Where do you find all Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, and Workbenches in The Resort chapter of The Last of Us 2? As we move towards the conclusion of the campaign, Ellie makes one final push in her search for Abby. There are 2 Artefacts, 1 Trading Card, 1 Journal Entry, and 1 Workbench to find. Continuing our The Last of Us 2 guide, we’re going to reveal the locations of all collectibles in The Resort, in the order that you'll find them.

Weapon: Silenced Submachine Gun

The Silenced Submachine Gun (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Weapon Locations and Upgrades) is a new Weapon that will be added to your inventory as soon as the chapter begins.

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Journal Entry #1

After the big firefight with all the Rattlers, look for the train tracks on the ground and you'll happen upon a van blocking the rail route. Painted on the side of the van is the Rattlers' logo. Interact with it, and you'll unlock a new Journal Entry (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Journal Entries).

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Artefact #1: Santa Barbara Slave Note

After climbing down from the train, when Ellie sees the large group of prisoners, head to the left building and look for a keg next to the wall. The Artefact (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Artefacts Locations) is attached to it.

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Workbench #1

After passing through the train yard, you'll stumble upon a Rattlers camp where they're toying with Clickers. Head inside the workshop, and you'll find a Workbench (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Workbench Locations) against the left wall.

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Trading Card #1: Sparkthug

From the workshop, head left into the large building, through the brown doors. On a table immediately to your right is a stereo system. The Trading Card (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Trading Cards Locations) is right behind it.

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Artefact #2: Rattler's Letter Home

Inside the building, deal with the Rattlers and then head up the spiral staircase. At the top, to the right, is a bedroom. The Artefact is on the bedside cabinet.

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Did you find all the Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, and Workbenches in The Resort in The Last of Us 2? That just about concludes our The Last of Us 2 guide, but if you're missing something, check back to our The Last of Us 2: Pushing Inland - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches guide. Thanks for reading!