MultiVersus: Jason Voorhees - All Costumes, How to Unlock, and How to Win 1
Image: Push Square

Jason Voorhees is one of the playable characters in MultiVersus, the free-to-play platform fighter from Warner Bros. Games. Armed with horrifying weapons and a lust for murder, this horror icon will be a formidable opponent for the rest of the roster. As part of our MultiVersus guide, we will be outlining all you need to know about Jason Voorhees in the game, including all costumes, how to unlock, and how to win.

MultiVersus: Jason Voorhees - All Costumes, How to Unlock, and How to Win

Below is everything you need to know about Jason Voorhees in MultiVersus, including all costumes, how to unlock, and how to win.

Who Is Jason Voorhees in MultiVersus?

Before we begin to learn about all unlockables, moves, and how to win with Jason Voorhees, we should get to know a little more about the character courtesy of his official biography and overview.

MultiVersus: Jason Voorhees - All Costumes, How to Unlock, and How to Win 2
Image: Push Square
Jason Voorhees
First Appearance
Friday the 13th (1980)
Character Class
Voiced By

Movies are full of truly iconic horror villains, and Jason Voorhees is right up there with the best of them. A serial killer from the movie series Friday the 13th, this character is known by his signature hockey mask and his penchant for violent murder. The character has appeared in many films, books, TV shows, and more, with the films in particular escalating his abilities into the supernatural, making him a nightmarish but beloved figure in cinema.

How Do You Unlock Jason Voorhees in MultiVersus?

You can currently only unlock Jason Voorhees in MultiVersus with the below method:

  • Purchase Season 1's Premium Battle Pass with 950 Gleamium.

After Season 1 is over, you'll be able to get this character in one of the following ways:

What Are Jason Voorhees' Costumes in MultiVersus and How Do You Get Them?

As with all the characters in MultiVersus, Jason Voorhees has more than one look available in the game. In addition to the default costume, Variants can be unlocked or bought, allowing you to outfit the character with a different style. Here are all Jason Voorhees' costumes in MultiVersus and how to get them.

Tooniverse Jason Voorhees

MultiVersus: Jason Voorhees - All Costumes, How to Unlock, and How to Win 3
Image: Push Square
How to Unlock
Purchase with 500 Gleamium.

What Are Jason Voorhees' Signature Perks in MultiVersus?

MultiVersus: Jason Voorhees - All Costumes, How to Unlock, and How to Win 4
Image: Push Square

In this section of the guide, we're focusing on Jason Voorhees' Signature Perks. Each character has two or three Signature Perks that are unique to them, and like all Perks, can be purchased with Perk Currency. Let's take a look at Jason Voorhees' Signature Perks.

Monstrous Sidestep

Jason will move behind the nearest enemy in front of him when performing his side special.
How to Unlock
Purchase with 1,500 Perk Currency.


The first time Jason or his ally are about to be rung out, they will instead get pulled back toward the center of the map. They will then have a brief window to keep fighting before automatically being rung out.
How to Unlock
Purchase with 1,500 Perk Currency.

What Are Jason Voorhees' Moves in MultiVersus?

MultiVersus: Jason Voorhees - All Costumes, How to Unlock, and How to Win 5
Image: Push Square

In this section, we will go over Jason Voorhees' moves list. Inputs shown are using default controls.

Ground Attacks

Performed while stood on the ground.

Freight Train
Hold Right + Square OR Hold Left + Square
Jason runs forward, shoulder tackling anyone in his way.
Axe Slam
CHARGE an axe attack while slowly moving forward.
Fear the 13th
Right + Square OR Left + Square
A 3-hit COMBO that ends with a GRAB and tosses the opponent away.
Crunch Time
Up + Square
CHARGE a gruesome attack that mimics the fatal folding of a bed, launching your enemy skyward with a force that breaks both body and spirit.
Zombie Stomp or Z Stomp?
Down + Square
Channel the CHARGE of the undead into a ground-shaking stomp that propels enemies skyward.

Air Attacks

Performed while in mid-air.

Scoop and Slice
A sweeping hatchet swing that arcs through the air with deadly precision.
Cut Them Down
Right + Square OR Left + Square
A wide-reaching machete swing from the air which knocks back the opponent with great force.
From Below
Up + Square
Two swift, upward strikes of his machete. This aerial assault is a deadly dance of blades that spells doom for those caught unaware.
6 Feet Under or Go to Hell
Down + Square
Plunge downward with a fist, executing a powerful air swing that spikes opponents to their doom.

Ground Specials

Performed while stood on the ground.

Unstoppable Rage
Jason channels his rage, trading self-inflicted damage GRAY HEALTH. Allies also receive a small amount of GRAY HEALTH. While enraged, he is faster and his next attack deals more DAMAGE and KNOCKBACK. This condition ends when his GRAY HEALTH is depleted or when he uses an attack.
Mist Step
Right + Triangle OR Left + Triangle
Jason steps into the mist and teleports forward. Any opponent near Jason as he begins his Mist Step will be struck back with great force.
No Escape
Up + Triangle
An upward hatchet swipe that catches its victim and then slams them into the ground.
Sweet Dreams
Down + Triangle
Jason stuffs his victim into a sleeping bag, functioning as a GRAB. He can walk and input an attack to slam them into the ground or other enemies. Inputting a special will throw the bag as a PROJECTILE with the victim trapped inside.

Air Specials

Performed while in mid-air.

The Slasher
Jason grabs his opponent before stabbing them twice, then slashing.
Air Mist Step
Right + Triangle OR Left + Triangle
Jason steps into the mist and teleports forward. He can slightly angle this teleport upwards or downwards.
Risen Strike
Up + Triangle
A rising cleaver strike that knocks the opponent upwards.
Down and Out
Down + Triangle
Jason slashes his cleaver down and forward. If he lands while using this attack, he does an additional slash.

Passive Abilities

  • Jason cannot take KNOCKBACK while he has GRAY HEALTH.

How Do You Win as Jason Voorhees in MultiVersus?

Jason is a Tank character, so he can take a fair amount of damage, but he's a surprisingly versatile fighter with some really interesting moves. All his attacks are melee strikes in some form, many of them very strong. He has great ring-out potential with his up attack, down attack, and side special in particular, so have those down pat.

His neutral special is well worth learning about if you want to get good with Jason. He inflicts a bit of damage on himself, but gains gray health, which absorbs hits. While he has the gray health, he deals a bit more damage and knockback on his next attack, which could mean the difference between ringing someone out or not. Also well worth having in your back pocket is his side special; it's not only good for recovery, but as he enters the mist, it has a big knockback effect.

So, that's everything there is to know about Jason Voorhees in MultiVersus. Are you enjoying playing as the Caped Crusader in MultiVersus? Share your own tips and advice in the comments section below, and check out our MultiVersus guide for much more.

PlayStation Buttons based on work by VictorPines, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons