
Topic: Nintendo Switch --OT--

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@nessisonett Heh. The style of those games really is something else.

A friend of mine grabbed the physical of Arzette: The Jewel of Faramore from LRG, and I had such mixed feelings when I watched him play it.

One of those 'just because you can doesn't mean you should' moments.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Personally there’s a lot im excited about

Dragon quest
Zelda game (this time, it’s the character!)
Miles edgeworth (GK2 localized!!)
Luigi’s mansion
New Kodaka game with a BEAUTIFUL cast (I like the edgy goth girl. Needed one since Celeste)
Prime 4

The list goes on!!!
So many 🐐 s!!!!

“One thing you can count on: You push a man too far, and sooner or later he'll start pushing back.”
-Max Payne

54 days until Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster.

Donut Drake did nothing wrong.


Rather good direct given how late in the generation it is! In the past Nintendo had quite a habit of winding things down long before the arrival of new hardware, even on the Wii, so they surprised me yet again. I was convinced that Pikmin 4 (which I'm currently playing and adore) and Mario Wonder would be the last big hurrahs. While I'm extremely happy at the love Mario RPGs are getting, three in the space of a year is a lot, innit. I really hope they are able to thrive going forward.
The Zelda game looks like a nice puzzle-focused take on the series. It's brilliant to have not only another overhead classic-esque Zelda, but Zelda herself in the lead after so many years of being the damsel. It'll be interesting to see how the world and puzzles are designed to account for the large number of things that can be replicated.
Fabulous to finally see Metroid Prime 4. It's been so very long I was starting to wonder if they would just leave it for the Switch successor, but surely it will be cross-gen? One thing I'm really hoping for is improved combat and enemy AI compared to the original trilogy.
Yay to Miles Edgeworth, but boo to spending more on the DS original a few years ago than this collection will inevitably cost. Brilliant they've finally localised the sequel. Also very pleased that Dragon Quest III finally has a release date. The second half of the year is now looking very stacked indeed.

Black Lives Matter
Trans rights are human rights


@Ralizah I actually quite like Zelda’s Adventure’s vibe especially compared to the other two CDI games. It reminds me of cozy Canadian/Aussie import shows from the 2000s, like low budget and terrible costumes but fun. I mean, the game’s awful but the ambience is kinda cool.

I think it’s because of the birdsong that plays as you wander round the map, my favourite area of Ocarina of Time as a kid was the weird pre-rendered area in front of the Temple of Time and it gives me the same vibes.

[Edited by nessisonett]

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Pretty solid Direct!

Definitely grabbing the new Zelda & Mario & Luigi games, and I've only ever played a bit of DKCR as a rental on Wii back in the day, so I'll definitely get it too since it might as well be a new release.

Good to see Prime 4 show up as well, though I'll get more excited as it gets closer.

Currently Playing:
Switch - Blade Strangers
PS4 - Kingdom Hearts III, Tetris Effect (VR)


I think I’m honestly one of the only people that just wasn’t too impressed with the show 😂😂 and that’s a slight on myself! Not you guys, everyone seems to be very happy with today’s show. That’s wonderful, truly… I think I’ll have to sit this one out as some random disgruntled fan who has to just carry on as usual. A Metroid prime 2 remastered would have been a nice touch to the Prime 4 trailer though… just sayin’ Nintendo.



The new Kodaka game (whose name I can't remember, so I shall just dub it "Danganronpa Tactics") was pretty cool. Might actually push me to get my butt moving on completing Rain Code!

@Enriesto Sometimes it's just like that.

I remember shrugging my way through Sony's much-praised 2018 E3 show.

It was objectively good, but just not for me.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Ralizah you didn’t like Sony E3 2018?? That’s crazy!! But seriously, c’est la vie, and I’m appreciating more about the Direct now that some hours have passed. They really did show a lot, though it didn’t hit with me as I’d like. To give an example of what I considered a banger Direct… Feb ‘22. I could count on one hand how many games I wasn’t interested in. Easily my favourite Direct, I felt spoken to as a fan. But others at the time? A little mixed, despite me having gushed over it. Good to be understanding and hey, still some games from this presentation I’m excited for. September starting with Astro Bot and ending with Echoes Of Wisdom… chef’s kiss of 2024 for me.



@Enriesto I think part of the issue for me is that PS4-era Sony kinda just kept hyping up the same games over and over again. And the Sony games I was in for wasn't generally the AAA action fare anyway.

I will say, my one regret is that we didn't hear anything about Professor Layton or Fantasy Life. :/

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Terrible Direct. There was no Mother 3.



@Enriesto Prime 4 confirming that Hunters is canon is worth the lack of Echoes remastered 😂

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


@nessisonett a persuasive point, but I’m still grieving the absence of Echoes 😭



Overall I was pretty impressed with the Direct. Was hoping to see a Switch version of Wind Waker, but other than that it was solid.


PSN: Bentleyma-


Metroid Prime 4 didn't excite me at all. Don't remember seeing anything gameplay wise, story wise or graphically to get excited about. The game needs way more interesting locations, need some cool new gameplay mechanics or at least some Other M level of newish feel to it.

Weird that they closed off with a game that looks so... mid.



@Kidfried I think people (including me) are just happy to see another Metroid Prime game as the last mainline entry came out back in 2007, which will be 18 years ago when the game comes out next year. I personally don't mind if Metroid Prime 4 is just more of the same as the previous games. It's not like there's been an abundance of Metroid Prime games or clones since then.



I've got a bit of an issue and I'm hoping someone can help me out. According to Nintendo Online I have multiple cloud saves.


But for some reason when I attempt to download them to my Switch it says there are no saves.


Anyone know why? It's probably obvious and I'm just being dumb.

[Edited by Bentleyma]


PSN: Bentleyma-


@LtSarge I guess that's one way to look at it. A positive one, so I like it.

Mine is maybe a bit more desperate: we don't get Prime game often, so I hope they do their best to make if great. There was nothing in the trailer there that felt like it was worth the wait to me.

But hey, I've been very wrong about Nintendo announcements before. So many games that had in my opinion lacking trailers that turned out to be very good games.



@Kidfried In this case, the trailer felt more like a way of communicating: "Hey! This is real, and isn't vaporware. It's also a normal Metroid Prime game and doesn't have any weird or alienating gimmicks in it."

So I'd wait for more footage before coming to any conclusions.

Nintendo cared enough about the quality of the game to change developers and reboot development, so I'm sure it'll turn out fine if you like this sort of game.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


@Kidfried this was my sentiment as I expressed previously on this thread following the Direct. It really comes down to acknowledging its existence, which is enough for many fans. Not enough for myself, but I’m not drawing conclusions and am confident it will be great (also something I said earlier) despite what I thought was a trailer that failed to give this game the reveal it deserved. I’m often at odds with fans of various series though, which is why I don’t regularly share opinions on major news sections as I’ll get eaten alive 😂 Metroid mega fans loved it, and I just don’t get why.

In short… bad trailer for what should be an amazing game. I stand by it.


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