Exclusive software is often considered the differentiator between platforms. Whether it’s Master Chief, Nathan Drake, or Super Mario in the starring roles, these are the characters that can only be found on one brand. Sony arguably has the strongest internal development network in the industry – and group president Andrew House believes that this will help the company to amass a library of exclusives that could only exist on the PlayStation 4.
“What’s important is not to try and craft something that is just exclusive for the sake of it, but that takes full advantage of the console’s capabilities, in a way that perhaps isn’t possible for the competition,” he said as part of an interview with The Guardian. “That’s something that we’ll develop over time.”
In other words, the firm’s not especially interested in securing software that would otherwise be available elsewhere – and we reckon that the suit raises an interesting point. Titanfall may be being billed as the big Xbox One showcase, but it’s also in production for the Xbox 360 and PC. DriveClub and inFAMOUS: Second Son, however, have the freedom to extract every last drop of juice from Sony’s supercharged system – primarily because they’re not set to release anywhere else.
[source theguardian.com]
Comments 9
Exactly my thoughts on Titanfall, and why I'm glad Infamous: Second Son is PS4 exclusive and not on PS3 as well. The thing with Titanfall is this: it will probably be a very good game, but it won't be the best game it could be. The 360 limits it, and not just in graphics. Bigger, better maps, larger scale battles, destruction, content all will be less than optimal because they can't make the current-gen version so vastly superior without making the last-gen version seem like trash.
I'm especially glad that they've come out and said this. Makes me even more excited for The Order, Infamous, and Deep Down.
Seriously, my levels of excitement for Deep Down are sky-high. That game and Final Fantasy 14 PS4 are top of my list for 2014. Then The Order, Destiny, and Infamous. I know I'm missing a few too.
@Cloud7794 It'll be the same with Watch Dogs and Destiny, they'll be weighed down by their last-gen counterparts, which is unfortunate. Watch Dogs may be okay because of its delay, but Destiny probably won't be as lucky.
I don't think Deep Down will do very well because it's F2P and everyone is already writing it off because of that, which is just plain stupid. From what's been shown so far, Deep Down has the potential to be something truly special.
Speaking of potential, DriveClub has it in spades. Evolution seem to be putting everything they have into and it looks to be paying off.
I think one of the games you're missing is Tom Clancy's The Division, because that and The Order are easily 2 of my most anticipated games of 2014.
I cant wait for the second round of PS4 games!
@BornOfEvil Yeah I knew I forgot a game, from what I've seen the Division will be great. Day One for me, definitely.
I do know about Watch Dogs and Destiny being weighed down, which is unfortunate, but I have more hope for Destiny because it is nearly an MMO. With how dependent on internet it will be, I think they'll be able to improve on it easier than Titanfall. With Titanfall being an FPS only, I can't see them really having much to improve on after release.
I hope that they release a pay-version of Deep Down as well, where you pay the normal $60 for the game and get at least as much in DLC as you paid for (and a few special DLC, like maybe a permanent cool magic and some other things). That might make people take it more as the game it is, instead of something F2P and, thus, subpar.
I also agree that Driveclub has a lot of potential, and I'll probably buy it to support our first-parties. I'm just not that into racing games (besides Crash Team Racing and Wipeout). We'll see how I enjoy Driveclub when I get it.
As a sidenote, I'm seriously bummed out about the lack of local co-op titles so far. The Order won't have it either, which was a major disappointment. Mark Cerny went on and on about bringing the fun of gaming back, and that was a large part of it. So what if my screen will be split in half, I'd rather that than have to buy a second console just to play games with the family.
From what I saw of Second Son, I cannot wait.
While Resogun hardly shows off the hardware, it certainly shows off the particle effects.
The detail on it is amazing.
Titan fall would have looked much better if it was an xbox one exclusive but i guess that doesnt make financial sence for them. When you think about it, it is kinda crazy to make a game like second son when the install base is so small right now. Someone has to be first though, despite the obvious financial problems of creating awesome graphics for a system that not a lot of people have yet. I bought the ps4 even though i only wanted one game for it... Its a future investment plus i play a lot of killzone multiplayer.
I was highly impressed with how Killzone turned out graphically and that's just a launch title. Definitely can't wait to see what inFamous, The Order, Uncharted 4 and other games will look like when finished. Enemies on screen and ai are other things I hope to see greatly improved over time. I'd also like to think we can start seeing more games run consistently at 60 fps as time goes on.
I was very happy with its news, games for PS4 its only PS4, not PS3 or PC, then Infamous Second Son its a trully game next gen.
Infamous Second Son and Final Fantasy XIV is the PS4 games that, I currently looking forward to and I have already pre order the CE of Infamous
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