Do we really need to know anymore about the game? It's going to be proper, proper amazing. We're going to buy it. Moving on...
Curiously, there are some people that want to know every last detail about the game, and Naughty Dog's obliged with a fairly expansive blow-out on the PlayStation Blog. First up: character customisation. Naughty Dog says that characters can be customised in "almost every way" with "hundreds and hundreds of parts and every part has a customizable color". It's always fun having a unique character online, so consider that strike one to Naughty Dog.
According to Naughty Dog, the Lab Sessions which have been running on Uncharted 2 for some time have paved the way for some of Uncharted 3's multiplayer features.
Weve been running The Lab sessions for Uncharted 2, and we used that feedback to help design Uncharted 3, said game director Justin Richmond. Plunder Pistols ended up being super popular. We knew it was fun internally, but being able to test it with the fans in The Lab verified that we thought was cool. We want to do even more of that with Uncharted 3. We have the ability to get feedback from the fans, and we want to maintain that dialog.
The addition of 3D into Uncharted's game engine has also opened up a number of new possibilities for the online multiplayer. That includes split-screen play with dual PSN logins.
You dont have to be on some guest account, Richmond said. You and your friend can sit down in splitscreen and level up both of your characters. We support two different PSN ID logins.
Facebook integration is another big feature of Uncharted 3's multiplayer, allowing players to recruit friends and upload footage onto the social network, as well as YouTube and Uncharted TV.
We can not only upload your video clips to YouTube and Facebook, we can stream videos into the engine, Richmond added. That means youll be able to watch Clips of the Week and community clips while you wait for that next multiplayer level to start. And we will constantly update that content. That's pretty awesome.
There's a video interview with Naughty Dog after the jump. Check out more on the PlayStation Blog.
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[source vg247.com]
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