Stock up on tinned food and batten down the hatches, as Fallout 4 could release on the PlayStation 4 this year. While the post-apocalyptic role-playing game was only officially announced earlier today, a slew of online stores have hinted at a 2015 launch for the long-awaited sequel. And yes, the official Bethesda store was one of those – well, before the information was sneakily removed.
While it would be a surprise to see the release radiating store shelves before Christmas, it's not impossible. The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim deployed all the way back in 2011, and developer Bethesda Game Studios announced in early 2013 that it would be focusing the entirety of its attention on its next big thing. Historically, the firm's never taken more than four years to make a new game.
All of the signs point to a holiday launch, then – but with the likes of Assassin's Creed Syndicate, Star Wars Battlefront, and Call of Duty: Black Ops III all due out during the same period, it's going to be difficult for the title to find the necessary breathing space. Then again, it definitely does have the requisite brand power to stand up against the abovementioned blockbusters.
And you all said that Sony was crazy for not putting out any exclusives this holiday...
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[source neogaf.com]
Comments 16
I actually believe Fallout has gone mainstream, Assasins Creed will lose out coming out alongside COD, Fallout and due to the film release Battlefront.
Ive had friends on facebook mentioning it - and they are your typical a few games a year general public kind of people. So if it hits in 2015 then it should be fine. I will go as far to say it will be the biggest selling single game this gen within a few months of release.
When Bathesda announced Fallout 3 it came out the same year. Fallout 3 had a relatively short development cycle which was around 2 years as they saved time by using the Oblivion engine. Even with a slew of AAA's releasing this fall I doubt they would effect the sales of Fallout 4.
@themcnoisy I agree with you that it will do well - no chance it triumphs above Battlefront and Black Ops, though.
I believe Fallout 4 has enough power to compete this holiday. I'm not buying COD or Assassin's Creed anyway, so that just leaves this and Battlefront if it does come this year, for me.
Fallout's a strange brand. Fallout 3 introduced the series to a mainstream audience, and people absolutely lapped it up. Many came for the shooter, stayed for the atmosphere and the RPG elements - stuff some no doubt didn't realise they appreciated until they tried it.
People I know, who rarely play video games at all, know Fallout and have played it. It definitely has that brand appeal, and I reckon it could easily compete with the big holiday releases. Blow them out of the water? Maybe not, but it'd hold its own. I think if it does release by the end of the year, Bethesda's staking its claim.
@WARDIE No it didn't. Fallout 3 was announced in 2007 and was released over a year later in 2008.
@Worlock_ed True, but what I should have said was, when they first shown it to everyone it released the same year.
Real easing it this year would be incredible. Fallout has such a huge fanbase that it doesn't matter what games it has to battle with. Plus it's so much different than those other titles. I'll be preordering this well before it releases
Didn't Bethesda release FO3 and Skyrim within the same year after their announcements? Seems to be a (refreshing) trend with them.
Is it strange if I say I will buy assassins creed syndicate, star wars battlefront and fallout 4? And to be more specific for all 3 games the collectors edition.
Happy dance time ppl
I hope so, because I'm not interested in Black Ops 3, and have lost interest in Battlefront (I want it to be awesome, I'm certain it won't be), and will be buying Syndicate. Fallout 4 will be the most exciting release, in an otherwise not too fantastic calendar of releases.
Please be this year, please be this year...my body can only just barely handle six months much less anything longer........
@ShogunRok To be fair Bethesda games are pretty big on the PC community, especially since Mods have been skyrocketing with every release, while CoD, Assasins Creed arent exactly (althou they do sell a lot) and im not sure what to expect about Battlefront 3.
In fact, its already Number 2 on Steam.
I hope they surprise all of us with a pre holiday release!
Like I said in a comment previously in another section, this could have been originally a last generation game that they had already put a ton of development time in on and just converted it over to current gen, hence all of us getting a release of the game earlier than expected compared to a ground up version designed for the next gen consoles and then a much later release of the game instead.
I'll gladly take a coverted version with early release over a completely revamped current gen version "if" that is the case, that would've been released at a much later date. I've waited to long for the 4th Sequel to wait any longer, (as clearly as most of us seem to feel). Bring it on, the sooner the better!
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