How do you get all Philadelphia park goals, gaps, and objectives in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 on PS5 and PS4? Where are all the SKATE letters, liberty bells, and hidden tapes in Philadelphia? As part of our Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 guide, we're going to tell you how to get all the goals, gaps, and objectives in Philadelphia.
All Philadelphia Gaps and Goals in Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2
Here's how to get all goals, gaps, and other objectives in Philadelphia.
High Score, Pro Score, Sick Score, High Combo

To get these four park goals, you need to beat the following scores within the two minute time limit.
- High Score - 50,000
- Pro Score - 125,000
- Sick Score - 250,000
- High Combo - 40,000 (in one combo)
Collect S-K-A-T-E

You need to collect the letters that make up the word "SKATE". They're scattered throughout the level. Here's where you'll find them:
- S — From the start, head to the large planter ahead of you. Follow it along and you'll see the S. Grind the edge and ollie off the planter
- K — As you come down from the S location, you'll see a blue awning ahead. Use the ramp in front of it to get up and grind the awning edge for the K
- A — The A is on a low planter next to this blue awning
- T — After the A location is a set of steps. Get up and grind the blue rail ahead. Jump off to the left for the T
- E — From the T location, get up onto the raised planter and follow it to the right. Grab the E at the end
Collect 5 Liberty Bells

There are five liberty bells in Philadelphia. Locate them all to complete this park goal.
- From the start, look to the right to see two ramps with a bell in the middle
- To the left of these two ramps is a planter. Ride over it and drop down to the right for the next bell
- From the above location, turn left to find the building with the blue awning. Use the ramp to ollie up to the next bell
- From the above location, head to the left and go up the steps. Then turn around and get on the planter. The next bell is at the end
- The final bell is over another planter to the left
Drain the Fountain

From the start, head to the right to face the two ramps opposite each other. Use the rail down the stairs to gain speed, then use the low ramp at the bottom of the steps to launch up to the balcony above. You'll see three valves in front of you — just grind one of them to drain the fountain.
Alternatively, you can head to the left from the start and find the long wire that goes over the fountain. Ride it all the way up to the roof, then drop down to get onto the balcony with the valves.
Bluntside the Awning

From the start point, behind the THPS sign you should see a blue awning. Ride over to it. Use one of the ramps to ollie up to the awning, and perform a Bluntside grind (Down, Down + Triangle) on it.
Liptrick 4 Skatepark Lips

Unlock the hidden skatepark by grinding the blue handrail onto the phone wire. You then need to perform a lip trick on the following pipes:
- Phillyside Big Bowl Lip: Perform a lip trick at the top of the large corner quarter pipe painted with the American flag
- Phillyside Mid Bowl Lip: Perform a lip trick on the curved quarter pipe next to the large corner quarter pipe
- Phillyside HP Lip: Go into the half pipe to the right of the skatepark and perform a lip trick
- Phillyside New Bowl Lip: Opposite the half pipe is a bowl with some humps nearby. Perform a lip trick in this bowl
Get the Secret Tape

From the start position, head left and find the planter that curves around to the right. At the end you should find a long wire. You need to grind this to the middle to get the secret tape.
Stat Points

There are four stat points in Philadelphia. Their locations depend on what style your character is. For more details, see our guide on all stat points locations.
For some of these, you need to gain access to the hidden skatepark. Here's how:
Head left of the starting position, past the building with the blue awning. You'll come across a ramp with a blue handrail. Go up the ramp and grind the blue rail — you should then continue onto a wire. Once you do, the telephone poles will fall down and smash a fence, revealing the skatepark.
- One stat point is basically dead ahead of the start position. Go forward to find it above the curved edge of the planter
- From the start position, turn to your left to find a wooden ramp with a stat point above
- In the skatepark, there's a stat point above the large quarter pipe in the corner, painted with the American flag
- In the skatepark, at the back are some humps with a quarter pipe behind them. Another stat point is hovering above the quarter pipe
- Behind the starting position, across the road is a high chainlink fence with a stat point. Wallride and wallie the fence
- There's a stat point on the long wire that goes over the fountain, same location as the secret tape
- Head behind the building with the balcony. There's a curved rail with a stat point above. Wallride up and grind the rail
- Open up the secret skatepark. Use the kicker ramp in the middle to ollie up and get a stat point
- Head to the right of the start position. Get on the big planter on the right and air off the end for a stat point
- Turn left at the start position and go past the funbox. A stat point is above a bench on the left
- In the hidden skatepark, a stat point is next to the large American flag quarter pipe
- Head down to the fountain area. To the side by the building with the blue awning is a stat point above a bollard
Vicarious Visions Logo

There's a hidden Vicarious Visions logo in each level. It looks like two letter Vs stacked on top of each other. Here's where the Vicarious Visions logo is in Philadelphia.
Go to the long wire where the secret tape is located. You need to grind it all the way up to the other end, and ollie off to the right to land on the roof. The logo is here on the right.
Alien Plushie

