
Topic: General PSVR Thread

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@MaccaMUFC £6 isn't too bad so yeah skip Sony. I ordered mine before the ps5 was released and I can't remember getting any dispatch email or anything, it just turned up and it took a couple of weeks I think.
Enjoy VR worlds, I liked the luge, descent, odyssey (watch this as it has quite the reputation for making people ill...didn't bother me though ) and London heist (a game similar to Blood and Truth [fab game]). Didn't like Danger ball but then I don't really like that sort of thing in VR.

A couple of kid friendly games I'm playing at the moment, Moss book 1 and Table of Tales. The latter was very cheap in a recent sale so keep an eye on the sales as there have been some good deals. I suggest using a price tracker website such as platprices to see what prices have been in the past, I typically wait until it is that price again , or lower.



@CaptD Thanks I’ll keep an eye out for good deals on that platprices. The games I’ve got now are Blood and Truth, Farpoint, Skyrim VR, Doom 3 VR, Doom VFR, Walking Dead Onslaught and PSVR Worlds. We all don’t know how we are all going to get on with the PSVR as none of us have used a VR headset before so I may well of just wasted money if we all easily suffer from motion sickness, headaches etc. But hopefully we will all be fine with it (especially me!).

There is a couple of others I really want to try eventually and that’s Astro Bot Rescue Mission and Hitman but I need a duelshock 4 controller to play them and I’ve already spent quite a lot as it is. I’ll try out some demos and see if any will tempt me to buy the full game but I know for a fact that I won’t be into any of the rhythm type games like Beat Saber, Rez Infinite and Thumper. I doubt I’d even like Moss tbh but I’d try any of them out if they had demos to give them a chance.

Because I’m so late to PSVR I’m hoping I’m not going to be underwhelmed because I’ve been spoilt by 4K 60fps for years on a flatscreen. I get PSVR is all about immersion but for example I want to try out Driveclub VR but seen that people were complaining about how bad the graphics were and that was back in 2016! I can’t imagine how bad it has aged nearly 7 years later.



@MaccaMUFC that's true, for 4 it's probably worth it. Just getting to stand toe to toe with a Revenant was fairly awesome, even if the devs didn't give much thought to the controls.

On the other hand, I recommend Borderlands 2 as one of the best FPS available for PSVR. Most people will say Farpoint but those people are wrong. Still Doom 3 is right up there as well.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@MaccaMUFC Some top games there, Skyrim Vr is great. As is Farpoint and Blood and truth.

@zupertramp I would say that Farpoint is better.
However I haven't played Borderlands 2 Vr. 😛



So I got try out the PSVR for the very first time (it’s even my first VR experience) this morning but I’ve only played Ocean Descent so far since all the kids kept pestering me wanting to experience the PSVR for themselves. I did all three dives in Ocean Descent and I was impressed with it but I came out of it slightly disorientated with slight headache and sickness. Not a great sign when I’ve got fast paced games like Doom VFR to play yet!

Also I’ve been finding it’s a carry on having to keep adjusting the headset so the image isn’t all blurry. I’m practically having to rest the rear of the headset at the top back of my head but it doesn’t seem like it’s supposed to fit like that?

I’m going to try all the other games when the kids go to bed later tonight and try sort the fitting out before I really get into certain games like Doom 3, Blood & Truth etc.



@MaccaMUFC one thing I would say is that there's definitely a period of acclimation in regards to disorientation, headaches, etc. So it's kinda one of those things where if you push through some fairly unpleasant gaming sessions in the beginning, it really does get better. And by push through I mean keep giving it a try in short bursts, as opposed to continuing to play even when you feel sick.

As for the fit, I found that the pad in the front rode pretty high up in the front and the rear piece would be right above my neck. But that's something else too that just really took a bit to dial in. Eventually fitting it in the right location became second nature so I'm sure if you have some more time with it you'll get there. Unfortunately I'm now frustrated having to kind of re-learn all that with the new headset with new parameters.

[Edited by zupertramp]

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@zupertramp I don’t think I’m helping myself by playing longer sessions and having the movement controls set as smooth. Does having snap turning and teleportation really help with motion sickness, disorientation etc? Also does sitting down as opposed to standing help?

Last night I had games like Skyrim and Doom 3 movement set as smooth more for immersion as I think snap turning and teleportation really takes away the immersion but if it helps me feel better after sessions then I’d happily put it with it.

When using the headset the games can seem a bit grainy and blurry compared to what is shown on the tv which looks a lot better, is this normal or should the picture quality be the same?



@MaccaMUFC I tried using snap turning and teleportation but, like you, I kinda thought the whole point of VR was immersion and options like these just don't do it. So I strictly use smooth controls but I do find sitting in a swivel chair definitely helps strike a balance between immersion and comfort. And I really only tried sitting because I can be kinda lazy and hate standing in one spot for long periods but turns out it kinda helped mitigate VR sickness for me. Mine wasn't all that extreme to begin with though and yours doesn't sound that way either so maybe give seated play a try.

