
Topic: Monster Hunter Rise

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Wasn't sure where to put this, but I bet most of you probably own and play on a PS5.

Who here is planning on jumping on the MH Rise train once it's ported to PS consoles in January?

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


be doing it on GP, but very much looking forward to more MH, Iceborne was my favourite ps4 game



I was actually looking forward to it whenever there was a campaign (or a collaboration event) I care about. Now it is time to wonder where on the busy schedule I can place those 6o+ hours to fully explore everything.

You are a gamer, hold your head up high.

PSN: Avatarian598


It’s still in its cellophane for the Switch 😬

Plumbing’s just Lego innit. Water Lego.

Trans rights are human rights.


Can't say I'll be jumping as soon as in January but I'm looking forward to giving it a shot down as looking at the footage when it first released is what actually got me interested in trying these games!

World is probably stupid cheap right now of course but maybe this'd be a bit more beginner friendly for a Monster Hunter newbie?

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Day one.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


An amazing game, and so much 'bang for buck'...

Rise was/is my first MH experience, and once you get past the overwhelming number of mechanics - it is really quite excellent.

I've poured 500hrs into Rise and the Sunbreak expansion in the last 2 years, and it is the perfect 'side-game' to anything meatier you might be playing. It is fairly 'arcade-y' and ideal for short play sessions, a few hunts here and there.

Runs pretty well on Switch, but I must confess I'm quite envious of those who will embark on the journey via PS/XB - will surely look amazing!

@HallowMoonshadow My brother played World and also Rise, and says that Rise is by far an easier 'entry game' to the series. It was my first, but I researched a bit and reached out to the community on topics I was unsure about.... Reddit pretty good also



Will definitely play it on series x via gamepass.



@CJD87 @HallowMoonshadow Haven't played World (...yet... although I'm afraid by the time I get to it, there'll be nobody on PSN to play with to get the mp trophies), but Rise is absolutely a super accessible entry in the series. I mean, there's still a ton of stuff to learn, and plenty of complexity in terms of builds/weapon handling/etc., but it's so much less clunky and slow-paced than the last few 3DS entries, which were, themselves, pretty big improvements on MHTri/3U, which was itself easier to get into than the PSP/PS2 entries before them.

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


I like the game but the microtransactions are just too much. It costs $5 just to visit the game's version of the face sculptor from Skyrim. That sort of thing should be free. WTF Capcom? There's way too many elf ears or feather hats that take 10 minutes to 3D model, yet the developers want $3 for them. If you want all the emote stamps in the game it will cost you over $20. I could buy a physical manga for that much money with hundreds of pages of art. The emote stamps would cover maybe 5 pages of a manga and are digital only. These emote stamps took some artist an hour to make tops. They are just another example of something that should have been included free in the game. Capcom is out to nickel and dime its customer base.

There's also no cross-save.

[Edited by GameCollector84]



Oh apologies I thought I'd replied to these already. My bad @CJD87 & @Ralizah!

Have to admit the fact it's turned out to be digital only has deflated my sails somewhat on getting Rise. Espscially when it turns out it's the more accessible/newbie friendly entry. Hopefully they'll change that and make a Physical version with the expansion bundled in.

Not adverse to digital or digital only releases mind you... Just I'm not gonna commit a big chunk of change to a digital copy only to find out I don't like it and no way to get something back!

Previously known as Foxy-Goddess-Scotchy

"You don't have to save the world to find meaning in life. Sometimes all you need is something simple, like someone to take care of"


Looking forward to playing this game, although I've read that the events in Rise are a bit underwhelming compared to World's.

One person said on Reddit that in Rise, there's a the long list of layered weapons/armour sets being sold as MTX, while in-game the events are just stickers, emotes and some layered earrings.

In World those layered weapons and armour sets were free. Most of World's MTX items were emotes, pendants, house decorations and different skins for the handler.

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@HallowMoonshadow Completely understand your take/disappointment in regards to the 'digital only' announcement... as I also prefer to buy physical where possible.

I'd still urge you to take the plunge though, as the amount of content within this game is absolutely unreal... I've only ever used 1 weapon since starting, and 500hrs later am still using the same weapon!

The endgame is pretty good also, and the potential to min/max your builds via the Quiros Crafting mechanic is really well thought out IMO.

For sure, there are quite a few MTX 'cosmetic' items.... but I don't hold this against Capcom, as industry reports indicate there is huge revenue to be gained from inclusion of these elements. (If I was Capcom, I'd probably do the same!) And in fairness, Capcom have supported this game really well with significant and frequent 'title updates' every few weeks since the expansion dropped.

It is honestly awesome, never thought I could ever get sucked into a game so deeply!



Does anyone know the frame rate for PS4 Pro? A friend of mine was asking. I told him it's most likely going to be 30fps but I'm not sure.

[Edited by WanderingBullet]

Huntin' monsters erryday.


@WanderingBullet I believe Capcom have confirmed that 60fps will only be attainable on PS5 (not PS4 sadly).

However, as someone who played this game on Switch for 500+ hours (!) - 30fps is actually OK, and this is a really solid game.

I'd really encourage your friend to not let the 30fps put him off. The game runs pretty good on Switch, with only a few dips here & there... so PS4 pro should be a massive improvement on this.



@CJD87 Thanks, man. His never played any MH games before but was curious about the game in general since I'm getting it.

Huntin' monsters erryday.


Started playing the game on the PS5 today and noticed that the shadows are very grainy/chequered during the cutscenes at the beginning. It wasn't like that on the PS4 when I played it last week.

Huntin' monsters erryday.

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