
Topic: What PS5 Games Are You Currently Playing?

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@gamer83 Oh intresting to read your note about Tekken it seem as such a cool game. Would be nice to give the game a try sometime. Hm can I ask you what your favorite character in the game was? Have you liked played many Tekken games before?

[Edited by oliverp]



I've played pretty much every Tekken games and think they're all good but my favorites are 3, 5 and 8.- Of them all, 8 might be the easiest for new players to jump into. As much as I play the games, I'm not big on the online competitive scene, mostly just stick to offline modes so there isn't just one particular character I like, there are several. My top 5 are Jin, Nina, Jun, Asuka and one of the new fighters in 8, Azucena.



@Gamer83 What would you say is the best of the recent fighting games for offline play? I see the main 3 all have made an effort on that front. I like what I read the other day that the tutorial is baked into one of the story modes in Tekken 8, if I remember that correctly.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I haven't played Mortal Kombat 1 since I didn't care for X or, especially, 11, but out of Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8, both are phenomenal games with a good amount of content for offline play. I like Tekken 8's a little better but SF 6 does have a story mode that is very comparable to the way Yakuza games are set up. It's very difficult for me to recommend one over the other, you really can't go wrong with either and it mostly comes down to if you prefer 3D or 2D fighting games.



@Gamer83 OK cheers. I've played Mortal Kombat X, but fell off it quite quickly. I might give that another go, as I may have not been in the right mood. And then go from there, if that clicks I shall see about something more recent.

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


I'm still making my way through Persona 3 Reload and enjoying myself a lot. To me playing a new Persona game is an experience. Also bought Helldivers 2 on a whim. I like what I've played so far, but I got off to a bad start because the game closed due to an error as I was about to extract from the first mission I played.


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Jimmer-jammer I see you're enjoying some new-fangled Rogue-lite type of game called Deathloop! What stage of that game are you at now? I see you have been praising it's gameplay and mechanics, and others have said it has been stretched from a dlc-sized experience to a longer game. Would you agree with that? Would you recommend that game? I am still ploughing on in DeS.

Man, the max build is a real commitment! 85 of 99 Vit now, up from 50, so almost done with that stat, then just End & Str to focus on. (25 to 40 & 34 to 66) so won't take as long as Vit did, respectively. Then I can actually enjoy the game with an op build.

On a plus note, I read that Vit can never be soul-sucked by Allant, so I'll never be able to lose any of those levels!

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


I’m currently playing through FF7 Remake to get myself prepped for Rebirth. I haven’t had a lot of time to play due to work and family obligations, but I should be able to beat it sometime before the sequel releases.



@TheBrandedSwordsman Yeah, Deathloop was great! I finished it up couple of days ago but am still thinking about it. I can understand the viewpoint that it’s DLC stretched out into a full game, however cynical I see that assessment as.

I spent about 30 hours on it with roughly 1/3 of that time just getting my bearings, leading me to believe a veteran play through could be managed in a much shorter amount of time. However, getting your bearings and figuring things out really is the mechanical, narrative and thematic crux of the game. There are only 4 areas to explore but 4 times of day to explore them at, essentially leaving 16 levels to complete, stretched further by the amount of times the player needs to replay them. I’d highly recommended it for anyone into this type of game.

I can imagine that’s quite the commitment! How many souls does it even take to level up at that point? Allant doesn’t stand a chance!

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


@Jimmer-jammer Hey man, the game sounds really interesting and I'd be interested in picking it (Deathloop) up if it has any Souls-like mechanics? What's the combat like? Can you become op with enough farming/levelling up? Or is it more linear like Uncharted?

It's costing me about 180,000 souls to level up right now, I do about one or two levels per day. 🤣

[Edited by BlAcK_SwOrDsMaN]

"I cherish my thoughts and hold 'em exclusive, Confucius." - Ransom

PSN: Draco_V_Ecliptic


@TheBrandedSwordsman That’s a lot of souls! You’re a monster 😂

So, there’s no leveling up per se. It’s more roguelike, in that you lose everything upon being looped (dying enough times or finishing a day) and have to start over. It’s a bit like Dark Souls in that, in the few deaths leading up to being looped, you can return to your body and recollect your lost residuum (this games experience/currency/souls).

However, you permanently retain all information collected and any equipment or upgrades that you’ve infused with residuum. You get stronger by killing enemies and collecting trinkets (buffs) which you can then infuse. The same goes for slabs, which grant special powers like turning invisible or teleporting short distances. These are acquired by killing visionaries (essentially the bosses) and upgraded by killing them again and again. Upgrades add extra benefits to powers. For instance, one power that intoxicates the enemy might then spread to other enemies and so on.

The biggest thing is level knowledge and learning how to use everything to your advantage. There’s a lot of agency here. Enemies are deadly but dumb. Want to collect every turret in the level and set up a wall of death to lure enemies into? Go for it! You get the idea…

So yeah, much like a souls game, you can in a sense become OP but it’s more than just raw numbers. Hope you can find the joy in it if you do give it a shot!

Edit: Something I forgot to mention: there’s the whole aspect of being invaded and being able to invade someone else’s game too, so there’s that!!

[Edited by Jimmer-jammer]

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


Sifu is kicking my butt but man, is it ever cool.

