Uncharted: Golden Abyss developer Sony Bend could be working on an action title for the PlayStation 4, if a leaked resume is to be believed. The eagle-eyed folks over at NeoGAF uncovered the Linked In profile of Rick Stalder, a senior user interface artist who’s working on an unannounced title for the impending system out of the team’s Oregon-based office.

Late last year, the studio – previously responsible for the creation of the Syphon Filter series – posted a job listing that suggested that it was preparing a new PlayStation Vita game. However, Sony Worldwide Studios president Shuhei Yoshida did mention back in February that all of its first-party outfits were working on the PS4.
Given the slender size of Sony Bend, we’re going to assume that it’s still focusing on the platform holder’s portable, unless it’s seriously bulked up over the past 12 months. It’s possible if it’s working on a new handheld Uncharted game, though, that it may be collaborating with Naughty Dog on the franchise’s expected next generation sequel. What do you think? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source linkedin.com, via neogaf.com]
Comments 26
I know this is sorta off topic but (Uncharted ps4 ... wet my pants...) LOL
So I just ordered my dualshock 4!! it will be at my door step in 2 days!! freakin stoked!!
So... No vita games in the pipeline? Sony dissapoitment me
@Sanquine Well.... More than two internal studios are at least working on it.
Don't forget: http://www.nowgamer.com/features/2041303/why_the_ps4_can_save_the_ps_vita.html
I really hope all Sony's 1st party developers are working on PS4. Too much attention has been given to the Vita and now it's time to put the focus on it's next generation console. Without even knowing what game they are working on I already know it's going to be amazing because all Sony's 1st party games are amazing.
@ajaychitown Vita and attention? From which planet do you come from? Don't me so narrow minded because you don't own a vita. 14 studios are working on PS4. How many on vita?
@Sanquine Namco Bandai, Media Molecule, Gust, Square Enix, NIS, Japan Studio, Armature and a lot of other studios are working on the Vita, so calm down.
@Sanquine I come from the planet Venus. The Vita has had more than enough attention as of late: Remote play, Vita TV, Price cut, a new model, Kill Zone Mercenary, Little Big planet, Rachet and Clank, not to mention it actually has a nice library of games now. Sony needs to turn their focus to PS4 because not everyone is interested in a portable gaming system but people are loving the PS4. I'm not saying to ignore Vita altogether but Sony needs to be going full throttle on PS4 at this point.
@Lelouch First party games. Tear away is fun but i want JRPG's coming from sony
@Ajaychitown I salut you woman! I get your point but the first party is lacking. We need some good games. Like freedom wars. They need to localize that. I know that sony has to turn focus on Ps4 but i think that is already happening.
@Sanquine First party or not, there are still many games making their way to the Vita. It has a lot of JRPG's coming as well with God Eater 2, Freedom Wars, Soul Sacrifice Delta, Gravity Rush 2, Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment (hopefully it gets localized) and Puella Magica Madoka: Battle Pentagram (probably won't see localization) all around the corner.
@Lelouch Puella Magica Madoka: Battle Pentagram
But still if sony want to sell their damn handheld make games games games. Nintendo is doing well with the 3ds
PS4 or Vita doesn't matter to me as long as this game turns out to be the next entry in the Syphon Filter series.
@ajaychitown Is this a joke? Did you watch their E3 presentation where they spent a grand total of about 5 minutes on the entire platform to announce ports of years old PS3 games and nothing else? Did you watch their Gamescom presentation where everything was either available on PS3/PS4 or as inconsequential as Big Fest, and Murasaki Baby? The only place they didn't just give the platform lipservice was at TGS, and even then the majority of the content announced was shared with PS3 or PS4. The examples you listed are hilarious. Killzone? That game came out last month, and was announced in 2011. LittleBigPlanet? That came out last year, with LBP Hub being a PS3-only thing. Ratchet & Clank? Are you referring to the abysmal port of Full Frontal Assault? The one that runs at subnative resolution, and struggles to hit even 15fps? If you are, you should know that's one of the worst ports released by a first party, and came out months ago. I know you're not referring to Into the Nexus, because that's a PS3 exclusive too.
The fact of the matter is that Vita's situation is abysmal. It has pretty much 0 third party support, and first party support from their western studios will hit 0 once Tearaway launches. It has next to nothing in regards to third party support because sales are horrific, and if Sony's not making any games for it that won't change. Bend Studio making a PS4 game is pretty much an indication of Sony throwing in the towel as far as the west is concerned. Bend have been handheld exclusive for nearly 10 years now. They were so integral to the handheld side of Sony that when third parties were having issues with developing PSP games Bend would often help out. I guess that's not needed though, since the only people in the west making Vita games are indies who aren't exactly pushing the hardware.
@Lelouch This is an English site. You know how many of those games have been announced for western release? ZERO. Besides that, none of those games would've been made by SCE Bend, nor would any of those games replace whatever it is they're working on.
@wakkawakka This site could be Kryptonian and I would still give you the same list of games, because whether they're leaving Japan or not - most of them are - they're still Vita games.
The Vita may not be doing as well as it should be, but it's still getting support. Is it getting enough exclusives? Maybe not, but maybe some people are happy to get multiplats because the Vita offers them the convenience of portability, which their PS3/360 counterparts don't. For instance, Rayman Legends did extremely well on Vita because it was cheaper, could be played on the go and had extra content.
