
Topic: Books You're Currently Reading?

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@FuriousMachine It is now added. It's definitely a book that will be a great T.V. show, that's top actors as well. Is connelly playing Daniela or Amanda?



Just finished Geralt, Ciri and Yennefer's saga with Andrzej Sapkowski's Lady of the Lake (Goodreads page) and I must say I was a tiny bit disappointed.
While the book offers a satisfying conclusion to the series, I found the novel to be... I don't know, unfocused, I guess? I often felt like skipping parts of it in order to get back to the story I wanted to read. For me, the weakest book in the series, but I would still say the series has been a satisfying read and absolutely worthwhile. Also, the book was good enough to earn three stars in my Goodreads review, so it was by no means bad, nor did it dissuade me from reading the (currently) last book about the Witcher either.

Before that, though, I'm going to read A Gentleman in Moscow (Goodreads page) by Amor Towles, a book that came so highly recommended that it went straight to the top of my reading list, which is very rare, if not entirely unprecedented. So, not exactly low expectations, then. Let's see if it delivers

[Edited by FuriousMachine]



I finished Slow Productivity by Cal Newport there the other day. I like the idea behind the book but I feel like he could have summarized the whole thing into an article rather than padding it out into a full book. I also think he needs to branch out in the topics he covers as I'd be interested to hear his thoughts on other things besides work and productivity.



I am still reading The Portable Mark Twain by Penguin Classics, and enjoying it greatly thus far, I think I am in the final third of the book, or thereabouts, and currently re-reading The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (the entire novel is contained within the 'Portable' book along with selections of his other writings) I find it's social critique of certain aspects of American Culture of the day fascinating.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


I Finished up Is Mother Dead by Vigdis Hjorth. It explores the relationship of an artist who has been ostracised from her family.

Next up is The Well of Ascension aka Mistborn book 2!



about finished with Sense and Sensibility and Sea Monsters.

just started re-reading my paperback of Stephen King's Needful Things. re reading it to keep me busy til next month when I get Wheel of Time book 9



I finished The Well of Ascension, looking forward to The Hero of Ages, but going to read some smaller books first. Flowers for Algernon is next up!



Love Flowers for Algernon. Do try not to cry 😭 though.

Currently working through The Short Novels of John Steinbeck. Have read Tortilla Flat, The Red Pony and Of Mice and Men. Just begun The Moon is Down.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@sorteddan I'm a big softy, so I will most definitely cry if it's that upsetting.

I read Of Mice & Men last year, will have to check out Steinbecks other works!



if you liked that one you should add The Grapes of Wrath to your for fire list, in my opinion it's easily the best he's written, at least that I have read. Again though be warned it may upset you as it's a pretty grim downbeat tale.

“We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”


@Black_Swordsman you should "James". A retelling of Huck Finn. From Jim's perspective. I just finished it. It's very good!



@Elodin Thanks friend 😃 I'll be sure to pick that one up. Is it written in the type of language that Twain chooses to portray Jim's speech with? 'Cause I find his speech quite hard to decipher in Huck Finn, although I'm sure I can still manage it, if, like you say, it's worth reading.

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@Black_Swordsman Jim's speech is much easier to read. Also as it is written from his perspective, you get eloquent thoughts throughout. Percival Everett prose is quite good. I need to now read his book Erasure, the book they based the film American Fiction on. As for "James", it's my leading candidate for book of the year. If you read it let me know what you think.



@Elodin I will endeavour to remember that, and to let you know what I think, be sure to let me know how you get on with Erasure as well, please. My next intended book is Mr. Palomar by Italo Calvino or You Can't Win by Jack Black (not that one) , but I should get on to Everett's James right after that ,take care now, and thanks again for the recommendation. 😃

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@sorteddan I finished Flowers for Algernon and I did get a bit misty eyed. I will add Grapes of wrath to the list.



I just finished A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles (Goodreads page) and what an easy five-star read that was! Not only is it beautifully written (with some exceptional turns of phrase as well as few cases of truly inspired alliteration, which I always enjoy), but it is also an incredibly heartwarming and joyous story with some truly delightful characters (chief among them, the main character himself).
The story follows the day-to-day life of Count Rostov, who is confined to house arrest in the Metropol Hotel in Moscow for life following the Russian revolution.
The book has been adapted into a TV series that debuted on Showtime just a few days ago with Ewan McGregor as the count and I believe he is perfect for the role. The trailer for the show (which can be viewed on YouTube from this link) gives a very good indication of what to expect from the novel as well.
I cannot recommend this enough to the readers on here that may enjoy a quiet but enthralling read.

Next up I will finish my Witcher project with the last book published (for now), Season of Storms (Goodreads page)



@MightyDemon82 @sorteddan @Elodin @Black_Swordsman So, that was "Flowers for Algernon", "Grapes of Wrath" and "Erasure" added to my backlog. I'm intrigued by "James" as well, but considering that I haven't read any Twain since... whoah, some time in the 80's, maybe?, I should probably freshen up on Huckleberry Finn first.



Empire of the Damned, sequel to Empire of the Vampire.
I should have finished it by now but I'm taking my time with it.
Read these books.

How are you finding that stretch of the Wheel of Time books?
So many people dread the middle third of the series, but I always enjoyed it.

I'm biased though. It's my favourite series. In the last 26 years I've read it through twice. I've been feeling an itch to go through it all again.

"It's been my lifelong dream to operate a drill a hundred times bigger than me!"

PSN: Shepherd_Tallon

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