
Topic: PS4 recommendation thread

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I am honestly not sure if you are joking or being serious and if you are being serious I have to ask have you been livin under a rock?  

Driveclub is a complete mess right now.  The online works sporadically and there is still no word on the PSN+ version.  Your best bet is to just wait till Driveclub gets fixed to take it for a spin.  However I will say that given the problems it has the potential of being a great game especially if you are a fan of the Project Gotham series on Xbox or Metropolis Street Racer on the Dreamcast.  But yeah your best bet is to keep waiting.

No need to be rude, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't serious and yes, I know about the online problems. Those things tend to work out eventually and don't usually make a game bad in the long run. I was asking about the quality of the game itself. The reviews are pretty mixed.



Wasn't being rude and I apologize if it seemed that way. 

I think the real reason the reviews were mixed is because reviewers were comparing it to Forza or GT which is like comparing apples and oranges.  Yes they are both racing games but Driveclub is more of an arcade racer then a sim.  As I said before it's more like Project Gotham Racing. 

From what I have heard gameplay wise the game is great its just online thats a mess so if that doesn't bother you then go for it.  If you are looking to be playing Driveclub mostly online then you are going to want to wait.

RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.

My Backlog

PSN: Tasuki3711


Wasn't being rude and I apologize if it seemed that way. 

I think the real reason the reviews were mixed is because reviewers were comparing it to Forza or GT which is like comparing apples and oranges.  Yes they are both racing games but Driveclub is more of an arcade racer then a sim.  As I said before it's more like Project Gotham Racing. 

From what I have heard gameplay wise the game is great its just online thats a mess so if that doesn't bother you then go for it.  If you are looking to be playing Driveclub mostly online then you are going to want to wait.

Fine, I might go for it then since online gaming doesn't really matter for me. Thanks!



Wasn't being rude and I apologize if it seemed that way. 

I think the real reason the reviews were mixed is because reviewers were comparing it to Forza or GT which is like comparing apples and oranges.  Yes they are both racing games but Driveclub is more of an arcade racer then a sim.  As I said before it's more like Project Gotham Racing. 

From what I have heard gameplay wise the game is great its just online thats a mess so if that doesn't bother you then go for it.  If you are looking to be playing Driveclub mostly online then you are going to want to wait.

Fine, I might go for it then since online gaming doesn't really matter for me. Thanks!

The gameplay is pretty solid and entertaining... not a sim but not even a easy arcade racer.... it tooks time to master each car, they come with different behaviours and different driving styles are required.... the physic is not too real, but it doesn't allow you to make too many mistakes.... driving clean still reward you...

the difference between this game and other racers like GT or Forza is that this is more a "pick your car, learn how to drive it and race". STOP. No farming for upgrades, no setups.... you race and you win or lose just depending on how you are good in handle your vehicle, not because you got or not some cool NOS or turbo upgrade....

I kind of like it, makes it so addictive and immediate, even if, at least for me, take a long time to learn all the tracks (there are many) and how to master each car.... at the moment, I am learning one per each class, and compete with that on multiplayer....

PS: the multiplayer today seems very much improved, not toally fixed, but you can connect to the servers the most of the time...

Hope I was helpful, see ya on tracks (maybe )

[Edited by arnoldlayne83]

psn: markthesovver83 ; Nnid: arnoldlayne83

PSN: markthesovver83


That's some solid information, thanks! I get more and more convinced that driveclub is the game for me. A game that seems more focused on driving skills and less on uppgrades sounds great!



Tomb raider right nowv has me addicted but yea I was Diablo, destiny and the new call of duty.. Anyone test play the new cod.?,if someone did can you  fill me in please?



Samurai Warriors 4 is great. Definitely not a button masher. It has a deep combo system. Chronicles Mode is great. The dialouge and events really are great. If you're thinking about playing a Watriors game, this is a great one to get.



Just started playing Wolfenstein.  It is a traditional FPS but plays and looks great.  I like Shooter campaigns more than multiplayer and am really liking Wolfenstein.  Highly reccommended.



Which game do you recommend the most; shadow of mordor or dragon age inquisition? I am looking for an rpg/adventure with lots of exploration, good combat system and a more or less open world.



Which game do you recommend the most; shadow of mordor or dragon age inquisition? I am looking for an rpg/adventure with lots of exploration, good combat system and a more or less open world.

So then Mordor, even if it is not really an rpg (you cannot change equipment or weapons for example). But if you are looking for an amazing, pure western rpg, go for Dragon age anyway. It is so good (for me and many other is even better than skyrim) and there is plenty of customization... plus more than 100 hours of gameplay.

Maybe, concidering what you wrote (what you are looking for), I would also consider Lords of The Fallen, it is a great action rpg with a very deep combat system... something in between darksiders and dark souls.

[Edited by arnoldlayne83]

psn: markthesovver83 ; Nnid: arnoldlayne83

PSN: markthesovver83


Which game do you recommend the most; shadow of mordor or dragon age inquisition? I am looking for an rpg/adventure with lots of exploration, good combat system and a more or less open world.

So then Mordor, even if it is not really an rpg (you cannot change equipment or weapons for example). But if you are looking for an amazing, pure western rpg, go for Dragon age anyway. It is so good (for me and many other is even better than skyrim) and there is plenty of customization... plus more than 100 hours of gameplay.

Maybe, concidering what you wrote (what you are looking for), I would also consider Lords of The Fallen, it is a great action rpg with a very deep combat system... something in between darksiders and dark souls.

Thanks! I have considered lords of the fallen, it looks pretty good and I like darksiders. Is it as hard as many reviewers say? I have no problem with hard games though as long as they don't get to frustrating. Dagon age seems amazing and I just saw shadow of mordor at a very good price. Tough choice and I don't have much gaming time right now...



