
Topic: Helldivers 2

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I jumped on board a few days ago, absolutely loving Helldivers 2!!!
I understand there has been issues with getting logged in/match making etc, However when in game its brilliant fun. Unless I somehow completely missed it, I don't recall seeing a big hype or release, I stumbled upon it on the PS Store, and for Β£34.99 compared to the usual Β£70 prices, I thought it was a bargain.

So who has all joined the fight for democracy?



I've been playing it this week - it's great.
Looks like the server situation was significantly improved today, I didn't see the "Servers at capacity" message once (I presume kicking inactive players played a part in this).

There are still some bugs to iron out but they don't get in the way of fun too much.



I haven't played it as much as I'd like, but what I have played has been really enjoyable. I have 9 days off next week and nothing to do except game, so I'll be putting a lot of time into it... If I can pull myself away from Final Fantasy VII Rebirth!


PSN: Bentleyma-


@Voltan The bugs that you fight in the game, or technical bugs?

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


Yaeh, loving it. Annyone want to jump in anytime just add me. Gamer tag in my bio πŸ‘


PSN: Kidfunkadelic-83


I don’t know if I’ll get this game, but I was wondering β€” how has it been playing with randoms? Is the online community good? I saw the article about some cheaters and it made me wonder if the game has become big enough that it’s bringing out all the idiots that are part of what I dislike about online gaming. Especially with friendly fire, I could see a possible scenario where your teammate just starts shooting the crew for no reason just because they think it’s funny.

[Edited by Th3solution]

β€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I've played with randoms less than with friends but the few missions I did were completely fine. Mind that they were all on "normal" difficulty (aka level 3 out of 9) - I wouldn't be too surprised if it got worse on higher levels.
Anyway, my fellow Helldivers were cooperative and objective-focused and the in-game ping and emote system makes communicating without voice chat pretty easy.

[Edited by Voltan]



@Voltan It’s good to hear that the community isn’t completely filled with rogues and agitators (yet?) πŸ˜„.
Perhaps it helps that the game is a purchased product (as opposed to F2P) and so people go into it with the right frame of mind to have fun with the game the right way.

In fairness, I hold onto my biases against online shooters based on experiences from a long time ago and so it may be better nowadays. And most of my past online exploits were PvP settings, so the co-op backdrop of this game likely attracts a different crowd also.

β€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I read that first paragraph wrong then, and thought you had said 'alligators'! πŸ˜‚

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


@JohnnyShoulder I hadn’t even considered that there may be alligators in the online shooter community! 🐊

I’m not sure their little arms could hold the DualSense. πŸ˜‚

β€œWe cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”


@Th3solution I say we start a riot if it is not announced as dlc!

Life is more fun when you help people succeed, instead of wishing them to fail.

Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

PSN: JohnnyShoulder


At this moment in time I've probably divided my playing time between 75% with randoms and 25% with friends and I have to say I have yet to come across any issues playing with randoms. Nobody has purposely ruined or been toxic.

I have read online about some cheating going on within the PC community that play the game, so I will admit that i have cross play turned off, PS5 players only and nothing bad to report.

The Dev also has ironed out a good few of the early connection issues etc.



How is this game for onboarding new players?

I keep getting tempted, as it's the next hyped thing, and playing games I wouldn't usually play has been my mantra for a few years now, as it is the best way to broaden one's horizons πŸ˜†

But I've not played an online shooter (or any kind of actual love service title) for a very long time, and have zero experience with newer looter shooters. So I've just got a feeling it's going to be a bunch of screens with perks and unlocks to hurriedly study, before being plopped onto a planet with some vaugue goal, and I'll just have no real idea what I'm doing half the time πŸ˜…πŸ˜…πŸ˜…

[Edited by Ravix]

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


@Ravix you'll be fine. I don't play it as much as I'd like but it's easy to drop into a game and enjoy it. You can always play it solo on the easiest difficulty to learn the mechanics until you're up to speed - there really isn't that much to it.
Higher ranked people in the squad can also provide you with items and weapons you wouldn't have access to at your starting level.

[Edited by MatthewJP]

PSN: mpquikster


@Ravix This game has no loot (at least not the 23466 variations of a weapon with different stats kind) and you pretty much start with a standard loadout and can only start unlocking things one by one after a few missions. The tutorial takes about 5 minutes because the design philosophy of this game is to make the mechanics simple but effective.
Objectives are also clear with an icon on the map and detailed instructions once you get close to it.
The only thing that can be overwhelming is the number of enemies you can find yourself surrounded by sometimes



@MatthewJP @Voltan

I might go for it πŸ˜† The last online co-op that I played (that isn't fifa/fc24 Pro clubs) was Elden Ring, which was an absolutely hilarious co-op community. It was like everyone was actively trying to be silly as sh** during segments of no combat 😁

When you say squads can provide items and weapons, is it clear when they are doing it for others, rather than trying to get their own gear sorted? That's a role I'd probably take myself, like a democracy santa gifting players nukes or whatever πŸ˜‚ but I can imagine it could be annoying if people are trying to supply drop and someone nicks their items too??

When it seems you're out of luck.
There's just one man who gives a f*************ck


Ravix wrote:

When you say squads can provide items and weapons, is it clear when they are doing it for others, rather than trying to get their own gear sorted? That's a role I'd probably take myself, like a democracy santa gifting players nukes or whatever πŸ˜‚ but I can imagine it could be annoying if people are trying to supply drop and someone nicks their items too??

People usually call weapons for themselves but you can also point at a weapon/ammo pack (as well as various other objects) and press R1 to issue a ping which clearly tells people it's there for the taking.
There also weapons that actively encourage cooperation, let me provide a couple examples:

  • early on you can unlock a rocket launcher that carries a single piece of ammo but the drop contains two of them - which means that unless you're very close to a big target and can fire it and then pick up the other one, it's probably best used by having another player take the other one
  • there's a number of powerful weapons that come with a special ammo backpack required for reloading - and while you can take the backpack yourself and reload your own weapon, the reload process is much faster if another player has the backpack and reloads it for you (and I mean like 1/10 the time needed).

The game really encourages cooperation that way.
Getting your stuff picked up before you can is a thing that can definitely happen in theory but I've yet to see it actually happen in a mission.
Obviously the game is the most fun if you can get some friends in the voice chat.

[Edited by Voltan]



I was just playing a LVL5 mission with 2 friends, except they were both on PC and apparently there's a weekly Steam server maintenance happening every Tuesday night, right about the time we were done with 1 of 3 objectives.
This means I was suddenly left alone... and I managed to complete the mission, killing 5 or 6 Charger bugs along the way and successfully extracting on my last life, with 30s left on the clock.
Never felt more alive πŸ˜‚

Oh, the mission had a modifier that made every stratagem call take twice as long, which definitely didn't make it any easier (that includes the call for extraction btw)


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