Now we know how Destiny players must have felt on Xbox platforms. Sparking off some heated debate over on Twitter, BioWare's Mark Darrah has said that "we can not discuss when Jaws of Hakkon will be coming on other platforms".
Jaws of Hakkon, Dragon Age: Inquisition's first slice of DLC, provides a new adventure in a whole new area, but it's under lock and key on Xbox and PC for the time being due to a timed exclusive agreement with Microsoft.
Darrah went on to tell a fan that "it will come, hopefully you can be patient". But let's face it, this whole timed exclusive DLC thing is ridiculous. In essence, it means that you can be there, on day one, to support a title with your hard earned cash, and then, if you've bought the game on a platform that isn't part of a marketing contract, you'll essentially be denied the ability to purchase further content until after a very vague time period.
We suppose that it wouldn't be so bad if the studio could actually tell us when it'll be available on the PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 3, but alas, it's destined to sound horribly dismissive, writing things like "we're not allowed to say".
How long are you willing to wait for the DLC? Raise your pitchforks in the comments section below.
[source, via]
Comments 25
I've no respect for the practice of a Timed Exclusivity be it for DLC or Games whether it works for me (Destiny) or against me (This example).
If you want to have an exclusive game support it from the ground up like Nintendo did Bayonetta 2 or have one of your own first parties make up your own IP.
Not defending this in any way, shape, or form - but Sony did at least say that the Destiny stuff would be exclusive on PlayStation until "fall 2015", so at least it gave a timeframe.
Paying to keep content off other platforms sucks, though - whether it's Sony or Microsoft doing it.
Another reason not to buy games at launch for me anyway...
THIS is why I'm far more lenient with Sony than MS, at least Sony says immediately how things will play out.
MS are just a joke.
Personally I don't agree with timed DLC/content etc on principal but I can see how it benefits developers and gamers. It takes quite a big investment from the manufacturers (MS/Sony/Nintendo...) to secure these timed exclusives and that money is generally put into the game development.
Games are generally developed by teams of people over a fairly long period of time. If you consider their salary - even on a team of 20 over a year, they are often relying on investment from a number of sources to cover their costs as the current game (in development) is obviously not making any money.
I do think though that there should be a maximum time frame permitted for multi-platform games - at most 2weeks - a month (CoD) is too long and a long time in gaming. I also think that no multi-platform game should have exclusive extras - Watchdogs, AC4's extra PS content as this is unfair and I think detrimental to the gaming community adding fuel to the fire of console wars.
Gamers often have to make a choice over 1 console or another. They didn't buy a console (generally) because of third party exclusive deals and shouldn't feel penalised for their choice. I appreciate though that developers may want/need the extra finance/investment but I do think this needs moderating and some rules brought in. No more than 2weeks and NO extra exclusive content (unless ALL get something - ie an exclusive PS and XB Armour set) after all we all pay the same.
As someone who owns both an XB1 and PS4, I am able to take advantage of these exclusive deals but still think it should be moderated in the ways I have mentioned. Even 2 weeks is a long time in gaming and more than sufficient time for exclusivity.
I see these deals as one party (in this case microsoft), paying lots of money to screw over another party (in this case PS gamers). And I think its extremely childish and theyre not winning any sympathy from me (Sony isnt clean neither..)
Well, if they can't tell us when we'll be getting it, then I can't promise that I'll be buying it then. This is absolutely stupid that it's locked down on Xbox at all.
what is the point in timed exclusive DLC it's not like it's going to increase sales of the game on one console because the other system owners already have the game
besides exclusive DLC to one system timed or otherwise is a load of bull because it means that users on other systems can't get a complete game which means there is no point in getting the game if your going to get short changed, either make the entire game exclusive or release everything on all systems AT THE SAME TIME
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi - I think you are probably misconstruing the "We can't say" part. They can't say b/c it is written in black ink on that paper MS will not give them their money if they do say when it will come, therefore "They cannot say" isn't a lie, it's the truth. They can not say or else they will not get paid w/ those green little pieces of paper called money.
