With every game available simultaneously on the PlayStation Store now, digital transactions are becoming big business for Sony – but this wasn't always the case. In the early days of the PlayStation 3, downloadable titles consisted mostly of bitesized experiences – timewasters designed to fill the gap between retail releases. This has changed over the past five or so years, but have your spending habits moved with the times? We caught up with editors Sammy Barker and Robert Ramsey to see if they've embraced the so-called digital future.
I'm spending more than ever on the PlayStation Store, says Sammy Barker
If you'd have told me five years ago that I'd be spending more than a tenner a time on the PlayStation Store, I'd have furrowed my brow before laughing at you and walking in the opposite direction. However, it's now something that I do regularly without a second thought – and not simply because the prices of digital games have increased.
It's been a gradual change, and not something that I've paid attention to in the past, but on a day where Hotline Miami 2: Wrong Number and Flame Over are both due out on Sony's virtual plaza – while Sleeping Dogs: Definitive Edition occupies the Deal of the Day slot – it's becoming increasingly clear to me that at least half of my 'gaming money' is being spent on digital goods.
This is, partly, due to the way that the industry's changed. There are fewer boxed products these days – a symptom of escalating budgets and diminishing returns in the AAA space – while the digital sector is practically bursting with good stuff. Transistor, Velocity 2X, Resogun – you can purchase three or four essential indie games for the same price as one Blu-ray release.
But this isn't just a David and Goliath affair, because I'm starting to buy more 'full' games digitally, too. DriveClub was cheaper from the PlayStation Store and is a perfect pick up and play experience; I doubt that I'd have played it anywhere near as much if I'd have bought it on a disc. Dying Light, too – a game that was only available digitally initially – is something that I keep coming back to.
Convenience plays a part, then, but I think that the stigma associated with digital games has slowly eroded as well. PlayStation Plus has certainly acclimatised me to the advantages of downloading software, and the Vita's probably pushed me over the edge. I can't remember the last time that I bought a cartridge for the handheld – I prefer to have everything on my exorbitant memory card these days.
And this does flag a problem, of course. Storage space is an issue across all three of my PlayStation systems, and I doubt that my ISP is happy with all of the bandwidth that I'm eating either. Even more worrying? Sony could choose to switch off the PSN one day, and all of my items would be gone – it's already doing it with PlayStation Mobile.
But I've been able to put most of those worries to the back of my mind. I like the ease-of-access that digital enables, and I enjoy being able to pay for a game which I can play as soon as it downloads. Yes, it's made me more impulsive with my purchases, but given the regular PlayStation Store sales and the overall quality of digital-exclusive games, I feel like I'm getting more bang for my buck.
Discounts are driving the digital charge, declares Robert Ramsey
In regards to the title of this article: yes, I think I am. It's a trend that's kind of come out of nowhere for me, as I've never been a big advocate of buying digital. Sure, I can see the appeal, but I still find that there's something reassuring about having a physical disc and case sitting on your shelf.
I think that the game changers here are the discounts. We can't go a single week without something having its price slashed on the PlayStation Store, and part of me thinks that that's great; I've purchased several titles that I likely wouldn't have normally, purely because they've been on sale. What's more I think that, despite what a few particularly farty critics may tell you, price is an incredibly important factor when it comes to buying games.
If you're really on the fence about snapping something up, and you see that all-important discount, it can be the tipping point. Plus, spending money on a digital store feels a lot different to putting down real cash in a real shop, and at times, it can almost seem like you're not actually parting with any meaningful amount of dosh because of this disconnect from reality.
While it's easy to argue that such a thing presents a dangerous precedent, it represents one area where the so-called digital revolution is gaining significant ground: accessibility. I'm sure that we've all been at the point where it's a late evening, and suddenly, you get the urge to play something new. There are a few games that you wouldn't mind buying, but it's 9PM, and it's raining outside. But then there's the PlayStation Store in the corner of your eye, winking at you suggestively, and all you need is a credit card.
