Mad Max has been in development so long that God of War II director Cory Barlog joined developer Avalanche Studios after the completion of the aforementioned PlayStation 2 sequel to work on it. He's since held various other roles in the industry, and not too long ago returned to Sony Santa Monica to work on some kind of God of War reboot. The point is that the tie-in's been lost in the wasteland for what feels like an eternity, and that's rarely ever a good sign. But has the Swedish studio's spin-off emerged from development hell with its head held high – or is this one title that should have got the chop a long time ago?
IGN - 8.4/10
Mad Max is a juxtaposition of exciting, thrilling fun set in a world of disgusting, primal depravity – like a singing telegram informing you of a death in the family, or an ice-cream cake with your terminal test results written in frosting. It's a conflicting place of despair, a personal playground of explosive action and compulsive, unending progression that I can't wait to get back to, and one hell of a ride.
Game Informer - 7.5/10
Max's adventure inevitably leads to a showdown with Scrotus, but as the story concludes you are left wondering what, if anything, was gained in this pursuit. At the end of the day, Max overtook some bases, ran a couple hundred cars off the road, met some forgettable characters, and buried his fist into the sunburnt skin of the villainous locals. Was it worth the effort? That ultimately depends on how much fun you had in performing these basic, repetitious open-world activities.
GameSpot - 6/10
Mad Max's combat system is too dumbed down to enjoy, and repetitive activities such as searching for scrap and invading small enemy camps gets old fast. Mad Max offers some great experiences, but for a game that tries to impose the realities of survival on you, it does a poor job of following up on this pressure. Mad Max is too focused on providing you with an open-world that's filled with missions, and not focused enough on making those missions worth your time.
Polygon - 5/10
Those inevitable wins felt empty, and that's really the biggest problem with Mad Max. The film franchise has always transcended the summer blockbuster genre, providing worlds and characters and scenarios that have stuck in my mind. Mad Max the game is the opposite; it's got chase scenes and big explosions and bloody fights, but nothing to remember it for. In spite of some annoying technical issues and questionable design, Mad Max is functional, but it's fluff, plain and simple.
Will you be taking Mad Max for a spin, or is this one open world title that you'll be leaving deserted? Revel in the carnage in the comments section below.
Comments 45
This is as good as could have been expected from a film tie-in game, honestly.
If it's ever on sale for $15 digitally, I'm sure they'll sell a lot of copies, and people will have $15 worth of fun with the title. But anyone paying $60... well, they have my condolences.
Sounds like Open World 101, which is the biggest disappointment. I don't know about anyone else, but I'm so bored of sandbox games that all follow the exact same structure.
@glassmusic yeah, I cancelled my preorder
@get2sammyb Agreed.
Whenever I see any "Race" activities on an open world games map I throw up a bit
(The new film was the nuts though!)
Did polygon dock this one points like MGSV and bayonetta 2 for not showing all women the way they want?
@sonicmeerkat it seems like s terrible new thread
@NomNom Pardon?
@sonicmeerkat a terrible new trend* sorry phone auto correct is as terrible.
This is Warner Bros. trying to force out another Shadow of Mordor, and it's likely going to do this with all of its licenses from here on in.
I also think that it's got to the point where open world games have to either be absolutely top quality - like The Witcher 3 or MGSV - or they have to innovate in order to stand out, kind of like what Shadow of Mordor did with its nemesis system. Seems like Mad Max does neither, even if it sounds like a decent enough game.
Yeah, WB internal games are starting to tread water in the sameway Ubisoft shares concepts and assets between its titles, all kinda lessens the ability of an individual game to stand on its own, despite the solid, if not familiar mechanics.
@get2sammyb It sounds like it has all the problems Just Cause 2 did - that is, if you do what the game points you towards doing, it's often pretty 'Open-World-101,' as you put it. If you just screw around and see what you can do with the systems it gives you, you'll get much more out of it. JC3 is my most anticipated game of the rest of 2015.
That said, Mad Max looks like it has far less systems to screw around with than Just Cause because of the setting, so, with no driving force (pun COMPLETELY intended) other than the main objectives, it'll seem much blander.
