
Topic: Game suggestions

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@Anke Whoa! You weren't kidding. 262 completed games. 👏 I assume you have access to a TARDIS.

No worries about overshadowing chat, it happens the whole time. Besides we're a community and trying to help. But to be safe i've created a new forum thread.

I'm spit balling here so you might not like them, or perhaps you played these elsewhere. But just going off your PSN Profiles list. I personally recommend all of these.

You seemed to like Elden Ring, but you don't have Dark Souls 1-3 or Bloodborne on the list. The first 3 can all be played at 60fps. Plus Ni-Oh 1&2 if you like those.

You have some JRPG's on the list but don't have Tales of Arise (currently £13.99), or getting into a longer series like Trails in the Sky. There's about 10 of them. lol

Talking of longer series. You've played Yakuza 6 but ow about Zero - 5, Like a Dragon or Judgement aren't on the list. Alternatively Telltales The Walking Dead

How about Metroidvania's like Hollow Knight, Yoku's Island Express (a charming mix of metroidvania and pinball), Ender Lillies or Bloodstained.

Pixel art games like Cyber Shadow, Katana Zero, The Messenger or Celeste and a few all time classics that aren't on your list, though you may have played them elsewhere. Journey, Mass Effect Trilogy or VVVVVV (it's short but one of the simplest but most addictive games of all time).

If you really want to always have something to play , how about open ended games like Minecraft, Terraria, Stardew Valley or a live service like Genshin Impact trust me these all eat up the hours!

Hope that helps. It was fun looking for possible gaps in your list.

Failing all that get another console. lol.

[Edited by themightyant]



Wow, I'm really grateful you took the time to type this list for me.
Quite a few of them I've not heard of such as the pixel art ones and some I've actually been scared of starting for some reason, namely the souls lot, so this is as good as excuse as any to pick one.
Thanks @themightyant I really appreciate this.


PSN: ankeuk


I thought I'd give your profile a look over too and we seem to have quite the mix of similar games as well as some not which makes for an interesting comparison.
I've bookmarked your profile so I can pick up some recommendations from there too
Thanks again


PSN: ankeuk


No worries mate. Always nice to share this hobby we love.

Wish you luck finding something to play! Let me know if you play any, and if so how you get on, even if you didn't like them

If I think of any more i'll add them too.

[Edited by themightyant]



Thanks @themightyant I picked the first of your recommendations this week, Yoku's Island Express.
It was brilliant hilarious fun, I can't believe it had passed me by.
I had a fab two days finishing it 100%, thanks again


PSN: ankeuk


@Anke That's great! It's such a brilliant little game. Who would have thought Pinball + metroidvania would work, but it does! It has oodles of charm. Glad you enjoyed it.


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