Here come the trolls

Bloodborne is perhaps one of the biggest benefactors of Sony’s late announcement strategy so far. Ignoring leaks, the release was revealed mere months ago, and is already on the home straight ahead of its launch early next year. The good news for fans of the Souls series is that it’s looking absolutely spectacular, too.

In this six minute gameplay snippet, we’re treated to a good long look at the title’s Victorian architecture. Moreover, there’s plenty for franchise aficionados to analyse, as the Regain System – which allows you to claw back health from enemies shortly after receiving damage – is on full display. The whole affair appears more aggressive than previous entries, but this editor’s not an expert.

There’s also a hint at some kind of co-operative mechanic, as a stranger joins the fray at one point in the video. We must admit, this is looking a little more accessible than its predecessors, but that could just be due to the person playing being well rehearsed. Honestly, we wouldn’t take issue with a slightly easier experience – but we know that many would.