I don't care. I just won't buy it.
A literal gagging order on other platform release dates is lower than low. Timed exclusivity is something that is becoming infuriatingly normal, and whilst it sucks, I can cope. But this stipulation is a joke.
The solution is simple. Sony/Microsoft bought your favourite games DLC on a timed exclusive, but on the platform you don't own? Tell the devs to enjoy the deal they took and don't pay them for it when it hits your platform. This is another practice alongside the pre-order rubbish like Evolve that needs to go away, and only we as paying customers can stop it. Vote with your wallets folks.
@JasonBeckerFan I pretty much agree with you. I probably won't buy this at all now that's how much it makes me mad.
Petty childish nonsense....and I know petty childish nonsense when I see it, I work in a school. You can't have this content until we say so isn't much different to a kid snubbing another from their birthday party because they said their drawing of a panda was rubbish...other than the kid with the party doesn't pay a sh*tload of money to bar the other one from getting in and getting any of the cake.
I may or may not get the DLC when it releases it depends on the price and what it gives me in return. I'm not hugely into DLC...I got the Bright Lord extension to Shadow of Mordor for free and I can't really be bothered with playing that.
As others have said, timed exclusivity is rubbish no matter who does it, but at least Sony set an end date on it for the likes of Destiny. However Timed exclusivity would be better off just being stopped altogether.
Timed Dlc, sequels being exclusive to a platform, day one Dlc are ruining gaming. Don't care who does it, it's getting out of control
Same guy Tweeted that it will be out in May a little while after tweeting this.
@Bad-MuthaAdebisi - I think it will be a short exclusionary period, otherwise they would say. Maybe a month or 2? I don't think Bioware could wait any longer than that to get DLC out to it's PS fan base. MS want to keep it a secret b/c it's such a short time period it's really no big deal, but the secret makes it look like a big deal. That's what MS is really paying for, the secret.
If I'm wrong, well it sounded good
"How long are you willing to wait for the DLC?"
As long as it takes... Still sucks though.
We have Bloodborne. Sod 'em.
I'm already done with game, I got it on sale after Christmas for $30 which was great. But it's really not a very good game IMO and does nothing to make me want to keep playing. So Microsoft can keep the DLC for this game if they like.
These companies backing MS in favor of the best selling console are so f'ing stupid. It's EA so it doesn't shock me but still. This is almost as dumb as telling the majority of the Tomb Raider purchasers to 'f off, MS' money is better than yours.' Yeah, it's business. But not backing the top dog, and abandoning the userbase that supports you the most is not smart business.
@Gamer83 Absolutely, but ea are in bed with microsoft. After e3 2013 I dont trust Microsoft or ea as they stuck two fingers up at every gamer. The lack of understanding for the customer base which had put both ea and xbox as top dogs, was ridiculous. In the case of timed dlc exclusives that is just a sign of these ridiculous times, we as gamers have allowed these behaviours. Seriously dont buy anymore dragon age dlc period.
Aw man!!!! I don't agree with any timed DLC, I understand that EA is a business so to squeeze every last penny out of a game they make deals with publishers. But to not give other platforms a release date is just bizarre! What do they think Playstation owners are going to do, buy a xbox console another copy of their game and the DLC just to play it now, come on EA/Bioware give us a release date.
sigh another day, another game industry screw up.
Tbh though, I never buy DLC, so I don't really care when this is released, but I am very annoyed by the relentless stupidity of gaming companies. It never stops!
what to do, when Microsoft has mountains of cash to throw at publishers, while Sony is bleeding red...
They are killing the industry like this. I't outrageous.
@BAMozzy Yea that's not how it works though. When a game is made its the work of the development team, which is funded ahead of time by a publishing company, much like when a book or movie is made. Manufacturers make hardware, but in the event that they are involved with the development of a game, that manufacturer either purchases, or creates a separate publishing company to then fund a development team to create a game. But in that case, the game is exclusive to the console that the manufacturer makes anyway, so the DLC issue becomes moot. These sweetheart deals are pure profit at the end of the day.
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