Where do you find all the Outfits and Guardian Collectibles in Chapter 3 of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy? As the team tries to find ways of clearing its newfound debt, a plan is struck to sell one member to Lady Hellbender. As part of our Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy guide, we are going to reveal the locations of all collectibles in Chapter 3 in the order you will discover them.

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Chapter 3 - All Collectibles: Outfits, Guardian Collectibles

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Chapter 3 - All Collectibles: Outfits, Guardian Collectibles

On this page, we're going to list all Outfits and Guardian Collectibles in Chapter 3 of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy in the order you will discover them. Chapter 3 contains 2 Outfits and 1 Guardian Collectible.

Outfit #1: Gamora's Guardians of the Galaxy (2014)

You won't need to worry about finding Outfits or Guardian Collectibles until you land on the planet of Seknarf Nine in search of Lady Hellbender. After climbing up and over the Resistance Ship following the first combat scene, you will come across a new forest area. All the way in the backlight corner is a crawl space you can climb through into a cave. Take a sharp right when you come across a huge red flower to find it. Destroy the grey goo in the back of the room, deal with the two enemies which then spawn, and then once again destroy the goo blocking your path. Follow this new path around — across the gap and through the crevice — until you find Outfit #1: Gamora's Guardians of the Galaxy (2014) on your right.

Guardian Collectible #1: Chitauri Sear-Cuffs

Following the mini-boss fight with the blue creature that eventually escapes, you'll have to break a piece off the Nova Bomber by using Gamora's ability to reach a ledge and then shoot some goo. Once you have access to the movable platform, order Drax to pick it up and place it right against the ledge opposite where Gamora hung from. You'll find some Components up here, but carry on to the cliff's edge and look down. To the right will be another ledge you can jump down to. Do so and Guardian Collectible #1: Chitauri Sear-Cuffs will be down there waiting for you.

Outfit #2: Groot's Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse

After the boss fight with two of the blue creatures and picking up the cage, you'll need to progress by using Groot's ability and creating a bridge. Cross it and take the first left. You'll need to climb up a ledge and then destroy the grey goo in front to access a small cave with Components inside. After picking them up, turn the geyser to ice using your Ice Shot and climb up it to reach a new area. Follow the path around to find Outfit #2: Groot's Five Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Did you find all the Outfits and Guardian Collectibles in Chapter 3 of Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy? Take a look at our Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy guide for more information or click through to Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy: Chapter 4 - All Collectibles: Outfits, Guardian Collectibles to continue finding all the collectibles.