If that's not good enough for you, then I don't know what would be.
Ubisoft reported that Rayman Legends sold poorly across all platforms. In fact, in North America the Wii U version sold the best which should tell you something. I guess the poor sales explain why Ubisoft has not patched in the missing content from the Vita version.
You know what I expected Vita to be? A successor to the PSP. Big and exclusive games from Rockstar, Capcom, Square Enix, Konami, alongside quality new IPs and console spinoffs from Sony. What I've gotten is an landfill for late indie ports.
"It has pretty much 0 third party support"
Then Toukiden, DBZ Battle Of Z, Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD, Injustice, Angry Birds Star Wars, Sorcery Saga, Ragnarok Odyssey Ace, Demon Gaze, Danganronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Deception IV: Blood Ties, Football Manager Classic 2014, The Wolf Among Us/ The Walking Dead Season 2, MXGP, The Official Motocross Videogame, Hyperdimension Idol Neptunia PP and others don't exist in that scenario.
"First party support from their western studios will hit 0 once Tearaway launches"
Again Freedom Wars, Gravity Rush 2 (Confirmed), Soul Sacrifice Delta (Partially confirmed), Playstation Vita Pets, Borderlands 2, Invizimals: The Alliance, Helldivers and others still don't exist in that scenario. Granted some aren't first party but they are published by Sony.
"What I've gotten is an landfill for late indie ports."
More games isn't a bad thing, indie games are games deal with it and if the PS Vita is not to your liking sell it and move on, no need to be a baby about it.
I think y'all are forgetting that most ps4 games will be playable on Vita, and VitaTV lets you play Vita games in HD etc. they're trying to make stuff compatible with each other as the first step toward having the same content and quality at home as on handhelds. We're gonna have to just live with some bad ports for years to come, so let's get used to the ways of things : )
It's interesting to see Sony market the Vita almost as a peripheral for the PS4 rather than a separate gaming console. After Tearaway it's difficult to see many big Vita titles that are not ports or multi-platform like Borderlands 2, The Wolf Among Us, Final Fantasy X, Injustice etc coming in the near future. I don't have much of a problem with this since some of my favourite Vita games like Persona and MGS collection are ports, but the Vita has a lot of wasted potential.
I am curious to see how the Vita may evolve in the future with indie support as well as the PS4 connectivity, however this news makes me think that Sony have almost forgotten about it. Like I said the Vita has the potential to offer some quality portable games especially with the OLED screen and the system power, Gravity Rush was a great example of that, buts what's the point if all its used for is streaming and indies games.
A great system, although this news isn't giving me much hope. I'll just have to wait for Gravity Rush 2 I guess.
@Legendaryboss Congrats, you've listed pretty much every third party game announced for western release. That entire list combined probably won't even sell a million units in the west, which shows how great support really is.
As for those Sony published games, did you miss the part where I said western studios? I never knew Gravity Rush 2 (which isn't confirmed for Vita btw), Soul Sacrifice Delta, and Freedom Wars were western titles. The actual western stuff you mentioned is either trash like Vita Pets, or ports like Borderlands. Amazing support. Sony will sell 30 million Vitas with that lineup.
I would sell my Vita, but if you haven't noticed, because of Sony's poor treatment of the platform resale prices are incredibly low. I made the mistake of buying a Vita at launch, so I'd be taking a gigantic bath trying to sell it.
@wakkawakka Right, i'm out.
"which shows how great support really is"
Well compared to your previous comment 0, it is great.
@wakkawakka Dude, you seem to pist. I was pist but wow you got issues with vita. I dont sell my system how bad the situation could be. To much pearls to play. Only for P4G i would keep it.
@Legendaryboss That gif ^^
On the game front I don't think the Vita is really that bad, what hurt it more than anything was the price of the unit and memory cards and Sony ignoring it at certain trade shows. Despite the abysmal sales, I can't complain about a system that has given me great portable entries in two of my favorite franchises (Uncharted and Killzone), a portable version of MK 9, MLB The Show, Gravity Rush, Muramasa Rebirth, Dragon's Crown, Sly Cooper Thieves in Time, a near-perfect port of NFS Most Wanted, Assassin's Creed Liberation and soon Injustice and Bordlerlands 2. I'm not a huge fan of games like Soul Sacrifice and Persona 4 but those are still nice additions for people who do like those types of games. Freedom Wars looks like a game I may be able to get into and of course Gravity Rush 2 has been confirmed and is something to be hyped for. I would love to see GTA, Gran Turismo, Monster Hunter, a Vita-exclusive MGS, but it's just not going to happen unless somehow sales pick up. Still, the system's library is great.
Sony owns Gran Turismo. PS4 sales are currently at 0. Do you think a Gran Turismo game isn't in development for that platform? The fact that Vita doesn't have a GT is as big an indictment of Sony not caring about this platform than anything else.
@wakkawakka To me it seems as PD does what ever it wants too, GT6 should have launched with a Vita version along side the PS3 one make them compliment each other.
On Topic
Love that Bend is making a PS4 game but I'm torn about Vita support I love my Vita
The thing is, just because Bend is making a PS4 game doesn't mean it can't still do stuff Vita. We don't even know the extent it may or may not be working on PS4 yet anyway. I'm not going to get too worried about it until somebody at Bend comes right out and says 'we are no longer making games for PS Vita.'
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