellent Lara.
Normally I don't care about sales or any of that malarkey but my only concern with this is that if it seriously underperforms it doesn't have a negative impact on the future of the franchise. Square-Enix don't exactly have form when it comes to realistic sales projections. As others said, this was surely to be Microsoft's Uncharted this Christmas, but when the deal was made I doubt they anticipated Xbox One sales would be as poor as they are.
@FullbringIchigo But it could seriously hinder the growth of the franchise. They rebooted it for a reason, and the sequel should have seen the series continue its progression back into the mainstream. I think this entry has failure written all over it.
@Gamer83 Camilla Luddington's awful. She sounds like a Brit who's lived in America all her life and it really shows. Probably something the American audience can't hear. Keeley Hawes will always be the best Lara Croft. <3
I'm honestly disgusted with the decision to take this existing franchise and lock it away behind an exclusivity deal with MS. I won't ever be purchasing this game on principle alone.
This game will need to review extremely well for me to be interested in buying it to be honest. I love the original two games but it lost its way after that. Reboot was quite impressive but I felt there was too much focus on killing. Which just copies most of the other games out there.
The exclusivity obviously hasn't helped matters at all, not that I'm that bothered. But there needs to be smart pricing incentive when it does arrive to stand a chance. If it gets 9's & 10's I will of course take notice. If it goes back to its roots that could be really exciting
I played the last Tomb Raider both on the PS3 & PS4, & I liked it its a good game but the multiplayer was awful. I've just finished the Uncharted collection & I've got to say Uncharted 2 & 3 are lot better games, in everyway. I was amazed on how well the Uncharted collection has stood the test of time, in story telling, gameplay & amazingly graphics. This is just a opinion but Uncharted is a lot better game than TR, & with Uncharted 4 on its way early 2016 I am not bothered about TR.
Street Fighter IV wouldn't be happening if not for Sony, there is a big difference.
In all honesty, I bet TR barely makes a splash this holiday season. Even competing solely against Xbox titles it has its work cut out for it. A kid getting an xbox for Christmas is NOT thinking TR, he is thinking Halo, especially now that the rating has dropped and even more parents will be obliged to get it for them. Let's not even mention the goliath multi plats it is going against. In hindsight it seems so ridiculous that they made this deal just to not have to go against UC4 on PS, especially so far in advance of its release when they should know full well games will, and do, get delayed ALL THE time. For me it doesn't matter either way, never been a fan of the series and FALLOUT IS KING. One more week folks! Get your tickets for the hype train while you still can! First and only stop, Boston wasteland!
Like I said before, that's highly debatable. All SFIV iterations sold a total of 8-9 million combined to this date, funding SFV would've been no trouble at all. Capcom decided to let Sony fund it, probably at some terrific terms, but since no one knows what the future holds this might be a bad move in the end. By making it exclusive your missing out on millions of potential players, players you might need one day but by then have no feeling for the IP.
But if Sony hadn't step in to fund SFV, someone else would have. There are tons of investors that are willing to take this relatively safe bet because it'll most probably sell at the very least 3 million copies within the first year of you don't skip a platform, but I believe they can do 4- 4.5 because of the rate the consoles have been selling.
I don't believe they were trying to avoid UC4. They still would have sold better on both platforms at that time then they are only on xbox now. But I will pick this up on ps+. Don't like to invest money into a franchise that I may or may not be able to continue to play. That goes for any franchise. I ditched Kingdom Hearts years ago because of system hopping.
Just play Uncharted, innit.
@get2sammyb Keeley Hawes is the best Lara ever. Such a great actress.
@get2sammyb i think the damage to the franchise has already been done, it happened as soon as those words "XBOX Exclusive" was shown at E3 and it's never going to recover from that
they can't expect it to be a huge success when they cut out two thirds of your audience
@Ellysetta19 you can get all of Kingdom Hearts on PlayStation now (well once 2.8 is released anyway and yeah a few are redone as movies but those are the bad DS ones so it doesn't matter really)
Exactly right about the exclusives. When people think Xbox they think Halo (and to a lesser extent Gears of War) first. Tomb Raider certainly isn't a game they're thinking about getting an Xbox for. And from a stand point of growing the franchise, cutting out PlayStation, and PC, for a little bit, the two platforms with the biggest TR fanbases, it just makes the people saying that crap idiotic. And one of the other big reasons I saw listed for this deal was to avoid Uncharted. Now I understand unlike Halo and TR, which are very different, the new style of TR is very similar to Uncharted. However, it is the holiday season and people usually want more than 1 game. I'm not convinced that if Uncharted 4 had made this year that it would've killed TR's sales on PlayStation. Uncharted existed last gen and Tomb Raider still did better on PS. It's not an 'either, or' thing. PS gamers like Uncharted, they also really like Tomb Raider and the imbeciles at SE completely missed the point on this one and people can defend it and they can say the Street Fighter deal is just as bad, and blah blah blah. But if you're going to take a franchise exclusive at least do it where it makes sense. Putting Tomb Raider on the console with by far it's smallest fanbase, does NOTHING for the franchise, period.
@Gamer83 It certainly does not grow the franchise, as someone at Square was quoted as saying. You know, back in the 16 bit and early 32 bit days Square was my most beloved developer, their name was almost always synonymous with high quality IPs. Now I feel like they are becoming a laughingstock and they really, really need FF15 to be an absolute master class level of game to bring them back.
When it was SquareSoft and Enix, both were great studios. Legendary even. Once the merge happened and it became 'SquareEnix' it's been nothing but a joke. Over the last 8 or 9 years, the best games with the SE labels on the front have come from Western developers acquired over the years. Sad.
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