
Topic: Microsoft's E3 show

Posts 1 to 20 of 43


$499, £429 and 499 Euros are what you'll need to buy an Xbox One in November.

(Editing this as the show goes on as I'm bored off my tits)

Really strange opening. Sure MGS5 will be brilliant but it was a boring and slow video. Only in the last minute did it go anywhere. You'd have thought they'd have started with something to go "BANG! LOOK AT THIS EXCLUSIVE!" - not a multi-platform game. And getting Kojima-san out for twenty seconds was pointless. He looked utterly embarrassed.

Also amusing to see the host has already twice forgot where his companies 'whoopers' will come in as he's talked over them only to stop quickly and let them do it before carrying on.


Oh, World Of Tanks: 360 Edition looks shite. If that's the PS3's main competition this year then Sony must be wetting themselves with laughter. Max: The Curse Of Brotherhood looks decent though.

Microsoft are also copying PS+ by giving away two games month to Gold members of Xbox Live.


"Microsoft is investing more and more into studios around the world to give us exclusives" - they still don't get it, do they? Going and buying studios to make games for you is not like having teams yourself (EAD, Hal, Studio Japan, etc).


The Xbox One games...
Ryse: Son Of Rome looks dreadful, sort of a less over the top God Of War with a team of AI soldiers. Odd they lead the section with this, especially after the latest God Of War kinda bombed. Already seems to be a pattern of odd choices in the show. Was on for far too long, especially for a bland, boring, generic version of the genre.

Killer Instinct 3 looks sort of good but also sort of bad. Glacius and Sabrewulf's new looks are dreadful though. Bit odd Rare have chosen one of their worst franchises to come back though. Even Blast Corps (great game back in the day) would have been better.

Sunset Overdrive (by the makers of Ratchet and Clank) looks fun but most of Insomniac's games do look good until you actually play them. Game sort of reminds me of an even more cartoony Borderlands but without the humor. Best thing  in the first half hour though.

Shameless McLaren advert, sorry, I mean Forza 5  just looks like another diving game. How this genre hasn't died is beyond me. It's just the same thing again and again. People go on about how stale COD is but racing games like this (and Gran Turismo) just offer nothing new except better graphics. The guy who was talking about the game really needs to go spend a night in a room with the game and some tissues. The big feature is the AI (yes, it is AI, nobhead) will go online and race people how "you" would race when you're not on. Very kind of it to rob all the fun out of the game for you, isn't it?

An Xbox One Minecraft. Hard to tell anything as it looks just like it does on every other format it's been on. Another odd choice.

That Remedy game Quantum Break is next. Looks better than at the reveal show but nothing special. Typical Remedy game, reach for the stars but make do with the floor.

D4 looked good. No idea what it is but the visual style was nice.

Project Spark reminds me of the EA game Spore. It sounded like it could be good until they then started using Kinect and Smart Glass. Looks like a kind of 3D Minecraft mixed with original Fable. It could be good and is the first game I'd actually want in the last hour. Problem is Kinect is a pointless fad and if you have to have a table to use Smart Glass to play it then it's a hugely hideous idea. Oh, the two guys presenting it are idiots. I hope they never come out in public again. The game is also on Windows 8 (so not exclusive to Xbox One like they said).

More of Killer Instinct. Looks more like Street Fighter than KI which makes it an even odder choice to bring the series back. They then showed their version of PS4's record and share features. Sure people on Facebook and Twitter will love it on both consoles but, frankly, I think people are dicks and I don't give a shit about them seeing what I've done or me seeing that they've managed to win on a game. I don't care. Fuck off. (apologies for language)

"We're moving from Microsoft Points to real money" *people cheer* Why do Microsoft

Crimson Dragon looks like a new Panzer Dragoon and is made by the people who made that awesome series. That's all you need to know. Even the music not playing in the video doesn't stop it being the best thing I've seen in years. Only game I'd buy an Xbox One for.

Dead Rising 3. An open world zombie game. Looks meh, sadly. Just looks exactly how you'd expect it to. Yes, the city looks lovely and no load times at all should be good but it just looks as if the gameplay is stale. The big new thing seems to be you can use sellotape to stick a gun on a flashlight. We've come so far since Pong...

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt looks... how do I put this? You know how awesome a job BBC do with Doctor Who? Well it looks like what Doctor Who would be like if it was instead made by Channel 5. (for non UK people, that means it looks poor)

Battlefield 4. Video didn't work which was the best part of this presentation. Wonder if Sony or Nintendo trickery was at work here? Genuinely laugh out loud moment when the guy tried to walk of stage through embarrassment. When it finally came on the visuals were petty while the gameplay is same as always. Like shooting people? You'll like this. Think Battlefield is shite? You're welcome to marry my sister.


Almost an hour and a half in and there's no mention of the pre-owned games debacle. So it looks like it's going ahead. Surely if it wasn't thy'd have said pretty early in, to put minds at rest. Also makes me 99.9% sure Sony is going to do exactly the same.


A new game by the makers of Superbrothers Sword and Sorcery EP!! Oh my... this looks good. Below is like an old 8/16-bit Zelda game with Capybara's charm all over it. Second game of the show I'd buy. Only taken ninety minutes.

Black Tusk Studios is Microsoft's latest bought studio in an attempt at new IP (well, they only have two). Their game sort of looks like a James Bond film.

