
Topic: The TV Show Thread

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Probably a tentative thumbs up for the Doctor Who tonight. It’s the first out of two parts so I’ll need to see how it plays out but it was a good, tense setup for next week’s finale.

Sutekh’s been a villain many have wanted back for years so they’re nice to see even if it was a bit drawn out towards the end to emphasise that yes they’re a big baddie as I imagine a lot of new fans haven’t seen Pyramids of Mars! The Susan Twist payoff is maybe not the greatest, ‘Sue Tech’ is proper ‘I am Lord Voldemort’ contrived BS, she seems to just be a red herring plant by Sutekh which I understand but isn’t as satisfying as it could be. Ruby’s mum, I still have no clue. Nice to see the Unit gang back though, love Mel too and super glad she’s the companion to get a second go, Bonnie Langford is mother.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.



Murder mystery set in the French Alps. A young woman's journalist father goes missing while investigating a cult from years past, and she sets out to find him.

Really enjoyed this one. The story didn't let go, the scenery was breathtaking, and the cast were an interesting bunch, particularly the lead actress. It definitely kept you guessing.


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