Dreaming of Blue Skies is a Side Quest in Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth that can be started in Chapter 4. As part of our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide, we're going to provide a Dreaming of Blue Skies Walkthrough that covers all the stages of the Side Quest. It takes place in the Junon Region.
Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth: Dreaming of Blue Skies Walkthrough

This Side Quest can be accepted off the Community Noticeboard in Crows Nest in the Junon Region, which is in the far east of the area.
The Condor-Watching Society's Request
Having accepted the Side Quest, you'll need to speak with members of the Condor-Watching Society southeast of Crow's Nest. To get up onto the mountains, take the path heading west out of Crows Nest; it's the one behind the group of kids sitting on the floor smoking shisha. Here's the exact location:
When you're up on Condor Hill, speak to the old man in the wheelchair called Colin. He wants you to check on the Condor bird, which hasn't been seen today.
Head to the Hunting Spot
You'll be sent to check a popular hunting ground for the Condor, which is on the other side of the mountain. You'll need to get a Chocobo for the Junon Region for this step — acquired in the Side Quest called Stuck in a Rut — so you can track a scent.
Track Down the Condor's Dinner
When you get there, quietly approach the cow, then have your Chocobo smell for its scent when it runs off. Track it to an area where it's being attacked by enemies; defeat them.
Track Down the Dinner Thief
Another enemy will take off with the cows in its claws, so once again use your Chocobo to track the scent and find the cow.
Head into the Fiend's Lair
You'll now need to face off against the Mystic Dragon in its lair. Since it stays airborne until staggered, either Aerith or Barret work well at first, and then you can utilise Tifa once it's near the ground. After defeating it, you'll need to decide what to take with you. Choose the Bovine Meat.
Deliver the Condor's Dinner
To complete the Side Quest, return to Colin on Condor Hill and hand over the bait.
Did you find our walkthrough of Dreaming of Blue Skies helpful? For much more Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth information, including All Quests, check out our Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth guide through the link.
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