So in that regard it seems like it'll be more comparable to GTAV in that Avalanche seems to have completely nailed the setting, if nothing else.
@NomNom Ah yeah I have the same issue, and I agree the measure of quality should be based on the game itself not a persons politics.
@ShogunRok @get2sammyb
Open world games need to do something to stand out otherwise they just get lost in the crowd. Just cause 2/3, The Elder Scrolls and fallout are all fun because of the unique gameplay and new experienced while games like Sleeping dogs and Watch_dogs fell by the wayside. Watch_dogs tried to be different but it got boring and wasn't all that fun.
not surprised. pretty much exactly what i expected. im a HUGE fan of the original movies. hated the reboot. where am i going with this?.....i dont know......whatever.
I am enjoying the game a lot, played for 6 hrs, only 12% in..
The combat is fun, both car and brawling... i would give it a 7/10 so far..
Good old plain fun...
This: Mad Max's combat system is too dumbed down to enjoy, and repetitive activities such as searching for scrap and invading small enemy camps gets old fast.
You could tell it was going to be repetitive as hell from the gameplay they released, Mad Max well be mad.
@get2sammyb All these open-world games are like the same one game with different skin...
@Mikau94 But Sleeping Dogs was great. Likeable characters, decent story and fun to play. It was well received too.
Right, Witcher was exactly like Arkham Knight and Second Son is exactly like MGSV TPP...
Ppl need to stop parroting what others say.
You summed it up perfectly - sand, driving, sanbox. It must be terrible bc it has those 3 elements, u better not play the new MGSV has all three! Borderlands and Rage also.
U guys are too much, Mad Max is a 73 on Metacritic atm meaning it gas virtually the same rating as Dying Light. Dying Light has sold 5m copies and is considered to be "pretty good" or "a fun sandbox romp" and that's exactly what Mad Max is.
When a non-openworld AAA game releases, ppl will say it's too linear.
Well you can probably add few points onto the Polygon review since they presumably lowered the score because it features a white male main character rather than a half-African, half-Polynesian, genderfluid, polysexual, post-masculine persona that refuses to be pigeon-holed.
When you have GTAV and MGSV unfortunately every other open world game looks and plays crap.
I don't know why they even bother.
@get2sammyb I'm with you on this and WB along with Ubisoft are the worst offenders, you just seem to get a very small game which is copy and pasted over a large map.
Downloaded Until Dawn and it's like a breath of fresh air and I'm loving it so far
@get2sammyb I'm with you on this and WB along with Ubisoft are the worst offenders, you just seem to get a very small game which is copy and pasted over a large map. Climb tower, uncover bit of map and repeat for weeks. Fortunately Fallout games avoid this nonsense so I'm avoiding open world's until then.
Downloaded Until Dawn and it's like a breath of fresh air and I'm loving it so far, it also makes me wish Resident Evil would have evolved into something like this rather than a generic 3rd person shooter
Just skimmed through the reviews to avoid any spoilers but is the entire game just set in the wasteland?
@kyleforrester87 really? I thought the movie was horrible. 90minutes of action with zero plot. When youre only exposed to constant action it doesnt have any impact at all (at least on me it doesnt). There is no buildup no tension, just a constant bombardment of mindless action.
@Flurpsel It clearly didn't have no plot but I appreciate what you're saying. That said I enjoy films where the "in your face" typically narrative takes something of a back seat and the visual/audio design comes forward.It lends itself to a more believable and absorbing experience despite the subject matter being so far-fetched. When I look back on it I don't even remember it as being a long action film, to be honest, as I got so much more out of it. Its also why I loved Dredd and Gravity, and in terms of a simple yet satisfying narrative, films like 127 Hours and Blair Witch where arguably "nothing happens".
Would much rather watch a condensed action film like Mad Max over something that tries to do everything like The Avengers.
Maybe its why I like Destiny, too haha.
IGN does it again! They gave is an 8.6 which should suggest that Mad Max is a really good game and worth your £55/$60. It makes me wonder if they either know the difference between a good game and a not so good game. Either that or they get paid to give it a good score.
Polygon gave it a 5/10 and Gamespot gave it a 6/10.