Which game do you recommend the most; shadow of mordor or dragon age inquisition? I am looking for an rpg/adventure with lots of exploration, good combat system and a more or less open world.

So then Mordor, even if it is not really an rpg (you cannot change equipment or weapons for example). But if you are looking for an amazing, pure western rpg, go for Dragon age anyway. It is so good (for me and many other is even better than skyrim) and there is plenty of customization... plus more than 100 hours of gameplay.

Maybe, concidering what you wrote (what you are looking for), I would also consider Lords of The Fallen, it is a great action rpg with a very deep combat system... something in between darksiders and dark souls.

Thanks! I have considered lords of the fallen, it looks pretty good and I like darksiders. Is it as hard as many reviewers say? I have no problem with hard games though as long as they don't get to frustrating. Dagon age seems amazing and I just saw shadow of mordor at a very good price. Tough choice and I don't have much gaming time right now...

LOTF is hard but not impossible and definitely not frustrating... You will win or loose a fight according to how you play... it is not a buttons smasher (this technique will lead you to a quick death), I honestly enjoyed very much the combat system.


I bet Lords of the Fallen will be going cheap in the sales after Christmas, so I'd hold tight just a little while if you're planning on picking up that.

Agree with you. Just wait to get it after christmas, and with the money you'll save you can also get the expansion which will be release soon!

[Edited by arnoldlayne83]

psn: markthesovver83 ; Nnid: arnoldlayne83

PSN: markthesovver83


I bet Lords of the Fallen will be going cheap in the sales after Christmas, so I'd hold tight just a little while if you're planning on picking up that.

Good idea, it will probably be on sale then. Seems like a good game from the gameplay I have seen so far.



Recently got a PS4 with the 4 Games Pick 1 deal. I was curious about the quality of the various games, as I've never played Far Cry/Little Big Planet in any of their variants, being primarily a Nintendo gamer. LBP3 looks interesting, but I typically get bored easily with "creative" games that force you to make your own fun. Is Destiny primarily an MMO, or can it be played like a single-player game and still be rewarding? Finally, is Far Cry 4 more like Just Cause 2, a sandbox action game with a largely empty world pretty much the only thing you can do is shoot enemies, or Skyrim/Fallout, where the world is filled with entertaining places and stories?

Currently Playing: Marvel's Spider-Man: Game of the Year Edition (PS4); Plants vs Zombies (PC)

PSN: Ralizah


Recently got a PS4 with the 4 Games Pick 1 deal. I was curious about the quality of the various games, as I've never played Far Cry/Little Big Planet in any of their variants, being primarily a Nintendo gamer. LBP3 looks interesting, but I typically get bored easily with "creative" games that force you to make your own fun. Is Destiny primarily an MMO, or can it be played like a single-player game and still be rewarding? Finally, is Far Cry 4 more like Just Cause 2, a sandbox action game with a largely empty world pretty much the only thing you can do is shoot enemies, or Skyrim/Fallout, where the world is filled with entertaining places and stories?

Destiny in single player is mediocre at best. If you are looking for a good shooter go for far cry, metro redux, wolfenstein or killzone. Destiny is good at multiplayer, but be ready for days of total useless and randomic grinding and looting.

Far cry 4, imo, is a good balance between a sandbox fps and something a lil more complex... definitely worth a buy.

Ps: stay away from destiny if you value your own life.

psn: markthesovver83 ; Nnid: arnoldlayne83

PSN: markthesovver83


I thought we could use a thread where you can post game recommendations/ask for recommendations. I can start off by recommending trials fusion, a great rewarding motorcycle/motorvehicle game, perfect to play if you don't have much time but also fun to play with friends. On top of this it has got a good price in the PS store. I am also wondering which of these three games you recommend the most:

Diablo III
The last of us remastered
Infamous second son

I'd agree with those, is also suggest Octodad, Dragon Age instead of Diablo, Silent Hills demo P.T.,Rayman Legends.



Trials Fusion is a pretty good game. Infamous Second Son really shows off some impressive graphics (the facial movement is incredible). Rayman Legends is a great rerelease and MLB14 is a great baseball game (could have been better if it was just made for the PS4). Another great title is Tomb Raider...the graphics and lights are incredible in the game. The ones that I want to know if there any good is Drive Club and Middle Earth. I was disappointed in the Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare...not even close to the original strategy design


PSN: JLpick


JLPick wrote:

Trials Fusion is a pretty good game. Infamous Second Son really shows off some impressive graphics (the facial movement is incredible). Rayman Legends is a great rerelease and MLB14 is a great baseball game (could have been better if it was just made for the PS4). Another great title is Tomb Raider...the graphics and lights are incredible in the game. The ones that I want to know if there any good is Drive Club and Middle Earth. I was disappointed in the Plants Vs Zombies Garden Warfare...not even close to the original strategy design

Driveclub has been fixed and it works 100%. With the dynamic weather it displays stunning visual (the only next gen graphics so far for any console, imho). The game is a sim-arcade, the gameplay is great and funny and it can be very tough (to me, is the dark souls of racing) to get all the stars. If you are looking for a circuit racer with a lot of replay values, great graphics and funny single/multiplayer (only online), go for it.

Mordor I didn't play, but is definitely in my radar, but I can't tell you anything about. Just that when I'll find it as bargain, I'll get it.

psn: markthesovver83 ; Nnid: arnoldlayne83

PSN: markthesovver83


In my own experience from my PS4 collection I would recommend:
inFamous Second Son
The Last Of Us


PSN: SillyBoyJudas

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