
Topic: Elden Ring rant

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I just bought Elden Ring in the ps store sale for my digital ps5. I’m new to PlayStation and pretty much gaming in general but have enjoyed a wide variety of games this year.
HOWEVER, I live in Japan and Japanese is my second language. While I speak Japanese all day, I prefer to play games in English to unwind at the end of the day.
Getting to the point of this post -
Elden Ring has NO language options?!
All I want is for at least the menus to be in English, but no can do. I’ve played so many games this year and I don’t remember having this problem before.
Yes, the characters are speaking English in the game, but I’m hard of hearing so rely heavily on subtitles - which are only Japanese in ER. So with cut scenes I’m sometimes struggling to keep up.
I want to think of this as just an added challenge, but unfortunately it’s mostly just immersion breaking.
It’s mostly the menus that are a headache.
I’ll keep at it though because it does seem like an amazing game.
Looking online I’m definitely not the only one who is baffled by the lack of language options and people have contacted FromSoftware about it - but I guess FS don’t care.
Thank you for coming to my rant

Edit: my post has been moved to help, but I know there isn’t really a solution a - I just wanted to rant

Edited on by Kyushutrail



Hardly a rant 😅 you’re good.

I wondered about this as well, as I am learning French right now. If I’m not mistaken, the only way to resolve this on PS5 is to switch your system settings prior to playing the game. The problem with that of course is that it’s a global function, and will apply to all your apps and games, at least for text. As for FS not caring, I think this is actually a publisher issue. It is up to Bandai Namco, Square Enix, etc., in properly localizing a game’s content to various regions, not the development studio in most cases. But maybe they don’t care, could be lol.

Don’t think any of this helps, just saying I feel for you, and it’s something a lot of first party games in Western studios have made strides in. I’m playing A Plague Tale Requiem right now, and the support for multiple languages is incredible. Voice, text, UI are all separate, which is excellent for learning a language or simply switching with ease. For instance, voice and subtitles are in French, but tutorial prompts are in English, so I can still understand how to play while learning the game’s world in another language. Also, the game kicks @$$ in French, phenomenal voice work.

Hopefully one day, maybe the next FS game, will have something closer to the seamless language accessibility I described above. One can dream

Edited on by Enriesto



@Enriesto Thanks! My system settings are already set to English. Usually when I start up a game because my system is set to English the game will automatically be set to English so I was surprised when Elden Ring loaded up in Japanese with no way to change it

Still, I’m actually playing right this moment and enjoying the combat. Demon’s Souls had English language options but I know that was remade by Bluepoint (?) so maybe I need to wait for them to remake Elden Ring lol

A Plague Tale Requiem is on my wishlist! I’m not surprised it has good language options because all the games I’ve played this year so far have, too. I don’t see why ER wouldn’t


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