And I always felt that everything you play has a bit of a film over it like grainy or blurry so it definitely won't look as good as the TV but I found it to be a tolerable downgrade. I guess that's highly subjective so idk. But if it's too blurry that could just be an indication of not getting that sweet spot with the headset.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@zupertramp I’ve just came to the conclusion that PSVR just isn’t for me. I’ve felt like crap every day since using it despite using the comfort modes in all the games I’ve tried and I’m just not enjoying it anymore. I couldn’t even bring myself to finish the first missions in many of the games.

My kids are still enjoying it but for me I’ll be chalking it up as a lesson learned and never to purchase a PSVR2 in the future. I had fun with it at first but I soon grew to dislike it. I’ll only be sticking to traditional flatscreen gaming from now on.



@MaccaMUFC that's quite possible. it's a similar situation for my spouse. VR just isn't for her as the discomfort associated lasts hours after playing, even just for a few minutes.

One thing I would suggest though, is maybe just stay away from the first person titles. Much like @neonpizza said, it's unfortunate that's where all the emphasis is when some of the best games on the platform aren't first person. Like Moss and Astro Bot. So I don't know if you've tried those but they are up there with my favorites, behind maybe only Beat Saber which, while still first person, doesn't induce much disorientation at all. It's the one VR game even my wife plays.

But yeah, it would be cool if they could branch out to other perspectives. Like even just an isometric dungeon crawler could be really cool. Or more platformers like Astrobot. Or some third person stealth stuff. I mean, if it's fun in 2d it'll probably also be fun in 3d. So I'd like to see them mix it up a little.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@neonpizza @zupertramp I supposed it does make sense that the majority of games on PSVR 1&2 are in first person view given you can’t get much more immersive as seeing through the eyes of the characters your playing as but I agree they should of brought out more games from a third person perspective as we’d of still been immersed in their game world’s with the npc and surroundings being life sized in VR.

I was hoping the rumoured GTA (I think it was SA) was going to be made available on VR but obviously that didn’t happen because that alone would of been enough to convince me to purchase a PSVR or Quest 2 on it’s own.

I was really wanting to try Astro Bot Rescue Mission and Hitman but I would of needed a PS4 duelshock controller, which I was prepared to buy eventually but now that I’ve gone off PSVR completely I’ll never get to play them, which is a shame because I loved Astro’s Playroom when I first got my PS5 and being a Hitman fan since Codename 47 on PC back in 2000, I really wanted to literally play as Agent 47 on PSVR but I’m actually still recovering from using the headset hence why I’m never using it again.



I see Borderlands 2 Vr is on sale (£10...lowest it has been) and I'm tempted.
Has anyone here played it? I see some complaints on psnprofiles about it not functioning correctly on ps5 (jitterring). I will be playing on ps5 with Moves as I don't have an aim controller.

All thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks.
Ps. I really enjoyed Skyrim Vr with Moves and enjoy the big AAA experience even if they were originally flat games.



@CaptD only played it on PS4 pro with an Aim controller. Really good fun and the typical VR blurriness was slightly alleviated by the already fuzzy art style. I've yet to try any PSVR on the ps5. Too much work setting all that up lol.

PSN: frownonfun
Switch: SW-5109-6573-1900 (Pops)

"One of the unloveliest and least enlightening aspects of contemporary discourse is the tendency to presume that whatever one disagrees with must be very simple—not only simple, but also simply wrong." - Elizabeth Bruenig


@zupertramp Cheers, I've had my psvr plugged into the ps5 for a couple of years now and it works quite well.
I think I will buy Borderlands 2, the only hesitation was that I played the hell out of the flat version but a game always changes its feel in Vr so hopefully it will feel fairly newish.
Anyway at least it will tide me over till the psvr 2 library has a few more triple A games, I'm waiting to see what Resident evil 4 Vr mode is like...I'm guessing the full base game but you can never count on anything these days it seems.
Oh and a few more psvr1 ports.



I just got a PSVR2 at Gamestop yesterday. I love it so far.
I played Resi 8, Zenith, and the tutorial of Pavlov.
Resi 8 is intense and looks fantastic, definitely a triple AAA game. It's no doubt amazing. It both provided the extra clarity I wanted while leaving me wanting a little bit more, but not enough to complain in any serious manner.
The Werewolf chase at the start at the start was terrifying in VR, and I've never played it flat so this my first playthrough.
Zenith was much more relaxing and provided just the upgrade I was looking for. Tracking was so much better the clarity looked great with the game's simpler art style. If just felt more comfortable and less taxing on my eyes to play. That applies to everything I played, but Zenith definitely felt like an "easier VR experience" than Resi 8 in terms of how taxing it was.
I also have to note that using the headset rumble when gliding in Zenith to replicate the wind is a really cool idea. The haptics in general are fantastic so far.

I also have Deemeo, but I haven't tried it. I have plenty of VR games on my wishlist, but don't want to overload myself on games.

I feel like the sweet spot isn't that big of an issue, but I do question if I could have it be a bit better having read far too many reddit threads on it before I got mine. Regardless it's still a big upgrade. If I have text closer to my face in Resi 8 I find it hard to read (but moving it away makes it very clear). Is that normal?

[Edited by Jaz007]



Perp Showcase today at 6pm BST if anyone is interested.
IGN is showcasing the stream.



Resident evil 4 will be playable in VR at the Tokyo game show.


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