The Golf Club PS4

No next-gen console is complete without a golf simulation to flex its grass rendering muscles with. Fortunately, with EA Sports seemingly taking a year off, HB Studios’ extremely attractive The Golf Club looks set to fill that hole [Pun absolutely intended – Ed] on the PlayStation 4 this summer. The title will be on display at the PlayStation Booth during next week’s E3, so expect to see plenty more footage over the coming days.

For those of you that have spent the past few months sipping Leffe at your local clubhouse, the title aims to fuse LittleBigPlanet with the popular open-air sport, allowing you to create your own courses and share them online. If you’re not in the mood for a little landscape architecture, then the title will ship with 20 pre-made courses, as well as a bunch of official tours and tournaments for you to complete.

Elsewhere, one of the release's biggest features is its inclusion of ‘ghost balls’. Similarly to games like Trials Fusion, this will allow you to see your friends’ shots as you play, allowing you to compete against them without them necessarily being online at the same time. This actually sounds like a really well made package, and, aside from some janky animations, appears to look the part, too. Are you tempted to tee off this summer? Hit a nice shot in the comments section below.
