Telltale's notorious quality assurance department is at it again, forgetting to change some of the button prompts in Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 4. One eagle-eyed NeoGAF user spotted that his PlayStation 4 copy of the title popped up controller art from the Xbox release – and they caught the error on video in order to prove it.
Of course, blunders like this are par for the course for the developer, which has churned out a catalogue of poorly optimised titles over the past few years. This author does genuinely enjoy the organisation's output, but when you see the polish applied to competing series like Life Is Strange, you can't help but wonder whether the studio's stretching itself too thin.
Still, we're sure that the upcoming Minecraft: Story Mode will be a literary masterpiece.
[source youtube.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 18
You would think with the amount of Time it takes them to release an episode of any game they would eliminate errors like this. On a unrelated note, does anybody know when we can expect the last Game of Thrones episode?
@stevie85 The 2nd of Never.
@stevie85 @get2sammyb which happens to be a month or two prior to FFXV.
when i got to this part where SPOILER you choose between the unicorn or the painting. It was just a right stick selection there wasn't a button to press which I thought was odd. Maybe they semi patched it already.
@get2sammyb the latest episode is brilliant with Gortis and the infiltration of the base. Probably the best episode yet in the vein of mission impossible. Can't help but feel your being really harsh. The characters are finally growing and the comedy is on point this time.
Why the heck are the developing on xbox anyway, needs to be ported down from playstation and not the other way
Telltale are terrible. I wish they would spend a bit more time and effort getting things right.
The first series of Walking Dead was the most un-optimised, laggy, crappy game I have ever played (on Vita) to the point where it was nearly unplayable...
@themcnoisy I'm sure it's good and I know I'm being harsh but I just wish Telltale would take a break and sort out their tech rather than churning out all of these games all of the time.
This also looks like a bug to me; I doubt it'll happen to everyone. Still funny mind!
@get2sammyb Just as Well suspected
They are developing on PC actually and might choose the PCs "default controller" which happens to be the 360 controller. So no porting from PS4 to One of the other way around.
Their games can be a bit of a mess sometimes, but it's funny how game breaking bugs usually not get reported on, but something like this can blow up. I wish gamers would be less like football hooligans and start to understand that in the end we all love gaming no matter which team you're on.
And although sites like PushSquare like to use some of this hostility and mess about a bit, I don't think all visitors get the sarcasm when fi the Xbox isnt referred to by name as if it would bring bad luck.
Remember when they broke a ton of game saves?
To be fair, Life Is Strange has a host of bugs as well, like the game thinking you made one choice when you made another. Then there's stuff like this.
I also remember pretty major games like Bulletstorm still using the Xbox controller buttons prompts on PC even if you were using a keyboard and mouse and didn't have a controller plugged in.
I do agree Telltale games have a cheap feel to them, especially some of their older stuff like Sam and Max. Thing is, they're a self-publishing indie studio whereas Life Is Strange is published by Square Enix.
I don't remember seeing that exact prompt when we got to that part, and we played it the first night. There definitely was a button press, though.
@ztpayne7 it was right stick left or right and no button press - but you had to press x although there wasn't a prompt.
I can remember it clearly as I had to really think - I wanted to see the unicorn that farts guns but the picture seemed odd and it was by a window. I pressed right and nothing happened, pressed right again with both sticks and she kept looking right. It was weird.
This is hardly game breaking. Please you can you at least attempt to write a professional article, and stop forcing your bias into it for 'humour' or whatever you're attempting. Life Is Strange is also arguably more buggy, and as good as I think it is, it most definitely isn't polished.
Kinda surprised there wasn't a "find and replace" thing they could do. Or just change the image used for each button?
People pick and choose what they consider is a big deal, although I agree most of the time it's much ado about noting. That's a problem throughout the game community though, not just the PlayStation fanbase.
Sure, you see it everywhere, that's my problem. This site is made by PS lovers for PS lovers so of course the editors will make fun of the Xbox where they can, that's what I do when I talk to fiends who just own an Xbox. But the minute Sammy goes over to their colleagues at PureXbox and they pop in a multiplat on the Xbox One, he doesn't start screaming "my eyyessss!! My preciiiiooouuuusssss eeeeyyyeessss! Oh lord have mercy!!! Aaaaarrrgghh" (dramatic reenactment), he just plays the game and has a ton of fun.
Same as when you put 2 football players from opposing teams together and throw a ball at them, they have fun kicking the ball around, showing off and stuff. But their supporters don't seem to understand that the love for the game, is more important than the love for their team, and in the gaming industry that's getting worse and worse.
You'll actually see people that instead of playing games on their console of choice, spend all day bashing the choice of others. I wish fanboys put as much effort into making things better for gamers in general, as they put in making others miserable. The moment MS announced backwards compatibility Sony didn't have to react: their minions were fighting the PR fight for them. "Who needs BC anyway? Just keep the PS3 plugged in", "have fun playing old games" etc etc... Wheras if we'd all taken up the pen to tell Sony we want some of what they're having, they might have started to think about what the possibilities are with PSnow and given players acces to the games they already own. Same goes for outages and PSN downloadspeeds: the minute PSN is down, the first reactions you see are "Live was down yesterday", "sure! Everything's working just fine for me, Xbots" and "we shouldn't be inside playing games anyway"....
What incentive does Sony, or MS, have to give it their best if we don't see them as console manufacturers, but as close friends? Because they sure as hell don't see us as their mates, I can tell you that much.
Language -Tasuki-
"but when you see the polish applied to competing series like Life Is Strange"
Polish like lip-syncing so bad I couldn't bring myself to play the damn game? Yeah, right.
I will admit that Telltale has a spotty record with ports. My first attempt to play Sam & Max was on Wii, and that version was HORRIBLE. But I played through a lot of their stuff on PS3 or Xbox 360 without issue. Granted, I haven't played anything of theirs more recent than Back to the Future because they started doing IPs I didn't care about. Maybe things have gotten worse, I dunno.
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