Promises to Keep is a Side Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that takes place in the Cosmo Canyon Region. As part of our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide, we're going to provide a Promises to Keep Walkthrough that covers all the stages of the Side Quest.

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Promises to Keep Walkthrough

Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Promises to Keep Walkthrough

Promises to Keep is unlocked after you beat another Side Quest in the Cosmo Canyon Region called From Whence Life Flows. You can return to Cosmo Canyon village and speak to a guard at the entrance to start this. It has a Level 42 recommendation.

Track Down the Gi

Go down into the Cosmo Canyon basin and head for the green objective marker. When you get there, defeat the enemies.

Pursue the Gi Specters

The Gi will retreat having been defeated, so chase after the specters and defeat the enemies once more.

Pursue the Gi Specters

Again, chase after the Gi and beat the enemies at their destination.

Pursue the Gi Specters

Chase after the Gi one last time. In the last encounter, you'll battle Irasceros. Beating it completes the Side Quest.

Did you find our walkthrough of Promises to Keep helpful? For much more Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth information, including All Quests, check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide through the link.