Where do you find all Artefacts, Trading Cards, and Journal Entries in The Gate chapter of The Last of Us 2? This section sees Ellie and Dina arrive in Seattle after leaving Jackson. There are 6 Artefacts, 4 Trading Cards, and 1 Journal Entry to discover. As part of our The Last of Us 2 guide, we’re going to reveal the locations of all collectibles in The Gate, in the order that you'll find them.

Trading Card #1: Motivator

As you arrive in Seattle by horseback, Dina will alert you to the presence of some cars. They're situated near to a collapsed bus shelter, and if you dismount and head inside you'll find a notice board on one of its walls. The Trading Card (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Trading Cards Locations) is pinned to it.

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Trading Card #2: The Starfire Kids

Follow the overgrown highway, and on the left you'll discover a cabin with an open door. Head in it and look at the message board on the left. Once again, the Trading Card is pinned to it.

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Artefact #1: Map of Seattle

In the same cabin, walk past the aforementioned message board and into the next room. Near to a desk is a filing cabinet. Open its top drawer and the Artefact (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Artefacts Locations) is inside.

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Artefact #2: Refugee Note

Once you reach the gate with cracks in the wall, you'll find two military cabins positioned symmetrically to each other. Enter the first one, and the Artefact is located on a desk.

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Artefact #3: Infected Infographic

Head into the second cabin, and you'll find the Artefact in a generally identical position to where Artefact #2 was in the previous cabin. It's on a desk, to the left hand side of the building when you're looking at the gate.

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Journal Entry #1

Prior to scaling the wall, take a look at the graffiti which says WLF: Trespassers Killed on Sight. This will spark Ellie's creative juices, and you'll unlock a new Journal Entry (See Also: The Last of Us 2: All Journal Entries) for your troubles.

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Trading Card #3: Chessmaster

Once you've navigated the cracks in the wall and are over the other side, don't immediately descend the ladder in the circular, turret-style room. Instead climb up the ladder and you'll be in a lookout tower. You'll find the Trading Card on the desk.

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Artefact #4: Isaac's Orders

In the same room, directly to the right of Trading Card #3, you'll find the Artefact on top of a supply crate.

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Artefact #5: Checkpoint Gate Codes

Once you've descended from the lookout tower, you'll find yourself trapped behind a gate that needs power (See Also: The Last of Us 2: How to Open the Main Gate and Get Dina Inside). Look for the cabin directly ahead and smash the glass window with either a bottle or your fist to gain entry. Inside the cabin look at the wall and follow the desk to the left-most corner of the room. There's a filing cabinet and you can open the top drawer. Inside is the Artefact.

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Trading Card #4: Oozer

Use the yellow power cable from the generator to make a climbing rope that allows you to reach the top of the cabin. Throw the cable right over the top of the roof, to the right of the sign. The Trading Card is on top, next to a chair.

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Artefact #6: Rooftop Note

On the same cabin rooftop as Trading Card #4, search the chair for the Artefact.

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Did you discover all the Artefacts, Trading Cards, and Journal Entries in The Gate in The Last of Us 2? Check out our The Last of Us 2: Packing Up - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Journal Entries guide if you're missing something or continue on to our The Last of Us 2: Downtown - All Collectibles: Artefacts, Trading Cards, Journal Entries, Workbenches, Safes guide if you're ready to move on. Finally, refer to our The Last of Us 2 guide for more.