That's not to say that we should all bow down to our digital overlords, though. There's plenty that Sony's doing right with regards to its digital offerings, but many of us still prefer having a neat little collection of physical releases. There's still a stigma that surrounds digital gaming after all, with companies pushing horrible DRM practices, and titles that require a constant online connection. It's certainly not hard to see where the aforementioned stigma's coming from, then, and if you couple all of this negativity with the fact that the PlayStation Network had a rough 2015, you can see why many refuse to move away from what they know.
All in all, I reckon that there's nothing wrong with a bit of both worlds. If you see a good digital deal, you should probably just approach it as you would with any kind of attractive discount. But at the same time, betting the farm on what is a relatively immature market isn't the best idea. Personally, I feel much more still needs to be done before I submit fully to the digital revolution – we need far better pricing for a start – but until then, I'm quite content to make the best of what's on offer.
Are you spending more money than ever on the PlayStation Store, or do you still prefer to purchase packaged goods? What is it about digital that you prefer, and what are your biggest concerns about downloadable games? Add your opinion to our engagement basket in the comments section below.
Are you spending more money than ever on digital games? (61 votes)
- Yes, I’m embracing the digital revolution
- Hmm, I’m spending about the same
- No, I’m actually pumping less into this area
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On average, how many digital games do you buy per month? (64 votes)
- I don’t buy any
- Between one and three games
- Approximately four to nine titles
- Easily over ten releases
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What do you like best about digital games? (122 votes)
- They’re always accessible
- Many games get good discounts
- They can be downloaded immediately
- I can pre-load them prior to launch
- Other0%
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Comments 35
I will admit that digital has it's conveniences but even a few of the horror stories I've heard about people being unable to play their digital games during PSN outages I'm not going anywhere near a digital only future anytime soon.
While I've no problem with the digital only game pricing I refuse to pay over what I pay for physical discs for a digital copy and will only buy a digital version if the discount is substantially cheaper than the retail alternative because quite frankly: I believe the games should be cheaper on the store and the principled part of me refuses to pay the over the physical asking price just for "convenience"
Time has more value than money. Also, convenience. Sometimes they'll offer digital discounts worthwhile, seems to be improving even if the standard pricings are usually warped. Case in point Don Bradman Cricket? £60.
Depends, on consoles ? Yes
As a whole, ive been buying digital games on steam for about 8 years
Discounts are the key word for me, if it's cheaper than retail I buy it digital and games only digital I tend to buy one or two in the month.
Translate espanol, no way Jose ! I can never ever fathom buying a digital game. I need to own my stuff 100%. Physical is and will always be the only way for me.
Really does depend. Much rather have a retail copy - it can be sold! So recently i bought The Order and sold it for nigh on the same as i bought it making it pretty much a free game.
I have no problem buying digital if its the only option e.g. The Golf Club, Child of Light, Transistor...etc. But retail is always my preferred option. Plus i like having cool collector editions, art books, soundtracks etc and happy to pay a little more for.
That said...there really should be a choice as digital suits some people and retail suits others. The world is big enough for them both! Publishers totally want the world to go digital though so i fear retail will die out as we are given less choice in the years to come
I only go digital if a) the game is not available anywhere else (including telltale - my wife likes to play them when they happen and there's obviously not a disc version at that time) - or b) there is a super great discount - I just bought lbp 3 on ps4 because it was only 24 dollars.
As a whole, I don't really like the nature of all digital - I like having the games to display or trade in depending on how I felt about them.
As much as I prefer having a case containing a blu-ray for my games, I can't resist all these amazing deals. It's not steam (yet) but it looks like psn is on it's way to become alot alike. (Lot of indies and good sales, the only thing they miss is the crap that people allow on the store through greenlight, I don't say indies are crap but looking at every indie most of the time 8 out of 10 are crap, 1 is good and 1 is pure art.)
Honestly, the only I've bought two digital games since launch. Octodad at release, and Strike Suit Zero on a flash sale with the 10% off. I've had no reason to buy anything else with Plus. Honestly, unless something looks truly amazing I shouldn't buy any digital games with all Plus gives me.
I rarely buy games digitally, but that might change once I get a job.
TBH though, I prefer owning physical copies, since they're not tied to my PSN digitally, they have smaller sizes, and I can show them off to friends.
I've been downloading a lot of digital games not only because I built a PC recently, but also because PSN has had some pretty great deals as well.