I don't understand why people still listen/believe there obviously fake and bought off reviews. iGN you suck!!!
@WARDIE Dunno. Maybe the reviewer just liked it.
@kyleforrester87 Well I dislike every superhero movie made in the last 10 years as well, simply because you know exactly where its going from the start. Whats the point in watching a fight between the superhero and villain if you allready know who is going to win.
Its funny you mention Gravity because I think that is an excellent film to make my point. Yes it has a simple narrative (and great visual effects) but the movie is extremely tense and exciting because it is much (much) more subtle than Mad Max. So I agree that a simple narrative doesnt make a bad movie. Its just that too much action takes away all the impact it can have.
@Flurpsel I get what you're saying, I just found Max's character subtly interesting enough to keep me involved throughout and enjoyed the rest of the design too.
Not sure if you've seen the new Dredd, I didn't expect much but saw it a few weeks ago. Really enjoyed it, simple plot - gets the job done. Think it came out around the time the Total Recall remake came out and got a bit lost in that mess.
@kyleforrester87 Well don't you think the review should be done by none biased reviewers otherwise its not really an honest review that should reflect what the average gamer would think.
Im sure I have played games that I thought were really good, but I wouldn't slap a high score on it without getting a none biased opinion. Hence IGN's reviews are total crap.
Just about every other review gave it a low score.
I had high hopes as I love mad max movies and avalanche hit a home run with just cause 2 in my opinion. But oh well. I'll pick it up on the cheap down the road.
To be honest, the only one I don't have a huge distaste for here is Game Informer.
Think I'll just wait for the Push Square review!
@WARDIE all reviews are going to be somewhat biased. They are just the opinions of regular people at the end of the day. I dunno who reviewed for IGN but if you were to follow his scoring of games in the past and generally agreed with what he says, you'd probably enjoy Mad Max as you probably have similar taste. And most scores are around 6/7 anyway so not exactly a bad game, just not for everybody.
Can't say it looks like my cup of tea, though.
@kyleforrester87 I agree with what you're saying but, IGN scores to most others are night and day. IGN are known for there unrealistic and untrustworthy reviews. Yeah they're regular people but people that are meant to have plenty of experience in reviewing. IGN have also stated in the past that they take a none biased opinion into the reviewing process.
I think I will wait for Push Square's review and then take the average between them all.
Watched the first hour and decided not to buy this to-do list simulator.
Err this has pretty good reviews you guys. What did you expect? Avalanche's main project will come out in December.
I used to be just like you and I would get really pissed off by iGN's reviews: in the end it's people's hard earned money that they're putting on the line. But nowadays I see it in a different perspective, one that actually helps me as a gamer.
If I want to read what not good about a game I visit Gamespot and if I want to put the game in a left wing feminist political perspective I read Polygon's reviews, but if I want to know what's to like bout a certain game, IGN is my go to site. Sure, I take in account that their scores are inflated as a party balloon (yep, that's all I could come up with) and that they usually skip the technical side of things all together, but overall I rather celebrate gaming than consider it as a necessary evil like lots of gamers and gaming press tends to do.
I tend to mix the enthusiasm of IGN with the technical know how of DF and I read PushSquare reviews that are usually late, but they at least give me the feeling the game was actually played from start to finish
It had good character but I didn't enjoy it as much as similar games, but it did well with reviewers. I feel it didn't get nearly as much press as my previously mentioned open world games.
I couldn't care less what the reviews say, I'm still really enjoying this game, the fact that the game has received a mixed bag of reviews from average to high isn't going to mean I enjoyed this great game any less.
@kyleforrester87 Ive seen Dredd in theater and I really liked it for what it is. An over the top action movie with Stallone, whom is becoming a bit of a culthero, spitting some of the worst oneliners in movie history (the most hilarious one was probably the last, which in all fairness was actually a oneworder; "yeah...". xD
I think the difference to me between Dredd and MaxMax is that Dredd doesnt take itself very seriously (+Stallone ofcourse).
Ahh, I actually meant the new Dredd - much better than the original!
But the story is surprisingly simple when you see it. Good film
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