“Reason is the natural order of truth; but imagination is the organ of meaning.” C.S. Lewis


The Oregon Trail. Yes, there’s a trophy for dying of dysentery. XD



Finished Ratchet & Clank last night, so downloaded Rift Apart. The first ps4 one is good enough, the ending seemed a bit anticlimactic, and the helix dude seems irrelevant moving forwards lol. The game also had weird audio bugs and direction, where a scene would kind of just end in cutting to complete silence almost before any of the last lines were delivered? Along with the constant "restricted scene gameplay recording paused" pop ups, it was a bit of a weirdly made game, I thought. Considering Insomniac are the darlings of PS. But I digress, it's fun enough to play.

So on to Rift Apart now, which instantly looks like a nice graphical and performance upgrade (trying out the vrr-centric RT/Fidelity uncapped 40fps, or whatever it is. My readout seems to think it is around ~65fps/120fps, but it all seems smooth whatever the real fps is) I just went through the early intro part last night until you end up in an interesting city setting. Seems like the whole game is a lot better executed, so far. So will have a casual play on this from time to time, as it looks and plays nice.

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Hi there fellow gamers.
As of now I´m currently playing Dead Space Remake on my PS5 and enjoying it quite a bit.
The small differences are noteworthy, like Isasc having a voice and deciding to either keep the lights or the oxigen on for opening a door or an elevator. And they changend the actor that plays Hammond, but again, small differences.
Visually it´s stunning, the sound design and the atmosphere is phenomenal and the gameplay is as great as the original was and still is.
Even though I have Granblue Fantasy Relink and Banishers Ghosts of New Eden to play as well, I decided on Dead Space since it´s not that long and thus, I will able to devote my free time to that and some Street Fighter 6 and Tekken 8 matches while I wait for Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth.
Cheers everyone and happy gaming

"Don't regret your past, learn from it. Regrets just make a person weaker".

"Solid Snake"

"Want to be a stronger person? Live the moment of your Present, don´t forget your Past and use it to build up your Future."



Cool that you and your brother finshed the avatar game. Was it any good? Not heard much about it from non reviwers so it would be intresting to know more about what you think about it. The game seem to least have nice graphcis. Ubisoft games seems often to be good in that department.



Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart thread is locked and it's the game i'm currently playing, soooo...

I've found myself not really clicking with this one yet. Nefarious is a Robot now and no-one has acknowledged or commented anything about that yet, which just seems strange when setting up a sequel. I mean, last I know of I whomped him into a glowing core of deplanetizer or whatever.

And I don't know, it just seems flat at the moment, despite looking fantastic.

Ms. Zurkon is incredibly annoying, the mushroom weapon is annoying, the upgrade path has been made more fiddly. And there's no rotating mini map to get your bearings 😭 it's like they used the Quality-of-Life Invertilizer on the game 😅

Is there any hope moving forwards?

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix I enjoyed the PS4 R&C reboot and also Rift Apart. I didn’t particularly prefer one over the other, but I think the 2016 game was a tighter experience overall, with a better story, but honestly, I found the story of both games rather disposable. So I didn’t even consider Nefarious being a robot as a bothersome aspect; I barely remember the narrative of the game. Gameplay-wise I think the two games are really good. Rift Apart has a really great visual flair and the density of things on screen is almost a sensory overload. It took me some adjustment to not be put off by the graphical busyness of it all. In the end I really liked the game though

[Edited by Th3solution]

“We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


Session is really really good. I supported it throughout Alpha on PC but with it on PS Plus now I checked out the PS5 version and it just gets better the more I play. I thought it was pretty impossible to actually capture the spirit of skating in a game but they nail it, the lack of scores encourages more creative play than just going for the big flips and spins. The extensive replay feature is fantastic too, being able to switch between an orbit cam and a skater following you holding a cam is really cool and gives it a proper grungey skate vid production, especially if you use the Sony VX1000 camera, which is super cool that they included it.

The missions make it more of a game than a sim, and they do their job of introducing famous spots around NYC, Philly and San Fran while having fairly challenging goals. The roster of pros is obviously street oriented and it’s cool to have Daewon Song (a genuine legend) in a game. Mark Appleyard in particular is cool to have for me because Flip’s Sorry is such an iconic tape, somewhat tempted to skate around as him and stick some Placebo on to recreate it.

What really pushes the game over the edge for me though is the historical challenge addition. Basically all over the map, if you recreate a famous trick at a specific spot then the game recognises it and gives you cash with a little acknowledgment of who landed it first in real life. They’re totally hidden too, no hints, so people who know a thing or two about skating have a huge advantage. I reckon people outside of that would only find one or two the whole game. Some are brutally difficult too but that just makes them more fun, I was trying to land a bigspin into a BS Tailslide on the Pyramid Ledges in NYC and I was at it for over half an hour just resetting trying to nail that one trick, which is exactly what it’s all about.

The controls are hard to get used to from Skate 3 but they’re super rewarding when you get used to them, left stick is your front foot and right stick is your back, so that completely emulates switch and fakie tricks because you just need to keep track of where those feet are the whole time and the stick corresponds to them. The insane range of options and experimental features lets you tweak the controls and physics as much as you want too, I’ve added semi-manual catching of tricks so that I can do darkslides and primo tricks but I keep a few things automatic because I’m not 100% comfortable with all the training wheels off yet. Adding pedestrians made the city more lively but also makes it annoying when you bump into them just like real life!

I get this game would probably be a dud for people who’ve never skated but it’s such a love letter to the street scene that it’s honestly the only PS5 game I can be bothered playing these days other than dabbling in FIFA.

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Downloaded Helldivers 2
Had a bit of a problem entering the game first ("servers at capacity" into "maximum logins reached", which didn't seem to go away - restarting the game took care of that though) but once you're in it's very quick to get into and the gameplay just works.
Obviously playing with friends and voice chat is clearly the way to go


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