Since their respective debuts, Telltale appears to have prioritised Game of Thrones over Tales from the Borderlands. Indeed, the latter's release "schedule" could, at best, be described as inconsistent. The first episode released in November of last year, and now, ten months later, we've just made it to the fourth instalment. This has been made all the more confusing by the fact that Borderlands is quite a lot better than Game of Thrones. And that remains true with Episode 4 – Escape Plan Bravo.
Tales from the Borderlands' ensemble cast of familiar and new faces have been getting up to all sorts of hijinks in the four episodes since we've been introduced to them. For the past couple now, the goal of the crew has been to attempt to completely unify and begin using the mysterious Gortys Project, a creation of one of Handsome Jack's rivals, the Atlas Corporation.

Interestingly, this episode takes players back to the Space Station that they started the game on: Helios. It offers a great change of scenery, as the deserts of Pandora can feel monotonous after a while; there's nothing like the cold, soulless metal of a space station to refresh the environments. However, this episode is interesting even among the other releases of the season, as it has a very unique blend of themes.
For starters, this may be the goofiest episode to date, including a skin pizza party – we'll let you find out for yourself – and what just might be one of the most creative and utterly zany action sequences that we've ever seen. In anything. Ever. This silliness permeates much of the outing, and is actually played pretty straight, which sets it apart from previous instalments.
Not everything is happy and funny, though. This episode also happens to wear its heart on its sleeve, successfully offering some truly touching instances and even some more sad bits, which, for the sake of spoilers, we're going to refrain from talking about here.

The voice work from the stellar cast remains top notch, which greatly helps with the transitions between tones that we see this time out as well; a lesser qualified cast could have botched the switches between wacky, touching, and sombre that we see here. A great accompaniment to this is the audio work and, as ever, Jared Emerson-Johnson's soundtrack. All of these things elevate the experience above and beyond expectations, which, while par for the course with Telltale, is appreciated nonetheless.
Outside of the irritatingly expected technical hiccups, Tales from the Borderlands: Episode 4 – Escape Plan Bravo is brilliant. Creative, heartfelt, and fittingly ludicrous, it's represents Telltale at its best, in what is quickly becoming the most consistent series in its portfolio. When this was announced, we never thought that we'd ever write that sentence.
Comments 13
Indeed a great episode, great lines, action and a very well constructed story.
The action sequence is like a very famous scene from Spaced on a much bigger scale!
I'm so glad you liked this episode. I came away from it thinking it was my favorite telltale episode of all time - and then I checked a review site that gave it a 6. So I didn't know if it was just me. That zany scene you mentioned was absolutely hilarious. I feel like not all of the jokes in the previous tales from the borderlands hit their mark, but I think most of the ones from this one did. There were also several twists I did not see coming.
Can't wait to see what happens in the last episode.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi I didn't really enjoy Borderlands 1 and pretty much gave up on the series. I watched my wife play this and I found it to be great. Actually tried Borderlands 2 and I was able to enjoy it way more than the first. Maybe you should check it out when there's a sale?
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi Buy it you will love it episode 1 is great, episode 4 is outstanding, 2 and 3 are filler to an extent but interesting.
This review is bang on. Episode 5 is gonna be really long to contain all the plot endings. Gortis is boss - does anyone else get the feeling gortis will become the most badass robot ever?
so were the xbox prompts in there or was that hoax?
@themcnoisy didn't think of it that way but it makes a lot of sense.
@ztpayne7 I prefer the support cast and like tales more so than wolf amongst us and twds2.
The way telltale have planned out the story like a tv series is great, the only thing I keep thinking - are prompts in the way of the story? I don't even know myself.
Great stuff. I'm really liking this series.
Great episode just wish I'd saved em up and played through them all at once =(
@DualWielding Not something I even encountered. I'm sure it could be possible. That kind of stuff has happened on some poor ports from time to time. I think The Force Unleashed 2 might have had that problem? But I didn't run into it here at all.
@ztpayne7 Oh don't worry, it's not just you! This episode was awesome! I liked the opening episode a little bit more, but it's not like this episode wasn't great!
@GamingPenguin I'd completely forgotten about that scene!!!!! Good catch!
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi It'a great at taking the quirkiness of the Borderlands, but it leave a lot of the grindy gameplay behind. It's a great story that doesn't really need you to have played the other games all the way through. Having played will help, but it's not really mandatory. 2 does offer a lot more as far as memorable characters though. Handsome Jack is worth the price of entry alone.
Telltale are doing a fantastic job on this. Its up there with twd season 1 for me.
Wow. I hope it comes to vita
Loving this series.
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