Life imitates art imitating life

One of the most intriguing new pieces of tech in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is Snake's handy dandy iDroid. The technological toy replaces some of the functions of the traditional codec, while also adding in a few nifty new abilities.

It's a pretty unsubtle jab at the insanely popular iPhone, but we'll forgive it, if only because it allows you to listen to Wagner's exceptionally epic Ride of the Valkyries while sneaking about in enemy territory. And if you're a fan of this newfangled feature, we're happy to report that series director Hideo Kojima has recently revealed a shiny new iPhone case that mimics the design of the in-game gadget exactly.

However, as you can see from the picture, it is quite bulky and slightly uneven. As such, while we do think that it looks pretty awesome, we fear that our trousers might need extensive alterations in order to accommodate its humorous heft. Have you picked up Ground Zeroes yet? Would you consider plonking down some cash for this behemoth of a phone case, or do you use an Android? Give us a call in the comments section below.