Also I've been downloading some games on my 3DS and X1 too, but I find myself mainly buying games digitally on PC or PSN.
But yeah, I've been downloading my games way more than before ever since this new gen started. The only console I hardly download games on is my Wii U, because I don't like Nintendo Network and also the Wii U doesn't force you to install your games like PS4 and X1 do, so I just get the physical version to conserve memory.
I was trying to go all Digital for reason's like Sammy said.
However, after reading about what Sony is already doing with PlayStation Mobile it just became scary. I know that a Blu-Ray can get scratched, lost, or broken (one of the reasons I like going Digital) but it can't get erased like the storage on the Vita (Flash Memory) or PS4 & PS3 (Hard Drive).
With Mobile not being able to be re-downloaded made me think.
What if my Vita breaks or my Expensive Memory Card?
Sure, there is the PC Content Manager to backup to but what if my Vita breaks and I get a replacement?
It won't be verified to play my games (Unless Sony starts being like Nintendo and you have to send in your old and new hardware to transfer your games). But, what would a person do if Sony went out of business?
I understand the need for Digital Media Rights to protect your content Sony, what about a Digital Consumers Rights to backup your purchased goods?
I guess with the new firmware we could save a backup to an external hard drive on the PS4 (Can a PS3 do the same). Same thing with the Vita and PS3 or PC Content Manager.
However, like I said the console replacement may not be verified to play the backup like with the Vita and mobile games argument.
I've been all digital for the last few years.
I just prefer the convenience, plus the cheaper prices on US psn. Saves me money on anything I'm buying day one, then most other stuff I pick up from the eu store in sales.
Between ps3, ps4 and vita I must have over 300 digital games now. Biggest problem is storage!
As someone who prefers physical versions of a game over digital I cant say no to a good deal. I agree with @ShogunRok there isn't a week where a game that I have been wanting to play is offered at a reasonable price on the PSN due to some kind of sale. Because of that my PS4 library is mostly digital. It has gotten so bad that I dont have anymore room on my harddrive for games so now I have to delete some to make room for more.
Playing more digital games than ever? Possibly. Spending more money on them? Nope. If it's a game I'm looking forward to I try to get a physical copy day one if there's an option. With digital games, sooner or later they're offered for free on Sony's and MS' services.
Even with hard copies, space has become an issue since it installs the full game. I guess the good news, the PS4 actually moves. If you were on PS3 and having the same issue with harddrive space it would be a nightmare if you wanted to re-download your games. That's one thing about the PS4 is eventhough I'm not ready to go fully digital yet with my gaming purchases, at least it's a viable option now. It was not last gen eventhough Sony and MS tried.
I only buy games digitally that don't get physical releases, but believe me that's still plenty, especially when buying them across all 5 platforms.
Personally I much prefer Physical editions. Not just because they are cheaper, an asset (due too the fact they can be sold on) etc but I actually much prefer to have something physical to hold for money.You can never replace the feeling of holding the box and opening it for the first time, reading any literature and certainly in the case of Limited Editions - receiving all those extras - artbooks, statues etc. I much prefer to see my collection grow on the shelf too. I know that if things ever get financially difficult I know my game collection would be worth a LOT more as its physical copies - A PS4 with 20 digital games is worth no more than just a PS4 with no games.
If pricing was the other way round - digital being cheaper, I would still buy physical copies. I still only buy CD's, I don't buy movies but would only buy DVD's or Blurays if I did and only buy Books not digital books - you can't beat actually holding these, seeing the artwork, turning the pages and even the smell of books etc.
Incidentally I have been gaming for over 35 years and never once worried about having to change a disc or even a tape. never once lost or broken a disc either. I have CD's that are 25+ years old and they are still in as good a condition as the day I bought them. Maybe it's because I look after my things and keep them in the cases. In the past my consoles have packed up before my games and I certainly wouldn't want to be downloading all my games again IF that happened with this generation.
I'm gonna add to the chorus of people who buy digital games, but only if there's no physical, retail release. Otherwise, I'll buy the disc or cartridge. I prefer physical discs because they can be loaned out or returned for credit, just like everyone else is saying, but at the same time, I don't want to miss out on great digital-only games.
