
Topic: PS4 recommendation thread

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So I am thinking of picking up a racing game for the PS4 probably is I can't decide between Drive Club or The Crew? Any suggestions? Like how do the games play? Is there any offline co-op so that my son or if I have a friend over we race together?

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

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PSN: Tasuki3711


Tasuki wrote:

So I am thinking of picking up a racing game for the PS4 probably is I can't decide between Drive Club or The Crew? Any suggestions? Like how do the games play? Is there any offline co-op so that my son or if I have a friend over we race together?

Drive Club is good, but it's a very simple and straightforward driving game. There are three modes: pure racing, time attack and drift challenge. So it's all about racing and getting the fastest times possible. It's a lot of fun because of the amazing graphics, cornering and sense of speed. It's a good game when you're looking for something simple like going around a track and shaving seconds of your time. I love it, but it's a simple game that lacks the variety and razzmatazz that I think an open world game like The Crew has.

[Edited by Weskerb]



Personally I would opt to spend my money on Dying Light as it offers a lot more for your money. Alternatively you could buy the Order and trade it in the next day after completing it for Dying Light

A pessimist is just an optimist with experience!

Why can't life be like gaming? Why can't I restart from an earlier checkpoint??

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PSN: TaimeDowne


Tasuki wrote:

So I am thinking of picking up a racing game for the PS4 probably is I can't decide between Drive Club or The Crew? Any suggestions? Like how do the games play? Is there any offline co-op so that my son or if I have a friend over we race together?

Depending on how serious you want your racing games I'd say wait for Project Cars. It's gonna be the best in a very long time. I've been part of the crowdfunding team since the beginning and saw it shape up over the last couple of years. It's going to be phenomenal!

Driveclub is the more arcadey affair. Certainly not bad if this is up your alley. The Crew is a mess though. Horrid physics, plenty of pointless Ubisoftesque fille objectives and such sort...

Hope that helped!

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


Wesker wrote:

Cool. I think I'm going to get Dying Light. There is only one thing holding me back: I've got the impression from some videos that it could be similar to an Ubisoft open-world game, where you spend a lot of time running around looking for and opening chests and collecting fairly pointless collectibles. The is not the kind of gameplay I'm looking for. Can anyone comment? Cheers!

You do have to scrounge for materials to craft, but this is done rather easily, most of which you can get by just looting Zombie corpses and the odd box here and there. If you're not going for the Plat but just play it casual there isn't too much "pointless collectibles" involved. There certainly are plenty of such but its mandatory to go after them, even all the side quests are optional, I highly recommend doing them though as they will result in highly entertaining weird dialogues and also good rewards in form of upgrades and weapons! You'll see, Dying Light is MUCH more than the sum of its parts!

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


@Scollurio sounds good. I like side quests, especially ones that add flavor and narrative to the game. I also like scavenging for resources. After Far Cry 4 I'm sick of collecting things only for the sake of xp. Dying light doesn't sound like that, the game world seems thicker as well... I wanna play it!



Wesker wrote:

@Scollurio sounds good. I like side quests, especially ones that add flavor and narrative to the game. I also like scavenging for resources. After Far Cry 4 I'm sick of collecting things only for the sake of xp. Dying light doesn't sound like that, the game world seems thicker as well... I wanna play it!

If you got at least one guy to play with the game really shines and there are plenty hilarious situations that will make you laugh!

Top 5 Indies I'd recommend you try: #1 Lovecraft's Untold Stories, #2 Moonlighter, #3 Hotline Miami, #4 Inside, #5 Into the Breach.

PSN: Scollurio | Twitter:


BAMozzy wrote:

Personally I would opt to spend my money on Dying Light as it offers a lot more for your money. Alternatively you could buy the Order and trade it in the next day after completing it for Dying Light

With Left 4 Dead, Dead Island and Resident Evil I have enough Zombie games, but thanks anyways.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Metro Redux is one of the best games on the system, the amount of content its incredible, played those games on PC when they came out (and was searching for something to play on my PS4), but having a full week of Metro just remind me why i thought both games were the GOTY of their respective years

The atmosphere of the metro games are unrivalled, the world that 4A games created is just incredible.

