DUST 514 just gets crazier and crazier.

The freemium EVE Online crossover sounds amazing in theory, but we're worried it's going to take a college course on the subject to communicate just why the shooter is so special.

It's unsurprising, then, that developer CCP Games feels that it's "breaking new ground" on the PSN. Sure, it's not building PlayStation 3's first MMO — Free Realms, DC Universe Online and, arguably, MAG, got there first — but it's the first title that we're aware of that's aiming to merge the universes of two disparate games on entirely different platforms.

But the ambition doesn't stop there. In an interview with Develop, CCP Games' honcho, Hilmar Pétursson, has revealed that the developer is in discussion with Sony to implement a groundbreaking item management system into the game. If the system gets the go-ahead, it could serve as a universal method for buying, selling and trading content across Sony's network.

"We're having many meetings with Sony to ensure they have solid policies on virtual currency," he said. "Given the amount of back and forth there, we can definitely see us breaking new ground."

Apparently, Sony's currently toying with price guidelines and and item restrictions to allow DUST 514's system to be expanded into other games if successful.

"We are both trailblazing together. CCP and Sony are right there in the same room figuring all this out together," added CCP marketing executive David Reid. "I've only joined the company for about 72 hours and about half that time is speaking to Sony.

"If there is a retail play, Sony has tremendous routes into that. They have PlayStation Network cards sold over the counter. There's so many ways for us to get our brand everywhere."