Square Enix's troll train chugs along another day, as the company has revealed that Spelunker Z is the PlayStation 4 exclusive that it teased earlier in the week. The free-to-play title, which is based upon the 1983 platformer originally designed by Tim Martin, will release on 19th March. It'll feature online multiplayer for up to six players, character customisation, and much more.
This version will allow you to bring pets out into the caves with you, each of which will have unique abilities. Furthermore, there'll be Lithographic Seeds for you to collect, which will enable you to improve the relatively weak statistics of your character. Given that the game is a complimentary download, expect plenty of paid upgrades to put in an appearance, too.

Alright, it may not be what many of you were expecting, but Spelunker HD was great fun on the PlayStation 3, and this looks like a decent distraction between big games. Naturally, there's no word on a Western release just yet – but we're fully expecting this to bundle its way onto European and North American shores eventually.
[source gematsu.com, via dualshockers.com]
Comments 28
The dangers of hype are very real.
The graphics are kinda bad, I prefer Spelunker HD style.
Trolled again, but the PS fanbase continues to support this garbage a$$ company. I don't get it... If SE still made games worth a damn that'd be one thing but this company may suck more than Capcom, if not, it's just as bad. At least Capcom is giving PS4 owners SF V, though. What was SE's reward for PS fans supporting Tomb Raider in greater numbers than anyone else? Just pathetic.
Doesn't surprise me a bit. SE better be careful, they're not really in a good position for starting off this generation. All it takes is a couple of years to cause a studio to shut down even though they've been developing for years before. The more bogus hype they push, the more it's going to hurt their company. I honestly don't get it, I don't get how SE can keep on shunning the PS4 fanbase and still pat themselves on the back, it doesn't make any sense.
If SE has to eventually shut down because of stupid crap like this, hopefully the Eidos franchises that unfortunately fell into SE's hands will get sold to companies worth a damn. Maybe then we could get actual sequels to games people liked and bought in good numbers like Deus Ex. Sure it didn't sell like CoD like the imbeciles in suits at SE thought it would, but it still did well. What is the follow up? Mobile garbage. Sleeping Dogs didn't do fantastic so I can kind of get the lack of a true sequel but a garbage mobile spinoff is complete bs. Taking Tomb Raider away from PlayStation fans eventhough they supported it more than anyone else, destroying Final Fantasy, the FF VII troll at the PS Excperience, the list could go on. Now this. SE has become the biggest joke in gaming.
I agree in that they've become the biggest joke in gaming. Before they were the kings of RPG games and now it's basically non-existent. Sony should be capitalizing on this factor alone and start getting some RPG's out the door. In fact, GG already has an RPG that I'm quite excited to see, hopefully some more will release.
I personally thought SE could've put more effort into other RPG's. They could've done another proper Mario RPG for Nintendo and I know for a fact a proper Mario RPG would've sold like fresh hot cinnamon rolls. I don't have a WiiU, but if a proper Mario RPG came out for it like the one for Super Nintendo, I would buy a WiiU today, just for that game.
Not only that, but SE has so many RPG's and yet they put so much effort into the FF series but hardly any into all those other RPG games. What really sucks is that SE use to have the throne and they somehow mananged to just throw it all away within 1 year of the PS3 and Xbox360 being out.
I like other games such as Deus Ex:HR, that was one of my favorite games from them, I did play Sleeping dogs and I liked it, too. They have good games, I don't know who is calling the shots and making all these stupid decisions, but they need to get rid of whoever is calling the shots and get someone else in SE that is capable of bringing the company back up to where it use to be.
For all the effort SquareEnix put into FF it has become a complete steaming pile of garbage. That doesn't really speak much to the quality of its own games. Deus Ex, the Tomb Raider reboot, Sleeping Dogs, even the new Hitman, all good games with the SE label slapped on but they're not really SquareEnix games.
I dunno, I think Final Fantasy XV looks phenomenal. The problem is that it's taking so damn long. Final Fantasy XIV is fantastic by all accounts, too — but again, they needed to remake that from scratch.