On a side note, the books are amazing too

[Edited by Faruko]

WiiU: FarukoSH
3DS FC: 4640-0256-4473
Steam: Farukool
PSN: Farukosh


Faruko wrote:

Metro Redux is one of the best games on the system, the amount of content its incredible, played those games on PC when they came out (and was searching for something to play on my PS4), but having a full week of Metro just remind me why i thought both games were the GOTY of their respective years

The atmosphere of the metro games are unrivalled, the world that 4A games created is just incredible.

On a side note, the books are amazing too

I might give Metro another chance. When I played Last Light I didn't even get passed the prison. The fail states really pissed me off. If I persevere I expect it will get better. Though I won't go back to the PS3 version, I'll get Redux for PS4 at a decent price.



Wesker wrote:

Faruko wrote:

Metro Redux is one of the best games on the system, the amount of content its incredible, played those games on PC when they came out (and was searching for something to play on my PS4), but having a full week of Metro just remind me why i thought both games were the GOTY of their respective years

The atmosphere of the metro games are unrivalled, the world that 4A games created is just incredible.

On a side note, the books are amazing too

I might give Metro another chance. When I played Last Light I didn't even get passed the prison. The fail states really pissed me off. If I persevere I expect it will get better. Though I won't go back to the PS3 version, I'll get Redux for PS4 at a decent price.

They are definitely diamonds in the rough and not for everyone

they have a lot of problems and no one cant deny that, but if you can overlook them they are something you HAVE to experience... Redux solved A LOT of those problems too (and the framerate its locked at 60fps in beatiful 1080p).

One couldeven argue that the original Metro 2033 had its charm with all those problems, like if you were actually down there, in the metro

[Edited by Faruko]

WiiU: FarukoSH
3DS FC: 4640-0256-4473
Steam: Farukool
PSN: Farukosh


I'll add DmC Definitive Edition to the list now that I've had some enough time with it. Lots of content, fast, fluid and, most importantly, fun hack 'n' slash action. Well worth it, especially if you enjoy action games and haven't played this before. Just go in with an open mind and there's a lot of good to be found. I can't believe this game had so many haters, but most of it was over stupid, petty bs.



If you haven't done it on PS3/Vita then I'd recommend Sound Shapes. In my five years of primarily PlayStation gaming it's the best first/second party game I've played. Simple to pick up, exceptional music, beautiful, hair-pullingly challenging in Death Mode and most importantly of all it's tonnes of fun.

[Edited by rastamadeus]

"Oh smeg. What the smegging smegs he smegging done? He's smegging killed me."

PSN: Rastamadeus | Twitter:


Which is the better game to start with; dark souls II or bloodborne? I don't have very much time to play games and I have heard that these games require a lot of time to invest. However, both of them seem really good, are they about equally difficult?






Infamous Second Son is a beautiful graphics game. I love the facial movements and the expressions just match perfectly. My other games are Lego The Movie...sorry, but's it's just a fun lego platform game that is very addicting to my wife and I, Tomb the graphics and gameplay, Akiba's Trip Undead And Undressed...just an amazing game and Knack. Sorry about Knack, but I think it's fun while waiting for Ratchet and Clank or a new Jak and Daxter...yup, I love platform adventures and party and puzzle games. I'm sorry to say that I do like Murdered Soul Suspect too...even though it's a complete copy of the movie Ghost.


PSN: JLpick


Are any of the free to play games any good on PS4?

Dragon's Dogma 2 Pawn ID: OM7GKB029K3D

PSN: Splathew


Splat wrote:

Are any of the free to play games any good on PS4?

warframe is alright, almost like Destiny behind a couple time/paywalls.

PSN: ClayDavis83



DestinationPs wrote:

Which is the better game to start with; dark souls II or bloodborne? I don't have very much time to play games and I have heard that these games require a lot of time to invest. However, both of them seem really good, are they about equally difficult?

Bloodborne. The Dark Souls II rerelease is more difficult (not in a good way, but in a 'high level enemies start popping up early in the game' way) and has worse level design.

[Edited by Ralizah]

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah

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