
Topic: Games you've recently beat

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Just finished Skyrim and both of its DLCs. I have beat it before but not the Dragonborn DLC. It was excellent!

Main Game - It is great and you can see why it is ported to every toaster in the world! Approachable and not that hard! Great progression system and SO MANY things to do!

Dawnguard DLC - it is like a Castlevania game and you are a Belmont

Dragonborn DLC - cool new isle that brings you back to Morrowind

All of that on a tiny Switch card


Finished my first playthrough on Bulletstorm: Full Clip Edition and was a pretty decent FPS. Some nice weapon variety, some pretty cool implementation around reward for stylish play, decent looking for a 7th gen game. Still seems like a fair bit of work left for the platinum but yeah will keep chipping away at it.

**** DLC!


INDIKA - A fascinating game that plays to the medium’s strengths. Some of its most brilliant moments and deepest philosophical ruminations work only as presented within the confines of a video game. It is a little rough - poor fps, de-synchronized audio, invasive load times abound - but I think its strengths ultimately overcome its limitations. It didn’t challenge me in quite the way that I had hoped so much as simply reaffirm my personal convictions. Despite its ambiguity, it remains a little narrower than I had hoped, in which its excellent final moments offer the only logical solution to the self-perpetuating quandary it posits because the path there is theologically selective. Yet I still found the experience meaningful. Worth a trip for those who enjoy a religious tint to their surrealism with some real philosophical depth.

Edited on by Jimmer-jammer

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer I am intrigued by Indika tbh… every review and reaction to it has been positive and I do love me some crazy. Glad that you enjoyed. I have it on the wishlist as I’m in no real rush… but the moment I see a deal I’ll pounce like a nun on an opportunity to do some solemn recitation.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore A sale is a really good way to go with this one. We’re talking a 4 hour game that, at times and by design, is not fun at all. I don’t think the crazy aspects of it are quite crazy enough to stand on their own but with an interest and understanding of, specifically, the Eastern Orthodox Church and the historical and modern political situation in Russia between church and state, it’s worth the trip.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer so I wouldn’t say I’m an expert on Russian orthodoxy but… I am a massive fan of The Great which involves the state religious dogma as one of the various comedic tentpoles of the show. From the reviews I’ve watched, I’m definitely feeling it.

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore You’ll be good then! I’d hate to sell it on its surrealist aspects alone as I actually found them fairly underscored when all is said and done. I’m no expert either but I do think the right contextual framing is helpful in order to appreciate what the game is and why it exists.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer yeah I’m sure that a better understanding of the period and the culture is gonna help with the appreciation to be fair… but hopefully not integral. As someone who got their foundation in British history from Blackadder I’ll give this the old college-try 😉

Edited on by colonelkilgore

**** DLC!


@colonelkilgore 😂 I look forward to hearing your thoughts!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis

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