
Topic: RetroAchievements Thread

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I thought I’d make a thread dedicated to the RetroAchievements site. This is my first created thread, but I’ll likely avoid the self-introduction cliche. If you know me, that’s awesome. If you don’t, I hope we get to know each other!

Here’s my account link:

I’m playing Bully/Canis Canem Edit. This is my third time 100%ing the game. I did it on Xbox and ps4 before, so I thought why not do it again?

RA has achievements for most old consoles. PS2 might be the latest, but I’m not sure.

I will use PushSquare gauge interest into this topic, since I don’t know how many people here play a lot of retro games.

I might submit to the self-intro cliche eventually. I changed my avatar twice, I was jokingly nicknamed “brunette hatsune miku”, so why not commit to the full-bit, eh? I love her space channel 5 costume and I do like miku.

I wasn’t sure what to name this thread. I thought of something ambitious like making it into a club, but I’d rather not bite off more than I can chew. Should see how much traction there’s here first. Maybe I’ll consider it based on feedback.

I’m mainly interested in Retro gaming discourse as a hall, so I’d like to stir the pot and hope some cool peeps walk in and share some discussions. Even if you’re not using RA.

If you actually do want a short thing about me, I do wanna say I’ve been using push square for ever ten years despite how recent my account is. I thought it’s finally time i give back to a community that helped me in hard times. I suppose it wouldn’t hurt to mention I tend to prefer “she/her” pronouns, I thought that might be worth mentioning.

Also I’m 25 and English is not my first language (it’s Arabic) so excuse me if I sound a bit unnatural sometimes. I can also communicate in Spanish and Italian without too much problem.

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


Pretty cool idea. I’m pretty sure @nessisonett has mentioned this in the past or is in fact an active participant?

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


Hi there,
I'm an avid RetroAchievements Hunter, too. Often bite off more than I can chew, and then I jump back to one of the many, many picross or puzzle games I have horded on my retro handhelds.
I'm TheVVolf over on RA:
Currently playing O-chan no Oekaki Logic and Advance Wars (again) on my RG35xxSP.


PSN: TheVVolf | Twitter:


@AgentCooper Yep, been loving them for a year or two now!

Currently playing Pokémon Unbound, as I’m taking part in the current community event which requires hacks and homebrews. Might be better to stick my impressions of these games here this month, as they obviously aren’t official games.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


I still play Retro games from PS2, NDS, Wii, etc.
My Wii games collection is already more than 80 games.



@nessisonett Sounds mint, something probably 10 years ago I would have been all over, these days I have no chance. Never say never eh? 👍

I haven’t played a Pokémon game since yellow and my little brother overwrote my save with a one of a kind (at the time) Mew on it, haven’t been back to the series since 😂

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel


@Anti-Matter I doubt you’d enjoy this thread given it requires emulation to incorporate the achievements!

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


This month’s event finished! Hacks and homebrews so a side of gaming I’m familiar with but haven’t played this many in such a small window before.

First beat the Ocarina of Time Spaceworld 97 Beta Experience, a recreation of the original demo shown off at Spaceworld. It’s really cool to see the origins of the game but obviously more like a tech demo of sorts.

Next beat Vector Pong, which is Pong for the Vectrex, wireframe sh*t. Hard as nails but good fun and the hardware’s interesting.

Next I beat Toadette’s Christmas Adventure, a rubbish Mario hack. Not much more to even say.

Did Portal 64 after that, which is Portal’s first few levels on the N64. Absolutely ludicrously impressive, full voice acting too. Shows just how far things have come with regards to homebrew.

After that, Minesweeper on ColecoVision. I learned I am atrocious at minesweeper. The 50/50s are killer.

Pokémon Unbound was the biggest time sink this month and it’s undoubtedly the best Pokémon content I’ve played since maybe Gen 5. Really really good, not just for a hack but stands alongside the official games in terms of quality. Can’t imagine how much effort it took. Highly recommend. I still have postgame to do too!

After that, played an Uzebox(open source console thing) game, Holey Moley, basically Super Motherlode but pretty fun if a little buggy.

Finally, I played Shotgun Mario 64 which is super fun. Just Mario 64 except with a shotgun. You can use it to propel yourself around when you jump too, which totally changed movement. And of course, blast enemies and destroy terrain to completely change the game. It’s so much fun, even if I feel bad for trying the BLJ as a laugh and unintentionally landing it for the first time ever and getting past the infinite stairs to do the final boss with only 13 stars. I’ll definitely play more.

Pretty fun month all round!

[Edited by nessisonett]

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.

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