In order for me to buy a game digitally that is also is available at retail, it'd have to be much, much cheaper, like half the price. The only game I bought digitally that was also available at retail was Animal Crossing New Leaf, and that was because I knew I'd be playing it about every other day so it just made sense to have a digital copy easily accessible.
Hell yeah, all of these weekly sales!
On my Vita I have gone digital because well it makes sense on a portable not carrying around game cards. However I have been hit with the bizarre and stupid memory card issue. I don't care if they are official only but they are VERY expensive and you can't buy the 64GB one in Europe. Also for some strange reason the software Sony provides to back up the games is somewhat bad. You cannot search for a game on your PC. You can't even sort them alphabetically!!
Apart from Vita I mostly go for the cheaper one between digital and retail but I always hunt good retail special editions like the Injustice one.
I will never be comfortable about an all digital future until there's some kind of preowned or trade in market to give people ownership of the games they bought. If everything was DRM then it would hand too much power to greedy publishers, sadly PC gamers left their consumer rights go when they started to do predominantly play only on Steam
I bought roughly 2 digital games to 1 retail last gen. Purely out of convenience and I couldn't get into town as often as I liked. But that was both lazy and stupid. This gen I will endeavour to get into town, as you always have some collateral to put down.
I'm mainly digital on the ps4 and I love it! I have about 50 games this far and only 6 are physical mainly because that's the only options and great sales. 2 skylanders games for my kids and some I got with b2g1 or bogo deals. The convinence is huge for me personally and I don't really care about having a shelf full of games to show off. Glad every game (for the most part) is available digitally this gen.
The only time I will buy digital is if they are offering a better deal than Amazon, only once have they done this, DriveClub, Sammy mentions Dying Light, hmm well I was wise enough to wait the extra month and got the whole game plus season pass for a total of £44 from Amazon, I prefer to be a smart shopper than just impulsively buying everything that becomes available.
Digital stuff is amazing, but physical is better.
Yup, buying more digitally than ever, except on Nintendo platforms.
The crappy account system wannabe that Nintendo has in place turns me off of buying my games digitally on 3DS and Wii U. I have some games downloaded, mostly indie-type games and only a small few retail, but I can't take the massive risk of spending too much on Nintendo consoles as there is no account system in place that I have any control over.
At least with every single other system, you can control what devices gets your downloads.
There have been a couple periods of my life where I've sold or trashed ALL of my video games (because women), so to safeguard against that, I've been buying all digital.
I buy about 2-3 digital games a month, seems to be cheaper than the shops at the mo and I live like a hour from a game shop so it's more convenient.
I'm a stickler for physical copies, but I do buy tons of digital stuff due to discounts. I mean, heck. If you're going to give me a 70% discount on a title, of course I'm going to snap it up--Digital or not.
While I buy new AAA game 100% physical retail copies. I do look for deep discounts on past games I may have missed. I just picked up Saints Row 2 and 3 digital one $6 the other $10 on PS3. I enjoyed Saints Row IV and Gat out of Hell on PS4 physical Disk. I decided to pick up the older games on PS3. I can order new games on disk from Amazon with free shipping and get them on DAY ONE right to my door. No downloading just install and play. Now that is real convenience!!!
I only buy digital if I can't buy physical. and as more of the games that I want these days are not available on disc, I end up buying a lot more digital than physical.
I alway swore by physical copies for my console gaming but with the PS4 I bought watchdogs digitally on preorder and liked the 'ready and waiting' system so much my whole ps4 catalog is now digital to the extent that I swapped out my HDD yesterday and put in a 2TB one. I never thought I'd fill a 500gb hd so quickly but some of the indie games tho are just too hard to resist ffs. Couple that with the free PS plus titles each month and it soon fills. lol
(edited in just in case) Here's the HDD:
I have fully embraced digital, and only buy digital. I haven't purchased a physical copy since infamous second son. I really need to replace my hard drive
I only buy digital if the price is at at least 33% cheaper than a physical copy, I got MGS5GZ for $6, shadow warrior for $6, stuff like that, it makes little sense to buy digitally at the same price as physical and take on the cost of storage space and give up your right to resell said game.
If its a indie and on a sale,other than that physical is the way to go imo.
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