While it hasn’t got anywhere near as much attention as the stellar single player campaign, The Last of Us’ multiplayer mode is exceptional. A clever blend of Counter Strike and SOCOM, the online extra sees you gathering up supplies and engaging in tense battles to feed and nurture your growing camp of survivors.
And the component’s set to expand imminently with a brand new playlist. Alongside a number of balance tweaks and fixes, patch 1.03 will introduce a new mode named Interrogation. This will see you trying to accrue five special executions or shiv kills on the enemy in order to gain intelligence. Once you’ve gathered enough data, you’ll discover the location of your opponent’s lockbox, which you’ll need to open in order to win the round.

Of course, prising the door of the container apart will take time, giving your foes plenty of opportunity to not only set up defences, but also collect the information that they need to unlock your safe. It sounds suitably tense, and we’re looking forward to giving it a go. You can check out the full list of tweaks on the PlayStation Blog. Are you a fan of The Last of Us’ multiplayer? Let us know in the comments section below.
[source blog.eu.playstation.com]
Comments 5
The bows. For the love of all that's good in this world, balance the bloody bows.
Also, that new game mode! Haven't quite got the MP trophies yet, so this'll help breathe new life into it for me.
Very positive patch. The match making was in dire need of a fix as did the rubber banding from the red boxes.
That new gamemode is cool too. I'm glad they're adding modes that fit the universe rather than just copying the usual CoD template. Also, if this new mode is free, imagine how much content will be in the DLC.
It's cool and all but wake me when the SP DLC comes out.
Sounds interesting. I haven't even touched the online multiplayer but I should probably give it a shot.
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