
Topic: Digital vs Physical Games

Posts 21 to 26 of 26


The argument that says that physical discs are just a license key is only true once the game is installed. I still find that installing a game from disc and then updating it is significantly quicker than downloading it all.

Also there's a significant number of gamers around the world that have poor or no internet access. Once everything is all digital then they are left out in the cold. They wouldn't even have Version 1.0 from the disc.

Also the argument that a game has to be installed regardless does not apply to Switch. Games quite happily run from cartridge with either no download or a very small one.

As for me, I buy physical discs if they will be shared amongst family. Otherwise I'll often go digital. Although digital is often more expensive, that can usually be solved with purchasing discounted store credit, e.g. PSN vouchers from ShopTo in the UK and/or a PSN sale.

I also don't fully buy the environmental argument of going digital. A disc can be used thousands of times to install a game, taking far less energy than the equivalent thousands of downloads. If you're done with a disc either pass it on or recycle it, don't send it to landfill.



I find myself at something of a transition point right about now. I have always been a physical discs guy - but recently I have noticed myself making more and more digital purchases. Looking at my library, it would appear that a fair few of these are (or were at the time) digital only releases for that system (e.g. Arise, A Fishermans Tale, Brothers: A Tale Of Two Sons), but lately I have been sneaking a few extra bigger profile titles into my collection - but rarely if ever day one, and more often than not after a decent amount of time in the wild, patched and improved and at a decent (sometimes bargain) price. So it hasn't changed the frequency with which I buy the games, just the format. But it's difficult to see where this is going to go as I also find myself at a transition point regarding being a gamer - I'm not at all interested in current gen (although some of this is just down to available playtime), and rarely see anything that hasn't already drained my interest in the format in an earlier iteration. Plus I spend more time creating content using games I own rather than playing stuff through. I realise I have strayed somewhat from the gist of the original post, but essentially I'm playing older games for older systems more frequently now - which means digital may be my preferred choice from now on, just based purely on convenience and availability moving forward.


I only ever buy digital games, even if they're more expensive. The only time I get physical games is when I can't think of anything I want for Christmas except for games and so I get them boxed. I don't like things in my house. I'm over having a collection of stuff. And yeah if there's an EMP or whatever, all my digital games are gone. But then if there's an EMP or whatever I'll probably have more to worry about than not being able to replay Assassin's Creed Syndicate.




@purple_mouse_gaming You make a valid point about one of the perks of the digital distribution movement — finding old or rare games is no longer an issue. It’s a benefit that I often forget about, but I certainly remember a time when I’d have to search 3 or 4 GameStops to find a copy of something. Especially Japanese games or other niche releases. Of course Amazon and eBay helped in this regard also, but even then you’d end up paying a mark-up sometimes when you found a copy online. Of course it’s still nice to snag a physical copy of these limited release games when possible, just as a value proposition, but it’s a relief to not have to feel pressured to pre-order something out of concern for the game selling out because they only printed a finite number of discs.

@johncalmc I’m coming around on the declutter argument for digital too. But part of my declutter approach has become selling back my discs and getting a little credit for them whilst simultaneously offloading my shelf of ‘stuff’. AC Syndicate is netting $2.75 at GameStop. That might pay for your petrol or bus fare to the store. 😅

I usually sell back games in bunches so as to make it worth the trip. I have held on to some of my games for nostalgia and because ‘I might replay it someday’. I’m discovering that I’m just kidding myself. Am I really going to play RDR2 again? If I do it will probably be when a PS5 or PS6 remaster is done of it so I should just sell the disc now and get $9 out of it and clear some shelf space.

I’ll probably flip 3 or 4 physical discs from my collection this weekend and use the credit towards Spidey 2.

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


I never buy physical.No room for it. Same goes for music and movies. All my old stuff like that is in the loft. Only PS game I have physical is Disney Infinity for the kids.


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