Unlock the skatepark area. Go there and stick to the right, going behind the right side of the half pipe. The alien plushie is in the shadows under the steps (circled above).
All Gaps in Philadelphia
Gap Name | Points Value | Description |
Bench Gap | 100 | Just to the right of the start position, grind the planters, jumping over the benches in between |
Chillin' On The Balcony | 500 | Behind the ramps ahead at the start is a staircase. Grind down the steps, then use the planter ahead to ollie up onto the balcony |
Easy Post Ollie | 10 | Use a planter to ollie over one of the bollards around the map |
Phillyside Hop | 100 | Unlock the skatepark. Enter in the middle, use the ramp to ollie over the wall and into the skatepark |
Phillyside HP Transfer | 250 | Go into the skatepark to the right. From the half pipe, transfer over to the bowl on its left |
Pillar Fight | 250 | In the skatepark, a curved quarter pipe sits between two pillars. Ollie up the side of one of these pillars |
Post Ollie | 50 | From the ground, ollie over one of the bollards around the map |
Stair Set | 100 | To the right of the start position behind the two ramps is a short staircase. Ollie down them |
Statue Hop | 50 | Outside the building with the blue awning are two curved ramps. Ollie from one to the other |
THPS Statue Gap | 500 | From the start position, head towards the fountain. You need to ollie down into the fountain in one big jump |
Up The Small Step Set | 100 | Near the building with the blue railing leading up is a small set of stairs. Ollie up the steps |
World's Most Obvious Gap | 100 | From the start, head to the right and ollie over one of the kicker ramps to the other one |
Awning Grind | 500 | To the left of the start is a building with a blue awning. Use one of the ramps in front to ollie up and grind the awning |
Death From Above | 500 | Get up onto the rooftop with the long wire leading down above the fountain. Grind the wire down, ollie off, and drop down to grind the middle piece of the fountain |
Fly By Wire | 500 | Get up onto the rooftop with the long wire leading down above the fountain. Grind the entire wire all the way down |
Fountain Ping! | 750 | Use the wooden ramp to the side of the fountain to ollie to the center and grind the circular part in the middle |
Funbox Transfer | 250 | In the skatepark, there's a funbox with a ledge you can grind. Grind it to the left, then ollie off to the right and grind the curved rail |
Grind of Faith | 1,500 | Once the fountain is drained, there will be some exposed rails to grind. Grind from one side, ollie over the middle part, then grind the other side |
Grind Up Dem Stairs | 500 | To the right of the start position is a set of stairs next to some kicker ramps. Go to the bottom of the steps and grind up one of the rails to the top |
Hobo Gap | 100 | In the skatepark to the left-hand side is a long rail that curves to the right leading into the bowls. Grind it from one end to the other |
Just Visiting | 150 | From the start, head to the left and grind the edge of the planter that leads to the building with the blue rail. There's a very small part that veers to the right — ollie off here and grind the lower planter |
Little Corner Grind | 500 | Behind the building with a balcony is a curved rail on the other side of the road. Wallride and ollie up to it, and grind the whole thing |
Long Stair | 500 | On the steps leading down to the fountain, there are three curved ledges. Grind the lowest one |
Medium Stair | 250 | On the steps leading down to the fountain, there are three curved ledges. Grind the middle one |
Pillar Hop | 150 | In the back quarter pipe in the skatepark, grind the rim, ollie across the pillar, and continue grinding |
Planter Double Pillar Gap | 150 | From the start position, grind the outer edge of the planter to your right. Ollie over the two posts in the ground, then grind the next planter |
Planter Transfer | 100 | Grind a planter, then ollie to another planter and grind it |
Railing To Planter | 100 | Get up to the balcony by the steps. Grind the railing, ollie down, and grind the planter below |
Short Stair | 150 | On the steps leading down to the fountain, there are three curved ledges. Grind the highest one |
Telephone Co. Gap | 250 | Get up onto the balcony. To the right is a telephone wire. Grind the railing, ollie off to the right, and grind the wire |
Track Smack | 50 | To the left side of the skatepark are some rails near each other. Grind one, then ollie and grind the next |
Train Hard | 500 | Go to the back quarter pipe in the skatepark. Grind the rim of the quarter pipe all the way along |
Flatlands Techin' | 500 | From the start point, go to the top of the stairs past the two kicker ramps. Turn around, and perform a manual past the right-hand side of the funbox all the way to the other stairs to the right |
Funbox Wheelie | 100 | Perform a manual over the large funbox to the left of the start position |
Manual Stimulation | 500 | Perform a manual over the humps in the skatepark |
Rockin' The Stairs | 2,500 | Go to the fountain. You need to perform a manual up the small flights of stairs on either side, jumping up in between manuals |
Phillyside Big Bowl Lip | 100 | Perform a lip trick on the large corner quarter pipe painted with the American flag |
Phillyside HP Lip | 100 | Perform a lip trick in the half pipe in the skatepark |
Phillyside Mid Bowl Lip | 100 | Perform a lip trick on the quarter pipe next to the larger one with the American flag |
Phillyside New Bowl Lip | 100 | Perform a lip trick on the quarter pipe behind the humps in the skatepark |
That's a wrap on our Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 guide for Philadelphia on PS5 and PS4. You can read up on all alien plushies locations, all SKATE letter locations, and all secret tape locations through the links. There's even more tips, tricks, and information in our main Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1 + 2 guide, too. Once you're done with Philadelphia, check out what's next:
Comments 1
I would recommend rewording the fly by wire gap because it makes it sound like you need get on the roof and then grind it down when all you have to do is grind all the way up. Thank you for such a great guide either way
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