A new Halo. American boys with their first pubes cheer, the rest of the world gets on with their lives. The game looked like Journey at first but then became a poor mix of Final Fantasy, Mass Effect and ZOE. Wasn't a surprise when Master Chief appeared. No gameplay is showed but just go look at Halo 4 and imagine the graphics are better. There's Halo 5.

Titanfall, by the people who made Modern Warfare and then left, is the last game shown. A grough voiceover makes you think "this will be a bland futuristic FPS" and you're half right! It's actually got a tiny bit of third person bits! Wooo~! Progress. It looks like a more mech-heavy Halo.


Well, that's it. You can see how bored I was this evening by writing all this. In summary, it was a terrible show. Only two decent looking games (personally). All I can say is Sony don't have much to be afraid of. Neither do Nintendo.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


@Strofan7 Problem is it's been done time and time again. I like those sort of games but I actually yawned three times during it.

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


big LOL at project these 12 exclusives they talked about look so rehashed as well as some being REALLY lame.

I yawned during Forza 5 and even Quantum Break didn't really intrigue me.



big LOL at project these 12 exclusives they talked about look so rehashed as well as some being REALLY lame.

Spark is clearly the best game so far. Looks wonderful and like it could be heaps of fun.

I take that back, Crimson Dragon is the best on show. If there's even five games during E3 that look better I will eat my Batman Converse.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


sure looks wonderful but I did RPG maker 24/7 back in the day so creating my own adventures without a game to have one of its own bores me.



Only spark and crimson dragon look nice... I'm sorta dissapointed. I will buy the xbox one... But its nothing special.. Sony can win for sure:) And lets not forget Nintendo:)

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


@Sanquine I honestly think Nintendo will "win" this E3. They're backed into a corner and you never underestimate them. This Xbox One show has been boring as sin and I have a feeling Sony's will be exactly the same.

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


@Sanquine I honestly think Nintendo will "win" this E3. They're backed into a corner and you never underestimate them. This Xbox One show has been boring as sin and I have a feeling Sony's will be exactly the same.

Yep! A cat backed into a corner:D

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


@Sanquine I honestly think Nintendo will "win" this E3. They're backed into a corner and you never underestimate them. This Xbox One show has been boring as sin and I have a feeling Sony's will be exactly the same.

WOW i had the same feeling... Just boring.. I wish they had viva pinata
PLEASE oohw let there be a ZELDA HD ( no windwaker... played that game 20 times:P)

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


Holy shit ... A halo...;. Playstation is doomed ( I mean this as launch game..)

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


@Sanquine I honestly think Nintendo will "win" this E3. They're backed into a corner and you never underestimate them. This Xbox One show has been boring as sin and I have a feeling Sony's will be exactly the same.

WOW i had the same feeling... Just boring.. I wish they had viva pinata
PLEASE oohw let there be a ZELDA HD ( no windwaker... played that game 20 times:P)

They'll announce a new HD Zelda but I don't think we'll see much, or anything, of it. I just want to see a new 3D and HD Mario platform game. Words can't begin to describe how much I loved the two Galaxy games and I can't wait to see where the series goes next. And I could play Wind Waker again and again. Best Zelda game. Will be buying a Wii U for that one.

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


That was bleh. $499 price tag isn't going to win anyone over and while some of those exclusives looked pretty good, it's definitely nothing I feel I'd be missing out on with a PS4. Now the wait begins!

Good? Nothing better than current gen ;p) I play the last of us over this any time:D

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


@Sanquine I honestly think Nintendo will "win" this E3. They're backed into a corner and you never underestimate them. This Xbox One show has been boring as sin and I have a feeling Sony's will be exactly the same.

WOW i had the same feeling... Just boring.. I wish they had viva pinata
PLEASE oohw let there be a ZELDA HD ( no windwaker... played that game 20 times:P)

They'll announce a new HD Zelda but I don't think we'll see much, or anything, of it. I just want to see a new 3D and HD Mario platform game. Words can't begin to describe how much I loved the two Galaxy games and I can't wait to see where the series goes next. And I could play Wind Waker again and again. Best Zelda game. Will be buying a Wii U for that one.

LoL do you mean you dont have a wii U? I already have one:D ^^ Love it ... People bashing it Just like vita !

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


Man i'm not even that high on microsoft right now and ya'lll completely downplaying a good press conference,

Looking forward to sony's and i'm guessing its going to be $499 as well.


Hey check out my awesome new youtube channel shingi70 where I update weekly on the latest gaming and comic news form a level headed perspective.

PSN: shingi_70


They got my attention when they revealed Dead Rising 3 as an exclusive.

[Edited by Epic]

PSN: Epic-ZX

PSN: Epic-ZX


now xbox one is on a high again...



now xbox one is on a high again...

499 dollar? people most of the games had guns in it....

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


now xbox one is on a high again...

499 dollar? people most of the games had guns in it....

Before getting on conclusions lets just see Sony's conference even though you are right.
Too much FPS just like 360.

PSN: Epic-ZX

PSN: Epic-ZX


now xbox one is on a high again...

499 dollar? people most of the games had guns in it....

Before getting on conclusions lets just see Sony's conference even though you are right.
Too much FPS just like 360.

Oohw i hope im right:) I hope sony bought Crash bandicoot back! I swear i will throw my xbox 360 out of the window

PSNid= Sanquine90

PSN: Sanquine90


what time is the sony conference?


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