
Topic: Question for Developers! Does it bother you that only 30ish % of gamers will see the end of your games?

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Questions for PS5 game developers and designers re: level design:

—Does it bother you that most people who buy your game(s) won’t play it to the end? Why or why not?
—The majority of players will play the first level and maybe the second and third, but likely won’t reach the end of the game. Does this affect your game design?
—Obviously, games need to make a great first impression to grab the gamers’ attention and keep ‘em playing. Do you set up your game so the first few levels are the coolest, most awesome? Or do you set the game up so that the levels get better as the game goes on (thereby rewarding the 25 or 30% who reach the end)?
—With so many games on the market, nearly everyone has a backlog of games they own but haven’t played yet. Is it frustrating that people might buy your games but not invest any time in them right away?
—Within a game, not every level is as good as the next (or last)…
——Are there any inferior levels you’ve created where you wish you could remove them from your game, because you feel like the game suffers because of that/those levels?
——As time goes on, it’s true that some games add additional content (i.e. more levels or improvements to existing levels), but if a game doesn’t sell well, there’s just not a demand for more. Are there games you’ve created or worked on where you wish you could go back and add more to it…to beef it up and make it even better?




Does it bother you that most people who buy your game(s) won’t play it to the end? Why or why not?

Do any developers read the forum?

Why would a developer bother whether the buyers finish the game or not -

The way it works is that a Publisher pays a Developer to make a game, and the Dev is fully paid when the game is complete. That means that before any game is sold, sent to retailers, or even down-loaded onto the servers, the Developer is already paid.
A game can be a hit or a complete bomb...sold new or used, and the Developer was already paid in full.

[Edited by Max_Headroom]



@Max_Headroom Thanks for the comment. So, if I understand correctly, you’re thinking that people who create video games don’t visit sites like PushSquare to see how their games are viewed by gamers? They have no interest in whether people play, like, or finish their games? They’re only interested in whether someone buys it. Hmm.

I watched a documentary a few years ago about video games, and it featured the dude who made FEZ. He was so worried about whether anyone would play his game. He really, really wanted his game to be loved. The morning of the video game expo, he was setting up his display/play area where people could watch and play FEZ, and he was visibly shaking from nervousness.

But, perhaps that FEZ dev was the only guy who cared. I mean, no one else has responded to this thread. 😉




jgrangervikings1 wrote:

I watched a documentary a few years ago about video games, and it featured the dude who made FEZ. He was so worried about whether anyone would play his game. He really, really wanted his game to be loved. The morning of the video game expo, he was setting up his display/play area where people could watch and play FEZ, and he was visibly shaking from nervousness.

I guess they only get one chance if the game bombs they may not get another.


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