Like so many other Japanese developers, they're still feeling the effects of the transition to HD. It also doesn't help that their local market prefers free-to-play smartphone games to the kind of content we want from them.
Never change Square Enix, you're just too funny with the trolling.
Even if you aren't aware of it.
@crazykcarter I bought it on disc and had no problems, sounds like the typical "yeah its ready for download", when its really really not, rubbish.
Deus Ex was a great return to form that has since been muddied again by stupid drcisions, see Tomb Raider Xbox One timed exclusive.
This company is dangerously close to losing me as a consumer permanently, the obvious favoritism towards MS and the way they treat their Sony fans is disgraceful.
They said a couple of years back that they'd improve, right now I couldn't care less if they go bankrupt.
Actually the only thing that upset me about this article was the use of "ain't" in the title.
@get2sammyb Exactly, XV is taking far too long and they act like it was pnly just announced. I have to agree with @Gamer83 that SE has been giving PS the short end. 1st FF 13 went multiplatform then Versus 13 got delayed, renamed and went multiplatform. Even though almost all their games sell best on PlayStation they give Nintendo Dream Drop Distance exclusively and then Rise of the Tomb Raider goes to XboxOne. They then snub Vita owners by putting a PSP game on PS4 without a vita version then they troll the planet with the FF7 PC port.
@Sanquine I saw someone share that one before, really sad but also kinda fudging hilarious lol.
I completely agree. Saying the name SquareSoft when I was a kid, brought a smile to everyone's face.
Saying SquareEnix, brings upon frustration, confusion, & anger. How they are still in business, I have no idea.
@Sanquine lol that post made my day )
But yeah SE shoulda not even bothered hyping this. Not saying it'll be bad but it's not hype worthy by any means
@Gamer83 There's no way they would shut down over something like this. Square Enix is involved in more things than just their own Video Games. They help with making anime, movies, working with other companies to make games (example: Persona 4), models and other merchandise, and the list goes on and on.
@Godsire- Because they don't just do things with games. They're involved in A LOT more things than you are aware of, such as anime, movies, merchandise, and other such things.
@3Above They are taking their time. Do you want a game with tons of glitches? Do you want a rushed game that requires tons of patches? Do you want a game that was forced out just because we demand it and it has tons of faults? Cuz I don't. I want a game they put a lot of work into. It doesn't matter how long it's taking to make. Square Enix is taking their time making us a good game that we have been waiting for for a long time. They want to make us extremely happy when we play it, not let us down. Deal with it and wait patiently.
@halenriser Its been 9 years and an entire console generation,
@3Above And your point is...? The longer the wait, the more worth it it is. Be patient. It does not matter how long it takes. What matters is how good the final product is. A rushed project that was once neglected can have a terrible final product. Whereas a project that was once neglected and is being completed slowly and carefully can have a good final product. Which do you want, a once-neglected rushed project's final product or a once-neglected nurtured project's final product?
And yes, I do want a serious answer for that question.
Go back to being SquareSoft. Pls. Square Enix. Stahp!
Square has a treasure chest of properties they could make realy, really good sequels and expanded stories from. Why they keep doing things like this, is beyond my comprehension.
Super Spelunker Ultra 3D Side Scroller Remix w/FFXIIV dlc character skins. Exclusively on PS4. Monthly online fees may apply.
I'm sure they make enough money from Dragon Quest sequels and spinoffs in Japan (which from what I've observed, seems to be the core audience of most Japanese game companies; I could be wrong) that they don't need to worry about their other properties. I like FFXIV as much as the next guy, but n none of the other modern offline games in the series have really captured my interest. I could care less about FFXIII and its spinoffs (XV included). Then again, I'm not really one to get overly excited for something unless there's like a 90% chance it's something I'm going to enjoy, and that category is containing less and less "AAA" titles as time goes on. If something like this comes up, I usually ignore it, then wait for something else that might pique my interest, instead of just getting mad at the company. But that's just me. Sorry for the interruption. Please continue your rants.
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