
Topic: Books You're Currently Reading?

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I finished the first collected tales of Bauchelain and Korbal Broach, which was excellent will read the second volume soon. Highly recommend if you like dark satirical fantasy, You don't have to have read the Malazan series to enjoy them.

I squeezed in volume 2 of Kaijumax and volume 7 of Fullmetal alchemist both fantastic.

Now I'm reading This is how you lose the time war. A fine short book before I dive into some big sci-fi or fantasy novel.



Still reading The Manticore by Robertson Davies. It's very good ,actually, I was a little put-off at first by the slow start as the entire novel seems to describe a series of therapeutic sessions with a Jungian analyst. But I am very interested in the concepts of Archetypes and the Collective Unconscious. So I will endeavour to read on.

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Just finished Dauntless by Jack Campbell. Good first book. I'm curious to see where it goes. Reminds me of the space chase seen in Battlestar Galactica or the more recent Star Wars movie.



@MightyDemon82 The Malazan books looks to be just my cup of tea, so I definitely check them out at some point

@Elodin Same goes for the Lost Fleet series.

Any of you have the key to immortality, by any chance? I think I'll need it to get through everything I want to read



Just finished Peter May's The Runner (Goodreads page), the penultimate novel in his "China Thrillers" series and after the slight disappointment I felt the previous entry was, this one worked very well for me. The action returns to China and both the mystery and the relationship drama was far more interesting this time around and I would say this is one of my favourites in the series. A minor quibble is that having seen a gajillion episodes of CSI, I was way ahead of our heroes on many of the puzzle pieces in this case, but it didn't impact my enjoyment of it in any meaningful way. I gave it four stars in my Goodreads review.

Now it's time to finish up Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's "Dragonlance: The Lost Chronicles" series with Dragons of the Hourglass Mage (Goodreads page) and if it is half as good as the second novel in the series, I'm in for a treat. Fingers crossed!

[Edited by FuriousMachine]



@FuriousMachine I'm looking forward to getting back into the China series. Currently reading Sunbringer, the follow up to Godkiller and before that I read This is how you lose the time war.

Maybe once I'm done with Sunbringer, I'll finally read The Hero of Ages then some of the China books!

Are the Dragonlance books all ages?



@MightyDemon82 I would say pre-teen/young adult (I read the first when I was 11/12), but for adults new to the series it may be a bit... I don't know, "unsophisticated" by today's standards, maybe?
My impression is that most adults reading and liking the books are those who grew up with it, like me.
And I have a sneaking suspicion that the original trilogy (which is essential reading for this series) may feel dated for kids already exposed to newer fantasy works. Different times and all that.

But, in all honesty, I have no idea how these novels would read to someone not heavily steeped in nostalgia here, young or old

I do know that the very first book in the series reads like a clunky novelization of a D&D campaign and you can almost hear the dice rolls, something I never noticed as a kid, but this is less of problem in the second and third books.



Some of my friends have recently recommended getting into Brandon Sanderson's books specifically the mistborn series. Anyone a fan of them or disliked it? I'm not a huge fantasy sci fi person so kinda hesitant given how long the books are.

Reach out to me if your into cool stuff.
Play,,, every day


@FuriousMachine I may skip those then. Looking to get into some books with Dragons though.

@ThinkDonald I have read The Final Empire and The Well of Ascension both fantastic novels. I have the final book in the trilogy lined up to read soon (The Hero of Ages) I'm assuming you're a gamer? Being on this site. So you may really enjoy the magic system in these novels.

[Edited by MightyDemon82]



@MightyDemon82 Wouldn't mind a good fantasy series with dragons myself, so if you (or anyone else, for that matter) come across any worth checking out, there's always room on my reading list (where Mistborn is already waiting patiently for its turn)



I just finished Sunbringer, good book. Maybe not quite as good as Godkiller, as it's slow to get going but the back half of the book was superb. I have to wait until next year for the final volume now.

Next up The Hero of Ages. Looking forward to finishing up the first Mistborn trilogy and finding out how Sanderson wraps this story up!

I just received an invite to the Broken Binding subscription so that's exciting ☺️.



Finished Dragons of the Hourglass Mage (Goodreads page) last night and the "Dragonlance: Lost Chronicles" trilogy with it. As with the previous novel in the series, I enjoyed it quite a bit, making the trilogy a winner for me, despite the middling start. I will definitely continue exploring more Dragonlance trilogies that passed me by the first time around (or came out after I moved on to other things).

Now it's on to The Broken Room (Goodreads page) by Peter Clines. Clines has written two of my favourite sci-fi thrillers in recent years, 14 and The Fold, but I wasn't too fond of his two "Threshold" follow-ups and his standalone Paradox Bound didn't engage at all.
So, I've been unsure about this one, but I'm about 20 pages in and it seems we're already in the thick of it, so it has a very promising start, at least 🙂



@MightyDemon82 What is a Broken Binding subscription? And do I want to know or will it only add to an already unwieldy reading list?



@FuriousMachine they do fancy editions of sci-fi/fantasy books. I mainly signed up to get on the list when I heard they were doing Malazan. Which is happening later in the year.

They make beautiful hardcover editions with interior art, sprayed edges and all that Jazz!



@MightyDemon82 Oh no, that's even worse! I'm a sucker for that kind of thing and I can't really afford or have the space for them, two things my collector-without-impulse-control brain ignores on a regular basis... here's hoping they don't ship internationally...



Just finished The Broken Room (Goodreads page) and it was back to form for Peter Clines! While none of his novels are anywhere near bad, 14 and The Fold set the bar so high that the three novels I read from him after never managed to clear it.
This one, however, did, and boy did it ever. It sunk its claws into me from the start and clung on for the duration of the ride. It is very rare that I finish a 400-page novel in three days, but this one simply wouldn't let me go.
It's not officially a Threshold novel, but, I mean... of course it is
Fantastic novel!

Up next is a Harry Bosch double-header.
First up is Angle of Investigation (Goodreads page), three short stories about Michael Connolly's LA detective, followed by a proper full-length novel with The Drop (Goodreads page)

[Edited by FuriousMachine]



@FuriousMachine you're flying through books just now. I guess I'm adding more books to my ever growing list!



@MightyDemon82 Yeah, it's been a good couple of weeks for reading, but as a result I'm falling behind on my Witchering Will be taking on some contracts and hunt down some monsters this weekend, I think.
I hope and think you'll like "The Broken Room", and if you do, you'll probably like "14" and "The Fold" as well.



I started Vathek and Other Stories by William Beckford, apparently the richest man who lived in the 19th century, it is exceptionally well-written Gothic fiction so far, really enjoying it.

N.B I am reading the Penguin Classics version.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


Finished The Last Wish by Andrzej Sapkowski this week and have already ordered Sword of Destiny, quite possibly the most I’ve enjoyed a book in years. The characters, world building and writing were all superb and left me thirsting for more. The next book won’t arrive until sometime next week so I’ve picked up The Body by Stephen King. I was inspired to return to King by the Booksaresick dude, I’ve previously read Misery, Bachman books and the Stand (barely remember it though)

I’ve cautiously created a profile on goodreads to try and keep track and inspire myself, I’ve heard good things about it.

Happy days 👍

[Edited by AgentCooper]

That gum you like is going to come back in style!

PSN: Bundersvessel

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